IRC log of #cubox of Fri 12 Oct 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

05:41 neofob my sketchy dependency graph to build glusterfs on CuBox
07:30 Coolg33k hi there !
20:26 ruud_cubox Just received it. Proud owner!
20:28 ruud_cubox Small questions. How do I attach the serial? Is it part of the USB?
20:32 neofob ruud_cubox: it's a micro usb (same cable for most cellphone, kindle...)
20:33 neofob ruud_cubox: you can use putty to see the terminal
20:43 ruud_cubox Well, allready quite on my way: inserted the SD card in a reader to enable dhcp on ethernet (IMHO, this should be part of the standard image...). Currently compiling the kernel to reduce the memory footprint of the video.
20:43 ruud_cubox Trying to build a replacement for my NSLU2 based mail-server/nas.
20:45 ruud_cubox BTW:
20:45 ruud_cubox Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
20:45 ruud_cubox Welcome to Ubuntu!
20:45 ruud_cubox * Documentation:
20:45 ruud_cubox New release 'precise' available.
20:45 ruud_cubox Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
20:45 ruud_cubox I guess I will be pushing my luck if I run it....
20:45 ruud_cubox anyone dared to try?
21:07 Coolg33k no, archlinux here