IRC log of #cubox of Thu 22 Nov 2012. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:13 dung nice :)
02:59 dbsx Hi folks, I have to give a CuBox demo (very brief). Any recommendations for software and sample video for the demo?
03:15 ptl dbsx: ubuntu 10.04 with xbmc?
08:08 ralix morning
10:22 ralix I am looking for a pvr-backend, mythbackend or tvheadend? tvheadend can unfortunately no timeshift: Which uses a Cubox really as pvr?
10:25 cbxbiker61 tvheadend works well for me, although i'm not running it on the cubox
10:26 ralix Do you use timeshift?
10:26 cbxbiker61 i've got two dual tuners handled by tvheadend, so you can see that recording 4 streams at a time could be quite bandwidth intensive
10:27 cbxbiker61 recording and viewing later works good, although pausing a live stream is not implemented yet
10:27 ralix Important to me that would be fast forward and back.
10:27 cbxbiker61 fast forward and back is working well for me now
10:28 ralix Too bad: (
10:28 ralix pausing pause is very important to me
10:28 cbxbiker61 when i first started using tvheadend, fast forward and back didn't work well, but it's been working very well lately
10:29 cbxbiker61 yeah, i think pausing live stream is quite high on their todo list, probably next version
10:30 ralix Damn. I will then try mythbackend. Thank you for your inquiry.
10:31 ralix I hope it runs smoothly on the Cubox
10:40 _rmk_ shesselba: this is Mark Brown's response to your problem of devices for asoc:
10:40 _rmk_ 06:18 < broonie> rmk: Just don't put it into the device tree and instantiet it from code.
10:40 _rmk_ 06:20 < broonie> rmk: This affects essentially every platform, the trick is to not have a 1:1 mapping between DT devices and objects ASoC can see.
10:43 _rmk_ I don't think Mark quite gets it with where we're trying to head in general with stuff like DT
11:02 N30N ralix: I had tvheadend runing on my cubox, it used about 15% cpu to steam hd channels.
11:04 ralix Super. Last time I had problems with HD channels. Very very stutters and somehow ne wrong resolution.
11:04 ralix Do you use Archlinux?
11:05 ralix Forget, you've got the build for xbmc in aur ;-)
12:01 ralix What is the difference between the openssl and openssl-cryptodev. With openssl-cryptodev I get an error of yaourt.
12:04 N30N ralix: see
12:04 ralix ah ok, thx :)
12:41 ralix N30N, Did you compile yourself from the aur (tvheadend)?
12:47 N30N ralix: sure did.
12:49 ralix Ok I thought so, I regret to make at home because "distcc server" is not on.
14:29 _rmk_ shesselba: I think I'm going to convert sound/soc/kirkwood to a pure ALSA device; ASoC imposes this artificial split between DMA and non-DMA stuff which is absurd for hardware where the two are integrated together (like kirkwood)
17:28 shesselba _rmk_: but isn't the plus of asoc to have "plugable" codecs, i.e. spdif-tx on cubox, alc5630 on d2plug, ...?
17:39 _rmk_ shesselba: yes, but I'm not sure that its worth this amount of pain...
17:39 _rmk_ what I'm hoping is that Mark will reply to that email, and then Linus will jump on him.
17:40 _rmk_ and then Mark will have to fix ASoC to be sensible.
17:40 _rmk_ I can't think of any other way to make Mark see sense.
17:41 shesselba hehe, either way you always need a specific stub (asoc) or card (alsa) for each board you have.. I haven't looked into asoc details recently but IIRC that that was what I wondered about when I first touched kirkwood-i2s
17:41 jnettlet ASoC is such the pain. We just went 10 rounds with it to get it from dealing with our codec and hardware in a semi sensible way.
17:42 _rmk_ oh, asoc is pretty adamant that the dma part _will_ be an entirely separate driver from the rest of the interface.
17:42 _rmk_ it was purposely designed like that to stop people writing all-in-one drivers because of the few platforms where the two are separate entities
17:42 jnettlet most important thing to remember is don't go fiddling with registers outside the framework. If the cached state gets confused you are doomed
17:44 jnettlet yep snd_dmaengine_pcm...hurrah
17:45 _rmk_ yea, that's the real answer to the problem of dma-separate-from-interface hardware
17:46 _rmk_ instead, we have a botched subsystem which enforces one model on everything, and it really doesn't work for DT
17:46 _rmk_ I don't think asoc would need any stubs - you just need a way to specify the attached codec in DT - ASoC already provides the infrastructure to hook that up.
17:47 _rmk_ ASoC does get some things right :)
17:48 jnettlet _rmk_, we are specifying the codec in device-tree
17:49 jnettlet We have setup codec-node, cpu-dai-node, and platform-node
17:49 _rmk_ I have noticed; but it also pushes the enforced artificial split of DMA (aka platform) vs interface (aka CPU DAI) into DT as well, which is broken.
17:50 _rmk_ you write DT for the hardware, not for the software implementation.
17:52 _rmk_ but then... Mark doesn't get a lot of things in the kernel; he's been humiliated by GregKH over ASoCs struct device handing and refuses to fix it... (basically ASoC potentially frees in-use memory)
17:52 _rmk_ I even sent him patches to fix it, he won't apply them though because "it might break"
17:53 jnettlet ASoC just seems way to fragile
17:53 _rmk_ and inflexible
17:53 jnettlet but then the hardware it is trying to support is built every which way but the way they did it last time
17:53 _rmk_ jnettlet: did you manage to understand the dapm stuff?
17:54 jnettlet _rmk_, 80%...there are definitely still bits I am not sure why they work.
17:54 jnettlet it is not my main focus so I only dabble when extra eyes are needed
17:55 _rmk_ I looked at it from the uda1341 perspective... and gave up; codec implementations of that stuff are very hap-hazard
17:56 jnettlet and from what I understand you are supposed to move machine specific implementations out into the init code, but that seems very redundant and confusing.
17:57 jnettlet Our thing is we need to set mic-bias only when recording because we have a LED tied to it, vs most other users of the codecs just enable all the BIAS registers at once.
17:58 jnettlet I am lucky enough(?) to own a second device that uses the rt5631 Transformer Prime.
18:02 _rmk_ well, I have patches which move most of kirkwood-dma.c into kirkwood-i2s.c, and make it either use the 'platform' asoc hooks or the 'cpu-dai' asoc hooks
18:02 _rmk_ I also have three patches which gets rid of that prdata thing
18:03 _rmk_ sound/soc/kirkwood/kirkwood.h | 2 +
18:03 _rmk_ 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
18:04 jnettlet nice...are you pushing those upstream, or waiting for the dust to settle?
18:04 _rmk_ I think I'll wait and see what happens first :)
18:04 _rmk_ I've not yet done anything but build-tested them so far either
18:20 _rmk_ ah, of course, it's thanksgiving day in the US, so it might be a day or so before Linus replies
18:21 ptl my second CuBox just arrived \o/
18:35 _rmk_ the 2GB version?
20:00 ptl _rmk_: is there such a version???
20:10 jnettlet ptl, it is in the works.
20:56 ptl jnettlet: is it on sale yet?
21:04 ptl ok
21:04 ptl now I want to buy it :(
21:04 ptl please tell me how to do it
21:30 shesselba _rmk_: feel free to send me patches for dma->i2s .. I ll add DT on top and can functionally test it
22:11 jnettlet ptl, It is just in development
23:16 ptl jnettlet: :(
23:16 ptl want
23:16 ptl want want want
23:19 _rmk_ oi, you've already got two.
23:19 _rmk_ leave some for the rest of us!