IRC log of #cubox of Thu 28 Mar 2013. All times are in CET < Back to index

03:42 dbsx cbxbiker61: On the SD card front, have you seen
03:57 cbxbiker61 dbsx, yeah i've seen those, but not used them
03:59 cbxbiker61 automatically removing uploaded images is new, since i last looked at them
04:00 cbxbiker61 i have a canon with using chdk firmware, chdk is pretty cool
04:02 cbxbiker61 i update my chdk firmware every 6 to 12 months, they've progressed really nicely since i first used it
04:02 cbxbiker61 now they use overlays to do more functionality within the limited ram of a camera
11:36 rabeeh dbsx: ping
12:51 dv_ am I right to assume that hardfp is generally preferred/recommended for the cubox, instead of softfp?
12:52 dv_ the newer vivante EGL drivers are hardfp, the newer vmeta stuff is hardfp, and the older IPP software-only decoders are softfp (and probably can be replaced with ffmpeg anyway)
14:16 dbsx rabeeh: hello