IRC log of #cubox of Fri 03 Jan 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:01 obinou_ gk802 obviously, and also another project I work on, it's a RC plane
00:01 obinou_ with one of those DIMM-like format daughterboard
00:01 obinou_ (lemme check the picture...)
00:03 obinou_ rabeeh: this :
00:04 obinou_ when inside the plane, the imx6 is used to stream video to ground, and the temperature slowly rise up to 90?C , when the thermal safety engage and make the board really slow
00:05 rabeeh you are building a carrier for this?
00:05 obinou_ for now a redesign of the plane's body is under work to make an airflow intake
00:05 obinou_ we did one carrier board for it, yes
00:06 obinou_ with SATA/3G modem/wifi link , and vaious camera connection, including ethernet giga
00:06 rabeeh so it's a big RC plane
00:06 rabeeh CuBox-i uses the SolidRun microSOM
00:07 obinou_ and even an (optional) satellite link that use the iridium network (speek of many $$$)
00:07 obinou_ The plane is quite big, yes : 2m winspan
00:07 rabeeh a 2"x1" and uses integrated aluminum heatsink and dissipates everything inside a closed plastic body
00:08 rabeeh it's actually a heat spreader rather than heatsink
00:09 obinou_ ok, so the cubox body stays quite hot while working ?
00:10 rabeeh if running quad core memtester; the gpu, ethernet at gig link and wifi it reaches ~80c after 45minutes of work (that's the max)
00:10 rabeeh and that's one of the most leaky imx6 devices
00:11 obinou_ 80?C the die, or the body !!!?
00:11 rabeeh by leaky i mean it has highest current leakage (that's process deviations in silicon)
00:11 rabeeh die
00:11 obinou_ ok
00:11 obinou_ (i feel better :-) )
00:11 rabeeh :)
00:12 rabeeh body can go up to 50 to 55c
00:12 rabeeh feels warm+
00:12 rabeeh a bit hot
00:12 obinou_ do you know if Freescale intend to release future imx6 quad version that heat less ?
00:12 rabeeh but that's me since i have sensitive hands
00:12 obinou_ ok
00:12 obinou_ I mean that still quite hot for general public
00:13 rabeeh 55c on plastic is nothing
00:13 rabeeh the allowed specifications for plastic material is 65c
09:53 tricorn Ubuntu image that was just uploaded appears to be short, doesn't match md5
10:00 sickness little question: are the SABRE Lite and Nitrogen6X boards like the cubox-i ? would it be easy to port on cubox-i since it already supports those boards?
10:03 tricorn they both use the imx6 SoC, so I'd think they'd be pretty much compatible
10:05 jnettlet sickness, somebody was already working on porting BSD to the cubox-i. He is not signed in right now. I would check the forums
10:05 jnettlet sickness, the big holdup is that BSD does not want to use device-tree files licensed under the GPL.
10:07 tricorn so what's with the ubuntu image that was just uploaded, appears to be corrupted
10:09 jnettlet tricorn, perhaps it is still uploading
10:10 tricorn then it's been stalled for a few hours
10:10 jnettlet or it is a very slow upstream pipe
10:36 sickness jnettlet: tnx for the info! :) I did read about porting on the cubox on the ml, but it was a different hardware, anyway if the SOC is the same and there's already a port, maybe they can do without gpl device-tree files...
10:49 xraxor_ tricorn: the Debian image was also bad yesterday, size was only 71mb, today is 400mb, so maybe just wait a bit, im not sure tho
15:04 rabeeh xraxor_: ubuntu upload got interrupt yesterday; i'm reuploading back again
15:05 rabeeh the reason you are have seen partial debian is that because of the servers rsync.
16:24 xraxor_ tested the Debian image :D
16:25 xraxor_ great, video playback smoother than geexbox lastest img in my opinion
16:25 xraxor_ played 1080p very smooth, dnt know about the frames as dnt know how to work with the yet
16:30 rabeeh xraxor_: what?
16:30 rabeeh oh; that's using dv_ new gstreamer plugins :)
16:30 rabeeh dv_: you'v earned a point from an end user
16:31 rabeeh xraxor_: and is it using 60hz refresh rate too?
16:31 rabeeh it probably doesn't do the switch too.
16:35 rabeeh xraxor_: which player do you use?
16:39 hste xraxor__ cp the /home/debian/ to /usr/local/bin
16:42 hste xraxor_ Download and put it in /usr/share/applications/owl.desktop
16:43 hste xraxor_ Then u should find it in the audio video section
16:44 hste rabeeh: yes I saw your post :)
16:59 xraxor_ thanks
17:00 xraxor_ i opened the files with
17:01 xraxor_ seems like i confused you guys sorry...will do more test once i get home.
17:02 xraxor_ the way i opened was by clicking on video i wanted to play, and the open with what program windows came up, theres an option there saying open program with command and i typed ./ and voila it opened it :)
17:05 hste That program uses the gstreamer-0.10. To use the dv_ gstreamer-1.0 you have to use the wher you have to use the full path to the media file
17:15 xraxor_ rabeeh: im at work so didnt check that, will try on my TV once i get home. thanks guys
20:34 hste rabeeh: I have made a lxde version of jas-hacks_ jessie rootfs