IRC log of #cubox of Tue 11 Feb 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:26 shadeslayer anyone have an idea if I can pre order a red cubox? :)
00:26 shadeslayer I distinctly recall seeing one on
01:25 cbxbiker61 shadeslayer, newegg is taking orders on a red cubox-i, the two high end models don't appear to have the red option yet
01:29 deadweasel um, what is a cubox?
01:46 pahartik deadweasel: "SolidRun CuBox" is compact computer with with ARM architecture
01:47 deadweasel would it make a nice always on irc client/file server?
01:48 pahartik deadweasel: Sure it would
01:49 deadweasel holy crap look at those ports! i could run my video off here + torrnts (of arm.iso's)
01:50 deadweasel thanks!
01:50 pahartik deadweasel: Ethernet, eSATA, TOSLINK, USB and HDMI... And serial port console
01:54 deadweasel what's a common image to run on these? does it have stock ARM?
01:57 pahartik deadweasel: I run "Debian GNU/Linux armhf" with custom kernel
01:59 deadweasel i just preordered. :) thanks pahartik !
02:03 pahartik deadweasel: How come you ended up on this channel before knowing what "CuBox" is?
07:32 viperZ28 I just received my Cubox
07:32 viperZ28 Has anyone tried running Plex media server?
07:37 jnettlet viperZ28, You may be able to use it in streaming only mode, but it won't support hardware accelerated transcoding.
07:37 viperZ28 Xmbc a better choice then?
07:38 jnettlet yes there are a couple of ready packaged distros, XBMC and another whose name escapes me.
07:38 skynat has anyone come across a good guide to geting the harware to work with arch on a I4pro (hdmisound wifi etc...)
07:40 jnettlet it would be best to check the forums, not too many ARCH guys on irc. Occasionally they pop up here and there.
07:41 skynat Ya Im starting to find out most of the ARCH guys are pridy silent must be all the extra configs thay have to wright! :)
07:42 skynat I whant to use my Cubox as a workstasion at work but All I have so far is a gui nothing else
07:56 pahartik jnettlet: What seems to be current status of Linux kernel (3.10 and 3.13) drivers?
07:58 jnettlet pahartik, we are working on it.
07:59 pahartik jnettlet: Very good
12:52 shadeslayer cbxbiker61: and I want the high end model :)
17:11 shadeslayer rabeeh: hi, any chance of a red cubox?
19:29 matoking The item was sent from Israel to Finland two days ago and I just noticed it has been sent to the nearest post office
19:29 matoking Nice to see that the shipping is fast even if there were delays on getting to that
20:16 viperZ28 When I first received my Cubox I plugged it in and tried to connect to my wifi at home, the connection seemed very intermittent. Anyone else having this issue?
20:16 viperZ28 it would connect, then drop, connect, drop
20:35 MikeSeth rabeeh: poke
20:35 MikeSeth viperZ28: I had this problem with NetworkManager, but not with wicd
20:36 MikeSeth the current kernel's wireless drivers are problematic, the 3.10+ ones are far better
21:14 rabeeh MikeSeth: here
21:18 MikeSeth rabeeh: bit of a problem with your mailserver it seems
21:18 MikeSeth NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 450 4.7.1 : Helo command rejected: Host not found; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo=
21:19 MikeSeth its configured to identify as a non-existent host
21:19 MikeSeth this is an extra standard check, but it's used by many
21:19 rabeeh good catch; i'll forward... thanks
21:19 MikeSeth welcome