IRC log of #cubox of Tue 17 Jun 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

05:41 Byan hey guys. I see that it says the port multipliers are supported. Do you know port multipler board I shoudl get/
05:42 Byan I couldn't find any examples of actually working setups
13:32 schribl Does somebody use the cubox as a NAS?
13:38 nik^spotify schribl: I am
13:39 schribl nik^spotify: Do you use an external eSATA enclosure?
13:39 nik^spotify yep
13:54 schribl nik^spotify: With multiple bays?
14:05 cbxbiker61__ schribl, here i'll make it easy for you
14:05 cbxbiker61__ ST-SAN-TR5M6G works and as a bonus has a 6GBit backplane
14:10 nik^spotify schribl: no, just one drive
14:10 nik^spotify but yeah, that link looks pretty badass
14:10 nik^spotify also has a lot of nice enclosures
14:25 rabeeh too expensive IMHO
19:36 MarcusVinter Hello people.
19:42 malte hi
19:58 MarcusVinter I have a quick question thats unrelated to cubox, but should be fairly simple for one of you guys. I've got a board I'm hacking into here and soldered some wired to what appears to be TX and RX of the board. I get u-boot in nice plain text at 115200 baud but once it leaves u-boot and starts to load the kernel it turns to gibberish. Any ideas why I can read this?
20:00 jnettlet MarcusVinter, how have you been?
20:00 jnettlet what program are you using to read the serial port? screen, minicom?
20:01 jnettlet usually gibberish is because the baud rate is bad. u-boot and the kernel can configure it differently which is why it probably works with one and not the other
20:04 MarcusVinter Good jnettlet, very good. Yourself? yeah I thought the baud rate too. So is it possible for the kernel to have a different baud rate to u-boot?
20:04 MarcusVinter I'm using realterm, but I tried putty initially.
20:05 jnettlet MarcusVinter, yes u-boot and the kernel initialize the uart separately and provide console output in different ways
20:06 MarcusVinter Its not a device that wants to be broken into. Is it possible that they somehow encrypted the communication from serial?
20:07 jnettlet certainly
20:08 MarcusVinter Thats a big shame. This board even had a tracking module that I had to de solder lol.
20:09 MarcusVinter U boot doesnt give any interrupt time really. I think its set to 0 seconds. Is there any way I can still interrupt the kernel and get back to u-boot?
20:11 MarcusVinter My oscilloscope is too crappy to read the baud rate from the screen :/
20:14 jmontleon hmmm hdmi output does not seem to work at all now in 3.16-rc1
20:14 jmontleon that seems a step back