IRC log of #cubox of Thu 28 Jul 2016. All times are in CEST < Back to index

03:14 _unreal_ yay got arch/lxde working
15:05 topi` size or side? :)
15:06 topi` about media playback.. does mplayer / mpv work correctly with i.mx6 video acceleration?
15:06 topi` or should I just absolutely use gstreamer?
15:06 topi` my colleagues have some unhealthy attraction towards mpv...
15:10 jnettlet topi`, no mplayer/mpv does not have any support for the iMX6 VPU. developers talked about adding it but nothing materialized
15:11 jnettlet really gstreamer is the way to go. dv_ has done a fantastic job writing the gstreamer-1.0 plugins for it.
15:12 dv_ :>
15:12 topi` fair enough. I can create a wrapper script that can be called as "mpv" which in reality just invokes gst-launch ;)
15:19 topi` damn. No plugin for video/x-h264
15:19 jnettlet you don't need one. That is hardware accelerated
15:19 jnettlet so the imx plugins should handle it
15:20 topi` hm, why does gst-launch complain about that...
15:20 topi` on the other hand, most .mp4 files play just fine
15:20 topi` i'll investigate the files
15:25 topi` I think I was missing videoparsersbad
15:25 topi` now that I installed *plugins-bad, h264 works
15:58 topi` glxgears seems to be very slow (4fps), am I missing a package?
15:58 topi` glxinfo reports Direct rendering:YES
15:59 topi` hmm, "AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable"
16:01 topi` hmm, I installed xserver-xorg-video-imx-viv but I believe this is using the framebuffer driver
16:03 topi` ignore this - it seems xserver-xorg-imx-viv was not installed (something must have dropped it)
16:05 topi` now, MUCH better
16:24 jnettlet great
16:44 topi` now my only remaining problem is that it seems webkit is decoding 1280x720 jpegs slowly.. or maybe this is because of missing caching
16:47 topi` it was Xorg, not webkit that was eating 80% cpu
16:47 topi` odd, odd.
16:50 jnettlet topi`, does webkit hook into gstreamer? I know with chromium we have a patchset to accelerate this, also done by dv_ :)
16:51 jnettlet jpegs can be but shouldn't be accelerated. They should actually be rendered by libjpeg-turbo that uses neon to accelerate the decoding.
16:51 jnettlet 1280x720 jpegs should render in NEON in milliseconds
16:52 topi` I haven't been able(yet) to successfully compile CEF (chromium embedding framework)
16:53 topi` we produce kiosk-like systems
16:53 jnettlet topi`, okay well it should. I am in a conference now and can point you at the patches.
16:53 topi` jnettlet: I agree, NEON can decode jpegs pretty quickly. I identified the CPU was consumed by Xorg, so not related to jpeg decoding.
16:53 jnettlet I am working with a couple of people using Tizen and Crosswalk to do kiosk systems
16:54 topi` jnettlet: if you know of any blog post that has a walkthrough to compiling CEF on debian...
16:55 jnettlet I can have Artox, package it if you would find it useful. We already build something similar for node.js
16:56 topi` a year ago, I tried to compile CEF but failed miserably. Hence I settled for webkit with python bindings
16:56 topi` that is pretty easy to bend to any kind of needs
16:56 topi` except the video playback is not HW accelerated