IRC log of #cubox of Thu 19 Jul 2012. All times are in CEST

18:50 [Ammo]_ cbxbiker61: updated to your latst xbmcpvr and it now segfaults in the menus :(
18:57 [Ammo]_ crashlog and core: and xbmc.core
19:16 cbxbiker61 Ammo:
19:17 cbxbiker61 wasn't sure if we were going to run into incompatibilities with libstdc++ from Gcc-4.7+, but it looks like we have
19:41 [Ammo]_ ok, downloadin, but its slow. this morning download was fast. weird
19:42 cbxbiker61 iker61> i just put the gcc package up, so the cache servers haven't had a chance to cache it yet
19:43 cbxbiker61 i'm working on a way for my xbmc systems to "reserve" bandwidth from my traffic control system, and release it back when they don't need it
19:44 av_jui hi
19:44 cbxbiker61 that way i can have the best of both worlds, my video streams get bandwidth when required, and my web server gets as much as possible most of the time
19:45 [Ammo]_ or find some friendly opensource hsters
19:45 [Ammo]_ hosters
19:45 av_jui @cbxbiker61 can you please help me with my problem
19:46 Coolgeek cbxbiker61: need QoS ?
19:47 cbxbiker61 Coolgeek, my traffic control machines is using qos
19:47 [Ammo]_ I can ask the if they want to rsync your stuff
19:48 [Ammo]_ they do it for a ton of dstros already
19:49 [Ammo]_ damn this shity cheap wireless keyboard it keeps missing keys
19:49 cbxbiker61 av_jui, you might want to repartion/reformat/reinstall if you can't get the fsck to run clean on the Ubuntu box
19:51 av_jui I have reinstall Cubox like wiki 2 times and fsck run in ubuntu. So reinstall is not a option
19:55 [Ammo] cbxbiker61: any idea when the cache servers might be up-to-date? :)
19:55 [Ammo] or should I struggle on with my 7h download
19:59 cbxbiker61 the cache servers work on demand (unless I manually prime them). I'll allocate more bandwidth to my web server now. that should help
20:00 cbxbiker61 it'll be nice when i can get the bandwidth management automated
20:05 cbxbiker61 ok, more bandwidth allocated to the webserver now
20:06 cbxbiker61 Ammo, yes just let the download run, that's how the cache get's primed for the next user
20:06 [Ammo] ok, will do :)
20:07 av_jui @cbxbiker6l Is there nothing i can test?
20:07 [Ammo] it's go and stop download though
20:07 [Ammo] but the wife wants to see a movie anyway, so I can spend some time away from fiddling :)
20:08 cbxbiker61 there's about 30 requests running right now to the cache servers, so the have to split the bandwidth
20:10 rmull cbxbiker61: Do you need a mirror? I can supply one.
20:11 rmull It's just a ubuntu mirror at the moment
20:14 cbxbiker61 rmull, the main "problem" is that the originating web server only has about 900Kbit upload speed, so when the cache server's get requests for files that aren't in their cache, that have to get it over the 700Kbit that I have allocated to the webserver.
20:15 cbxbiker61 so at the moment i'm working on my automatic bandwidth allocation based on need
20:17 cbxbiker61 in the future, when I do a big drop, i'll preload the cache server and everyone should see good download speed
20:20 rmull okay
20:20 rmull I don't run xilka, but I like that you're helping cubox support get there :)