IRC log of #cubox of Mon 23 Jul 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

03:38 Punkley hmm gstreamer folks, is there anyway to use playbin2, about-to-finish and not have vmetadec spit out errors that it is in use?
05:16 cbxbiker61 i'm listening to pink floyd by way of my cubox attached to my onkyo receiver, sounds great
05:23 Punkley :)
06:43 Sage 06:43 * Sage_ ponders what provides: cannot find -lGAL
06:47 Sage_ ah, libgfx
08:08 Punkley I-GAL I-GAL I-GAL talking boat I-Gaaaalll I-GAL
08:30 Coolgeek someone are really mad...
09:08 KaZeR_W hi there
09:10 cbxbiker61 hey
09:18 KaZeR_W cbxbiker61, my xilka-light version is sitting at 260M used -> you are talking of RAM usage?
09:19 cbxbiker61 yep, it looks like the disk usage is going to be right at 1G
09:20 cbxbiker61 i could make it less, but i don't think it's worth it
09:20 cbxbiker61 if i leave debug info in xbmc, i'll get good dumps when there is a fault
09:24 KaZeR_W yeah 1G is fine for me. >8G was really too much :)
09:51 dv505 Sage_: did you get anywhere with the HW accelerated drivers? Here's what I did:
09:52 dv505 from the log everything seems to work (no errors and everything loads), but framerate is 0.1FPS ;-)
09:52 dv505 so clearly something is still wrong
09:53 Sage_ dv505: well, didn't have time to finish. but got it almost done yes
09:53 Sage_ packaging wise that is
09:54 dv505 hope you get some better results