IRC log of #cubox of Tue 24 Jul 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:12 chrism cbxbiker61: which xbmc sources do you use for xilka?
00:14 cbxbiker61 ##SOURCE[0]: git:// + patches
00:15 chrism thanks
07:01 toyowheelin is this the channel for solidrun cubox?
07:05 cbxbiker61 yep
07:08 toyowheelin wow more people than I though
07:08 toyowheelin *thought
07:09 toyowheelin I am thinking about buying one
07:09 cbxbiker61 what use?
07:10 toyowheelin I was going to use it for xbmc
07:10 cbxbiker61 ic, i'm releasing Xilka-x which is a version specifically for xbmc in the next few hours
07:11 toyowheelin nice
07:11 toyowheelin oooh just found xilka on the wiki
07:11 toyowheelin I like kde
07:12 cbxbiker61 yeah, the full xilka install has pretty much everything, but take about 16G
07:14 toyowheelin not too bad if you use an e-sata drive
07:15 cbxbiker61 hehe, i have 2 32G SD cards and one 64G
07:16 cbxbiker61 i've got a spare SSD, maybe in the future i'll plug it into the cubox and check performance
07:16 toyowheelin yeah it would make an interesting wiki topic
07:17 toyowheelin I think the device in general would make an interesting topic at defcon, the security field could have fun with this thing
07:18 cbxbiker61 my distro takes full advantage of the hardware crypto engine
07:18 toyowheelin nice
07:18 toyowheelin yeah thats a good feature to have
07:20 toyowheelin it would be awesome to get backtrack-linux ported to arm7
07:25 cbxbiker61 a quick scan and it looks like they don't make the source of their tools available
07:27 toyowheelin its ok I found they already have an arm version of BT5
07:27 toyowheelin haha
07:28 toyowheelin if it works with the cubox or not is another question
07:28 toyowheelin :P
07:40 toyowheelin kinda surprised there are not more videos on youtube about the cubox
11:02 yaayaa hi. are there archlinux on cubox users here ?
11:02 Coolgeek yup
11:03 yaayaa cool :) I trye to get xbmc running on it. What's your advice ?
11:03 Coolgeek hmm
11:03 Coolgeek try more :)
11:03 Coolgeek didn't succed
11:04 Coolgeek I wait for a git and drivers that are fully functionnal under arch
11:04 yaayaa ok. wise. and what video player can handle hardware acc. I tried mplayer but I got a x264 missing codec error
11:05 Coolgeek it seems to me that hardware decode is handle by gstreamer or vmeta (depend on the video player)
11:07 yaayaa ok thks
12:42 zajiczech hello, is here anybody who could help me with xilka distro?
12:43 Coolgeek zajiczech: maybe cbxbiker61
12:43 zajiczech i hope so :-)
13:45 [freenode-info 13:45 ! [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support:
14:13 KaZeR_W zajiczech, on the other hand, just ask your question, maybe someone else than cbxbiker61 can help
14:15 zajiczech after upgrading kernel from 3.4.2 to 3.4.5, my wireless kb with touchpad (logitech k400) stopped working, i've got some help from cxbiker61 on the forum, but it doesn't work
14:16 zajiczech tried to blacklist creating /etc/modprobe.d/hid_logitech.conf with a line "blacklist hid_logitech"
14:16 zajiczech I've also tried to change /usr/libexec/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rules to: KERNEL=="hiddev*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c52b" with no success.
14:16 zajiczech from lsusb i get Bus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
14:16 KaZeR_W the kernel version is the only thing you changed before it breaks?
14:17 zajiczech yep
14:17 zajiczech i'm trying to revert to 3.4.2 now but it takes ages to download
14:17 zajiczech also tried 3.4.6, no luck
14:19 KaZeR_W do you have a link to cbxbiker61's post?
14:19 KaZeR_W rabeeh, are you around?
14:19 KaZeR_W i have a (some) questions regarding your patches and the X driver
14:21 zajiczech it's the 6th post on page, but he only wrote to blacklist the hid_logitech
14:22 KaZeR_W if you do a lsmod on the cubox, the module isn't loaded, right?
14:22 zajiczech and i've also tried this one the 5th, where he writes about the KERNEL="....
14:23 zajiczech bnep 9315 2 bluetooth 170220 7 bnep rfkill 8809 2 bluetooth hid_logitech_dj 8823 0
14:39 zajiczech is there any way to load that module? insmod or something like that? sorry i'm not an experienced user, it's been several years since i used linux last time
14:42 KaZeR_W np.
14:42 KaZeR_W try modprobe hid_logitech"
14:42 KaZeR_W you might want to look at your logs at the same time (or later, using dmesg)
14:44 zajiczech zsh: command not found: modprobe
14:46 KaZeR_W ah. i'm sorry i'm not really used to debian-like distro. insmod might be what you're looking for
14:48 zajiczech command not found, it seems to me some commands not in this distro, but i don't know why, tried reboot, shutdown, halt yesterday, none of those available
14:48 zajiczech lsmod works, insmod not found
14:49 zajiczech lsmod | grep hid gives hid_logitech_dj 8823 0
14:52 zajiczech now i see, insmod in /usr/sbin/
14:53 zajiczech tried sudo /usr/sbin/modprobe hid_logitech
15:59 KaZeR_W zajiczech, anything in your logs?
16:12 zajiczech dmesg | grep logitech 1 logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C52B.0003: claimed by neither input, hiddev nor hidraw
16:12 zajiczech is this what you need?
16:13 zajiczech logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C52B.0003: logi_dj_probe:hid_hw_start returned error
16:45 KaZeR_W logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C52B.0003: claimed by neither input, hiddev nor hidraw : it's saying that no module is handling your device
16:45 KaZeR_W hid_hw_start returned error -> looks like a firmware issue
16:46 KaZeR_W do you have a firmware package? under gentoo we have sys-kernel/linux-firmware
17:54 zajiczech found /lib.firmware and /sys/firmware
17:55 zajiczech some .bin and .fw files in /lib/firmware