IRC log of #cubox of Fri 27 Jul 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

02:02 jschaeke Hi.. perhaps a noob question but can't seem to get XliteX in 720p 50Hz.. it's not in the xrandr lvds output...
02:03 cbxbiker61 XilkaX?
02:03 jschaeke sorry indeed
02:03 jschaeke XilkaX
02:03 jschaeke I've uncommented the xorg.conf 720p resolution
02:04 jschaeke and commented the 1080
02:04 jschaeke but I think the hz is still too high
02:04 cbxbiker61 if you look in /boot/boot.scr you'll seed that it's set at 1080@60, you'll probably have to change that
02:04 jschaeke indeed noticed that too
02:04 jschaeke but with vi it opened strangely
02:05 jschaeke didn't know if I could edit it directly
02:05 jschaeke it was only at the right corner in vi the boot.scr
02:05 jschaeke on the left it was binary-like
02:05 cbxbiker61 no, you have to modify the .cmd file, there's a script in there to regenerate a new .scr
02:06 cbxbiker61 can't remember if i have the program installed to generate that or not
02:06 jschaeke thought it had no influence on the xorg... but will try it
02:06 jschaeke yes I saw some .sh scripts
02:06 jschaeke even opened it... but was not sure how to use it
02:06 jschaeke as I saw it making an image...
02:07 jschaeke ok I will figure it out...
02:07 jschaeke so the framebuffer has later on influence on the X env.
02:08 jschaeke Thanks for the built and advice!
02:08 cbxbiker61 pretty sure it does, although i've only tested on 1080p
02:16 jschaeke any idea which package provides UBootMkImage ?
02:17 cbxbiker61 i'll put that up for you, give me a sec
02:17 cbxbiker61 i need to add that to the XilkaX install
02:17 jschaeke it's who requests it
02:21 cbxbiker61
02:23 jschaeke installed... MakeBoot changed the boot.scr accordingly...
02:23 jschaeke reboot.. cross fingers
02:25 jschaeke I can see the pinguin on my tv ... that's already an improvement
02:28 jschaeke unfortunately still scrambled screen
02:29 jschaeke and xrandr gives no 720 with Hz lower than 60
02:30 cbxbiker61 you may need to put specific modes in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
02:30 jschaeke I think I will need to play with that indeed
02:32 cbxbiker61 modelines are a pain
02:33 jschaeke I will first look in the XBMC installer if I can retrieve something from there
02:33 jschaeke because it used to work directly with that 9-april installer
02:34 jschaeke but that's for another evening ;-)
02:36 jschaeke thanks for the support and Xilka(X)
19:01 Coolgeek hi
19:01 Coolgeek do you know if I can mount a nfs directory with fstab ?
19:46 rmull Coolgeek: You can
20:29 Coolgeek thx rmull :)