IRC log of #cubox of Mon 27 Aug 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

15:04 edbk gday
15:28 rabeeh_ ebdk: welcome
15:32 edbk hi thanks
15:32 edbk rabeeh, read about you somehwre :)
15:33 edbk just a simple question really, do you or anyone else have an idea if its safe to order a cubox? I noticed a lot of complaints on the boards, no manufacturer reply, a presale of cuboxes, and now they seem up for regular sale, but it sorta feels unsafe to order
15:34 edbk although id really like one since its one of the few, if not only one with GB ethernet on chip (as in not provided by the usb 2.0 hub) ;)
15:39 rmull edbk: Are you asking if ordering a cubox means throwing your money away, or are you asking if the cubox hardware is fully supported?
15:39 rmull or both? :P
15:39 edbk first lol
15:39 rmull I guess I can't comment on that
15:40 edbk I am aware its a development kit, but it seems the company is behaving like they're gonna be out of business soon if they arent already
15:41 rmull Yes, they're behaving erratically
15:41 rmull If you need support you must rely on the existing community, but I don't know how safe it would be to purchase a new cubox at this time
15:42 rabeeh_ rmull and ebdk: i'm a founder at SolidRun :)
15:42 rmull rabeeh_: I know, I haven't heard much from you in a while
15:42 rmull But it's good to finally do so
15:42 rmull There's a lot of worrying going on in the forums at the moment...
15:42 rabeeh_ there are lots of complaints on the forums since our hands are full
15:42 rmull full with what, if you don't mind me asking?
15:43 rabeeh_ i know; we are getting really bad reputation about this.
15:43 rabeeh_ lately we have been working on releasing rev2 of the board
15:43 edbk ah rabeeh hi
15:43 rmull Is that what is being sold now, hence the price increase?
15:43 rabeeh_ it's some restructuring if issues we had on EMI testing. debugging those takes inifinte time of work
15:44 edbk you should then atleast make an announcement or something, I'm a new customer and have just started readin a few hours ago
15:45 rmull I agree.
15:45 rabeeh_ there is also minor change that we need to mention is we changed from Prolific pl2303 chip (on the upper board) to FTDI 230x chip on the lower board.
15:45 rabeeh_ we are not so good on public relations.
15:45 rabeeh_ i already know that.
15:45 edbk then on your forum there are complaints and no reply, had me looking for alternatives and I wouldve ordered something else already if it werent for the cubox having GB non shared ethernet ;)
15:46 rabeeh_ right.
15:46 edbk hehe ok so anyway, if I roder one know what is the delay before its shipped ?
15:46 rmull rabeeh_: Thirsty_away is maintaining some kernel sources on github that are in much better shape than yours. Do you have a comment on that?
15:46 edbk *order
15:46 edbk *and now
15:46 edbk :)
15:46 rabeeh_ we are selling now out of stock (thus the change in the product status)
15:46 edbk ah cool
15:46 rabeeh_ ebdk: where do you live?
15:47 edbk Netherlands
15:47 rabeeh_ as I recall, there are no delivery delays in Netherlands. I recall there are lots of issues in Germany, so that's why we recommend EMS
15:47 edbk ok, so your not going bankrupt or anything, just very very busy :)
15:48 rabeeh_ hehe. no we wont
15:48 edbk cool, I'll order one then :)
15:48 rabeeh_ actually the opposite is true.
15:49 rabeeh_ whatever we manufactured was sold before shipping
15:49 rabeeh_ thus the pre-orders and delays on that.
15:51 rabeeh_ communication with our customers is one big issue we are trying to resolve. we have hired Markeeting Communication person (Francine); but still no progress, yet
15:56 rmull rabeeh_: It might be in your best interest to post this information you shared just now in that "Total Disappointment" thread in the forum
15:57 rmull I think a lot of people would feel a little better if they knew that solidrun isn't just out to lunch
15:57 rabeeh_ one of the issues we are facing with the forums is that if it works for you; and you are happy with it then typically you do nothing; if it doesn't and you really need help then you complaint on the forums.
15:57 rabeeh_ i'm not saying that the complaints are not justified, but i'm saying that we are seeing unbalanced feedback on the forums.
15:58 rabeeh_ rmull: i can share the information. i'm not bringing new news and that's why i'm afraid that it won't be that usefull
15:59 rabeeh_ rmull: but i will try anyhow.
15:59 rabeeh_ rmull: for the kernel stuff; Thirsty_away sent me pull request for the kernel; and he IS doing really great job.
15:59 rabeeh_ one of good patches i'v got is the vfp one that solved all the crashes we had on that new kernel.
15:59 rmull That's great
16:01 rmull Your point about negative feedback is true, but a lot of people on the forums are just bothered because they're not getting any response from solidrun. It's an easy problem to fix. People were excited when the CEO or whoever it was made a post, but then it was followed up with just silence
16:01 edbk rabeeh how big is your stock? If you can share that information that is?
16:02 edbk general indication is fine, 10s, 100s, 1000s :)
16:02 rabeeh_ ebdk: i don't have the exact numbers; but i don't think this information can be shared
16:02 rabeeh_ oh; i think beyond that
16:02 rabeeh_ but i really don't know.
16:02 rabeeh_ i try to focus more on the engineering stuff. that's my better side.
16:03 rabeeh_ ebdk: do you think inventory counter would be helpful?
16:03 rabeeh_ i can ask about that; my most probably it won't happen. but still i can ask
16:05 rabeeh_ oh - i had one question to all; how would a 2GB DDR system look? do you think there is a place for it?
16:05 edbk Yeah rabeeh I think it would help
16:05 Kiranos rabeeh_: do you know where I can see EMS tracking in sweden?
16:06 rabeeh_ this is one of the enhancements we can add to the rev2 board.
16:06 Kiranos my package only says: The item was sent to Sweden by airmail on 21/08/2012
16:06 edbk when do you intend to launch it?
16:06 Kiranos but I havent heard more and its been a few days..
16:06 edbk Dont think 2GB would mean that much tbh
16:06 rmull rabeeh_: 2GB would be a nice luxury, but there are enough support issues with the currently deployed stock I think
16:06 rabeeh_ Kiranos: i think EMS typically takes 5 days.
16:07 rabeeh_ Kiranos: do you have the tracking number with you?
16:07 Kiranos I pmed you
16:07 Kiranos cant find anywhere to track it from a swedish site once its in sweden
16:07 edbk Thank you for your purchase.
16:07 edbk \o/
16:08 edbk shipping is sick isnt it
16:08 edbk Sub total 111,99 €
16:08 edbk Shipping 30,40 €
16:08 edbk Total 142,39 €
16:08 edbk :P
16:08 Kiranos its abroad?
16:09 edbk isreal - the netherlands
16:09 edbk so anyway ill let my friends know it seems safe to order ;-)
16:11 rabeeh_ ebdk: you choose EMS?
16:11 rabeeh_ shipping isn't that high if it's not EMS
16:11 edbk yeah I know but I choose EMS
16:11 edbk :)
16:12 edbk EUR 14.49 otherwise
16:12 rabeeh_ that's better
16:12 rabeeh_ EMS is door to door service. that means someone will be coming and knocking on your door :)
16:12 edbk are you staying with the armada 510 for the new release?
16:13 edbk I think 1GB ram is enough tbh, if you want to change anything how about the armada 610 or 618?
16:13 rabeeh_ ebdk: for now Armada 510
16:14 rabeeh_ still we haven't got all the potential of that device.
16:14 rabeeh_ btw - notice that sometimes the Marvell numbers doesn't make sense. for instance higher number doesn't mean higher end device :)
16:16 edbk hehe yeah, nah the armada 618 or something would only be necessary if you wanted to compete with something like the Ouya I guess
16:16 edbk or get real good driver support for the 510 so it runs xbmc flawlessly? ;)
16:18 rollin_rob hello everybody! Is anyone running OwnCloud on his Cubox?
16:22 Kiranos rabeeh_: R2 will you stop supporting rev1 or will software support be compatible with both or how does it work
16:30 edbk Kiranos: ebdk: for now Armada 510
16:30 edbk so would be backwards compatible I guess? :)
16:52 rabeeh_ Kiranos: the rev2 board is almost identical to rev1, except changed some circuitry for better EMI, FTDI instead of Prolofic usb to serial
16:53 rabeeh_ there is newer features and fixes like SD card-detect, capability of detecting if there is power through the usb to serial, reset functionality and boot select from xmodem also through the FTDI
16:53 rabeeh_ will post on that on the forums and update the wiki accordingly.
16:54 rabeeh_ besides that everything is 100% compatible with REV1.
17:09 edbk nice
17:09 edbk when do you plan to release it?
17:13 rabeeh_ released.
17:13 cmair rabeeh_: may I express wishes for future revisions? I'd like to have the PCIe pins routed to some testpoints :)
17:14 rabeeh_ cmair: hmm... i wonder why you want to do that
17:15 rabeeh_ connecting anything to that hi-speed interface with test points is a tough job to do.
17:15 cmair connect additional hardware, like an fpga which gives me lots of expansion possibilities..
17:16 cmair yes, I know its hard to get it right. But I would try :)
17:16 rabeeh_ right. we wanted to have mini PCI-E on that; but we can't be sure about the power of the device that can be connect; and where afraid that it would go beyond the power envelope of CuBox
17:17 rabeeh_ the chip actually has much more functions that we don't use; like 2xPCI-E, VGA, another SD-IO and other audio interface
17:17 rabeeh_ but you can't really shove anything more in that small form factor.
17:18 cmair SDIO would also be nice to have on some testpoints.
17:19 cmair You don't need to squeeze all this into the small case, just provide the interface pins somewhere so my solder iron can access them.
17:19 rabeeh_ cmair: i'm we don't have plans for changing that board anymore. there is really almost no place on it. if we want to shove more stuff then we need to change PCB technology which makes it much more higher price wise.
17:19 rmull rabeeh_: How come you're not using your rabeeh nick?
17:20 rabeeh_ rabeeh --> rabeeh@home
17:20 rabeeh_ rabeeh_ --> rabeeh@work
17:20 rabeeh_ i'm looking for a project we must have for CuBox; a new installer (THE installer)
17:21 cmair Of course. Just a wish for future devices. I know about the density problems on these PCBs.
17:21 rabeeh_ THE installer in my mind should be a framework that any distro developer can provide a link for kernel, rootfs, and a .jpg file; the installer would automatically grab those and provide the user multiple choices of installation.
17:22 rabeeh_ for instance you can install raw distros (Debian, Arch and others); Xilka with XBMC / GeexBox or Android
17:22 edbk l8r was nice talking to you
17:22 rabeeh_ anyone can suggest a framework to develop this?
17:23 rabeeh_ kernel + busybox initrd + bash scripting?
17:23 rabeeh_ or something with Python and directfb?
17:23 rabeeh_ or maybe someone familiar with a similar project used for embedded system (no grub and friends)
17:25 rabeeh_ ok. let's take a step back; do you guys think such an installer is necessary?
17:25 cmair rabeeh_: qtmoko for the phone uses a initramfs as "bootloader" which presents a simple screen where the user can select which OS to boot (SD, multiple partitions, NAND, ..) Its quite simple and was done using bash scripting, IIRC.
17:25 cmair *the gta04 phone
17:26 cmair you might want to ask radekp on #gta04 as he's the developer of this.
17:27 Thirsty_away Hi guys, great to see the Solid-run progress.
17:27 rabeeh_ welcome back Thirsty.
17:27 Thirsty_away I think 2GB of ram is cool but not really needed.
17:28 rabeeh_ Thirsty: somehow we got few dozens of request email with 2GB.
17:28 rabeeh_ we haven't got a real use case why they need it.
17:29 rmull rabeeh_: I don't know if a cubox-specific installer should be more important than using distro's existing installation procedures
17:29 rabeeh_ cmair: any idea if qtmoko will also download images fron the net?
17:30 rmull Maybe an installer to support a solidrun "official" distro
17:30 rabeeh_ rmull: the existing installation procedures today is quite complicated. lots of instructions to get something done.
17:31 rabeeh_ in my mind i really want it to be as easy as installing any distro today on a PC. you download an image; burn it on a CD and shove on the CD-ROM
17:31 rmull Yes, tehre should be a straightforward reference installer for the solidrun official distro (ubuntu, or whatever is chosen)
17:31 rabeeh_ in our case, you download the micro installer (5MB images); you copy to a USB stick and shove it to CuBox
17:31 cmair rabeeh_: No, because the user would need to set up either WiFi, USB or a WWan network. But it in case of cubox it might be easier to just use dhcp.
17:32 cmair +bash scripting to wget the desired firmware.
17:32 rabeeh_ cmair: my initial thoughts where straight through the wired network. wireless lan is more complicated since we don't provde a stick with CuBox that we know the firmware and stuff
17:33 cmair Yes, that makes it easier.
17:33 rabeeh_ or maybe Yocto has an easy way to setup a base rootfs with wireless lan support
17:33 cmair but gta04 is a mobile phone. There is no ethernet jack ;)
17:33 rabeeh_ but has a built-in wireless.
17:33 cmair yes
17:34 rabeeh_ so you know exactly which wireless chip you have and you can set the rootfs to support that chip
17:34 rabeeh_ in our case you would need to setup Atheros, Marvell, Broadcom and lots other vendors
17:35 cmair true. And you still need to setup encryption..
17:35 cmair I would go the easy way and just use wired ethernet.
17:37 Thirsty_away back to home!
17:42 Kiranos rabeeh_: got mine from the mail now! thanks
17:44 cmair rabeeh_: Source code is here:
17:44 cmair Seems I was wrong, its written with C
18:18 dung I'm the marketing guy and the new Cubox has Xilka onboard
18:30 dung it seems that at the moment hw decoding on hardfp is only possible with xbmc, since the ipp libraries are softfp. i don't see a way to use them on hardfp
18:30 dung *hd hw decoding
18:31 dung and we need coders that look into the gst-plugins
18:40 dung there're also libraries included in ipp for encoding. i can't imagine that the Cubox encodes blu-ray
18:41 dung this is more a job for a server cluster
19:10 dung shall i call my bot ?
19:11 dung kiddish
19:12 dung i meant kiddy
20:33 Thirsty dung, encoding can be usefull, for like webcam applications.
22:32 davidu Thirsty: yes, i've seen nice examples combining several cams on a screen with gstreamer
22:33 davidu rabeeh: do we get ipp hardfp from marvell, or did i miss a point in porting them?
22:36 davidu i'm planing a initrd rebuild. i also could need some help in gst-bmmxv dependencies
22:37 davidu i remember you said something about clutter, will have to investigate
22:48 rabeeh davidu: still not. i'v requested it few weeks ago and yesterday another time.
22:48 rabeeh davidu: hopefully will get it soon.
22:50 davidu a big plus for CuBox is that VFP is compatible with armhf
22:50 rabeeh tomlohave: hey; i just sent a msg to davidu
22:51 rabeeh i requested vmeta armhf back again from Marvell; hopefully will be resolved soon.
22:51 tomlohave cool
22:51 tomlohave any news for ipp ?
22:53 davidu rasperypis can't simply install armhf (debian/ubuntu)
22:54 davidu instead of install say use
22:54 davidu eg chroot
22:55 davidu tomlohave: news is requested two times
23:00 davidu tomlohave: do you install deb packages with opkg on geexbox?
23:04 davidu else call it softfp / hardfp
23:04 rabeeh ipp includes the vmeta drivers
23:05 davidu and bmmxv the imagesink
23:06 rabeeh davidu: those are already provided at source level
23:07 davidu source from canonical
23:08 davidu it stands still over years in armel
23:08 davidu and drops buffers
23:09 davidu don't know if it's the bmmxv plugin
23:10 davidu search google for the plugin and you get to the "web service log"
23:12 davidu i meen the irc web log
23:18 davidu for faster dev-to-dev-com
23:19 davidu it's incredible to read
23:20 davidu sed 's@irclog@@g' -i web
23:22 davidu nice to find together
23:29 davidu i prefer background, each client likes to log automatically
23:30 davidu the web service attracts non-devs
23:31 davidu and searchable too \
23:31 davidu go for mailing-list
23:32 davidu i would say it's enough to tell "Join #cubox on freenode."
23:36 davidu looks very cool too
23:57 davidu and keep the forum Q&A for everybody