IRC log of #cubox of Wed 29 Aug 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:33 rabeeh Thirsty_Away: i'm looking at this -
00:34 rabeeh is GLXGEARS using the GPU at all?
00:37 rabeeh pepedog: hey
01:33 pepedog Rabeeh, I awaken
03:23 davidu rabeeh: you won't hear a thing from me if you don't answer my mail
04:06 davidu fuck francine
04:38 davidu if francine has taken over all communications including irc-rabeeh, then hallelujah
04:39 davidu dreamed of one-line patches
04:40 davidu but no patches at all
04:49 davidu i believe you all can't wait till this freak finds another board
06:08 davidu i believe the mesa-utils use another gl api
06:08 davidu that's why you can't simply install xbmc from distros repo
06:09 davidu ldd /usr/bin/glxgears
07:19 Thirsty_Away rabeeh: I don't think so, I am working together with tomlohave on this. We are using the same kernel, libgfx and xorg driver.
07:20 Thirsty_Away But tomlohave gets about 160 FPS and I get 30 FPS.
07:20 Thirsty_Away tomlohave build his distribution from scrats and I am using debian wheezy hardfp.
07:21 Thirsty_Away I also tried compiling MESA lib, but still no succes.
07:21 Thirsty_Away I am not sure were to look for.
07:21 Thirsty_Away -- Time to go to work --
07:23 davidu see forum
07:23 davidu 750fps
07:28 davidu Thirsty_Away, love tommy?
07:33 davidu don't work too much
07:43 davidu well, a libmesa build could make xbmc install work
07:49 davidu no matter which distro / kernel
07:52 davidu but thanks for your effort in git and searching patches. i like the way you manage branches / tags
08:27 Thirsty davidu: thanks
08:43 davidu Thirsty, i've my troubles in trusting a guy who calls himself thirsty. good that you're not drunken ;)
08:44 Thirsty lol :)
09:43 francine davidu, you wanna?
09:43 davidu that depends on..
10:27 N30N Regarding glxgears: I get ~168fps on arch and remember getting ~240fps on xilka
10:29 Thirsty N30N: thanks for the info
16:22 N30N I'm trying the CuBox-v3.5.3-Patched kernel on arch. But now xorg freezes:
16:23 N30N Anyone know what I need to do to get it working? :)
16:25 N30N xorg require recompiling?
16:55 rmull N30N: When you say xorg freezes, do you mean that mouse and kb don't respond?
16:59 N30N I have no screen currently connected. It's just not loading past the "(II) dovefb(0): Initializing Vivante Hal" message and I have to kill it.
17:02 davidu better than it kills itself. xinitrc?
17:03 N30N it's just "exec glxgears"
17:15 davidu xorg dovefb depends on glx at buildtime and on kernel galcore at runtime
17:19 N30N ahmmmm… so I need to do what? :)
20:30 Thirsty pong
20:31 Mazon *gasp* a news update on the forum - I'm flabbergasted :p
20:43 rollin_rob link please?
20:44 rollin_rob sry, forget it
21:22 Cubox Hi :)
21:22 Cubox I want to know where is the best conf (and latest) for kernel 3.x for cubox
21:23 Cubox
21:23 Cubox this one
22:07 rmull Cubox: You probably will be interested in the better-maintained sources at
22:08 rmull I believe the CuBox-v3.5.3-Patched branch is the most up-to-date
22:08 rmull These are maintained by Thirsty_away
22:44 Cubox oh
22:44 Cubox and, with config ?
22:45 Cubox seeems that defconfig is uptodate
22:46 Cubox rmull: But, why the "officiel" repo is not uptodate ?
22:46 Cubox official*
22:54 rmull Cubox: Don't ask me.
22:59 Cubox O
23:00 Cubox Oh*
23:45 davidu what about galcore ?
23:45 francine what about galcore ?
23:46 davidu strike
23:51 davidu N30N, you don't need to rebuild X
23:52 davidu nor dovefb
23:53 davidu unless you have time and will
23:53 davidu for higher fps
23:54 davidu i haven't
23:56 francine noo