IRC log of #cubox of Fri 07 Sep 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

09:02 Thirsty Awake...
09:12 Sage Hi, is there anywhere kernel tree avaiable that has the opengl drivers mentioned in merged?
09:13 Thirsty yup
09:14 Sage Thirsty: ? :)
09:14 Thirsty See forum:
09:14 Thirsty or direct link to github
09:14 Sag 09:14 * Sage hugs Thirsty
09:15 Thirsty :)
09:22 Sage Thirsty: is there defconfig that is tested on cubox on that tree btw?
09:22 Sage ah, cubox_defconfig :)
09:22 Sage but is that up to date in there?
09:38 Thirsty Sage: NO, still the old one
09:38 Sage Thirsty: ?
09:38 Thirsty yes
09:38 Sag 09:38 * Sage is confused :)
09:39 Thirsty ok, cubox_defconfig is still an old one from rabeeh
09:39 Thirsty I didn't change it.
09:39 Sage but that should work?
09:40 Sage or does it need modifications?
09:40 Sage well, I'm modifying it a bit anyway, but are all the driver options in is the most important question
09:40 Thirsty I am not sure. But I am using this one
09:41 Thirsty that one is simulair to my current config. I disabled all the wifi and dvb driver.
09:44 Sage ok thx
09:44 Sage Thirsty: you got gl driver running with xorg atm?
09:45 Thirsty opengl ES 2.0 is working
09:45 Sage well, that is what I meant :)
09:45 Thirsty I get around 260 FPS with es2gears
09:45 Sage nice
09:46 Sage so you have the kernel you showed, libgfx with the binaries at the wiki and xserver-xorg-video-dove_0.3.4-1.tar.gz right?
09:47 Thirsty root@cubox:/mnt/hdd/usr/src# uname -a
09:47 Thirsty Linux cubox 3.5.3-00124-ga92c664 #22 PREEMPT Wed Sep 5 12:49:26 CEST 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux
09:47 Coolgeek Linux cubox 3.5.0-2-ARCH+ #1 PREEMPT Mon Jul 23 23:07:32 UTC 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux
09:47 Coolgeek suis en retard :(
09:48 Coolgeek Thirsty: you have cross-compiled it ?
09:48 Thirsty nope native on my cubox
09:49 Coolgeek how much time did it take ?
09:50 Thirsty Sage: I use the new libgfx that coms with the updated drivers, and xserver-xorg-video-dove_0.3.4-1.tar.gz
09:50 Thirsty Coolgeek: Around 1,5 hour. but on a 7200RPM SATA disk
09:54 Coolgeek Thirsty: archlinux ?
09:55 Thirsty nope Debian Hardfp
10:01 Coolgeek ok
10:18 Sage Thirsty: you have libdirect installed?
10:30 Thirsty I have to look, but first coffebreak.. brb
10:53 Thirsty it seem I did
10:53 Thirsty libdirectfb-1.2-9:armhf install
10:53 Thirsty libdirectfb-dev install
10:53 Thirsty libdirectfb-extra:armhf install
10:57 Sage ok
10:57 Sage 1.2-9 can you show the content of that package?
11:00 Thirsty
11:01 Sage oh, well probably you don't use it then :)
11:02 Sage needed by libgfx is what I get with the latest blobs :)
11:02 Sage and that is just too old to match that
11:04 Thirsty that is because of the
11:10 Thirsty alternative way is installing the bins and headers manually, that is what I did.
11:10 Sage I would say it is not because of as that is used only for compile time not for runtime
11:11 Sage and yes manually installing the blobs works untill something tries to use the blob that requires
12:08 Sage Thirsty: what is the xorg conf you are using? could you pastebin that one?
12:09 Sage is what I face atm.
12:21 Thirsty
12:23 Thirsty Xorg version
12:58 Sage ok, I have older xorg, but with that conf it doesn't crash at least
12:59 Sage but I can't see anything on my screen though
12:59 Sage monitor is in powersave mode and Xorg is up
13:06 Thirsty did you used the build_no_dep script?
13:07 Sage Thirsty: no idea what that means. Also I'm using Mer not ubuntu/debian
13:08 Thirsty did you create a deb package or did you install it manually?
13:09 Thirsty dud you use ?
13:10 Sage I'm using Mer that uses rpm packaging and yes I did rpm packages for each component
13:11 Sage so no I didn't use
13:11 Thirsty ok
13:12 Thirsty A problem can be: when using script without modify it, it build a driver for a diffent platform
13:13 Thirsty the driver will run, but you get only a black screen.
13:17 Sage I have a bit different problem I guess.
13:18 Sage I'm building all the packages in the build system that has the proper environments and stuff.
13:19 Thirsty So driver is build with the option CGLAGS="-DMRVL_PLATFORM_INFO=1" ?
13:21 Sage have to check that :)
13:22 Sage and you talk abou the dove xorg driver right?
13:22 Thirsty uses CGLAGS="-DMRVL_PLATFORM_INFO=2" but that is the wrong platform. 1=Dove 2=MPP
13:22 Thirsty yes
13:23 Sage yes, building with -DMRVL_PLATFORM_INFO=1
13:24 Thirsty ok
14:48 Sage ok, got the gles working a bit better now as well. Problem was the defaultdept set to 24. After removing gles test app runs fine
14:49 Sage With more complex application facing following issue though:
14:49 Sage gcmERR_BREAK: status=-3 @ gcoSURF_MapUserSurface(1173) in gc_hal_user_surface.c
14:49 Sage [GC_gcmkONERROR ] gckKERNEL_Dispatch(815): status=-3
14:49 Sage gckOS_MapUserMemory: address is 43e958, cannot satisfy alignment request!
17:14 mUniKeS hi
17:16 mUniKeS sorry, I have one question
17:16 mUniKeS Is there a tool to configure my xorg.conf, with dove_fb?
17:17 mUniKeS Is that XBMC is very slow
17:18 mUniKeS And I guess it's because not used opelgl2
17:18 mUniKeS thanks
18:14 mUniKeS for XBMC, is better armhf or arm?
18:14 Coolgeek hf
18:15 mUniKeS thanks Coolgeek
18:16 mUniKeS but I have a Debian ARMHF, and the XBMC is very slow
18:18 Coolgeek I don't use it
18:19 Coolgeek try geexbox
18:19 Coolgeek some people report that it run smoothly
18:25 mUniKeS thanks coolgeek, but I like Debian xD
18:28 mUniKeS I'll keep trying, ;)
19:06 fser Hello
19:20 mUniKeS Excuse me, is there any way or tool to see if my dovefb are using openGL v2?
20:02 Thirsty_away mUniKeS: I also using Debian Hardfp
20:03 Thirsty I using es2gears to test opengl ES 2.0
20:03 Thirsty I compiled myself from the Mesa Demos
20:06 mUniKeS I compiled, but I have problems with the marvell packages, because there are in conflict with lib-opengl2-mesa packages
20:07 Thirsty that is true. The way I did it is first install mesa then marvell stuff
20:07 Thirsty but you have to force it else it don't install
20:10 mUniKeS I done it
20:11 mUniKeS and es2gears go slow
20:12 Thirsty check with ldd /path/to/es2gears if the app is using the marvell libs
20:12 mUniKeS ok
20:55 mUniKeS great!!, I have 448FPS, but I only have 16bpp
21:05 mUniKeS Thirsty, I have 408FPS at 32bpp, but the XBMC continue going slow, :(
21:08 Thirsty wow! 408FPS is a lot.
21:08 mUniKeS in remote I have 198FPS
21:09 Thirsty I get around 255 FPS at 32bpp
21:09 mUniKeS but I dont see the gears, I only watch a black box
21:10 Thirsty ok, I can see the gears
21:11 mUniKeS but you execute the bin, es2gears_x11
21:15 mUniKeS when I execute es2_info, I have GL_VERSION: (null) and GL_RENDERER:(null) and you?
21:15 Thirsty EGL_VERSION: EGL 1.3
21:15 Thirsty EGL_VENDOR: Marvell Technology Group Ltd
21:16 mUniKeS yes
21:16 Thirsty check again if es2_info using the right libs
21:17 mUniKeS yes, but the GL_VERSION: (null), not the EGL_VERSION
21:45 mUniKeS bye