IRC log of #cubox of Mon 17 Sep 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

01:38 dbsx Does anyone have a stable kernel config suitable for headless operation? I am totally confused about what crypto options to use in the kernel build
01:47 rabeeh dbsx: what crypto options?
01:47 rabeeh do you mean the cesa stuff? (security engine accelerations?)
01:47 dbsx yes
01:52 dbsx Is the any reason NOT to use mv_cesa?
01:52 dung do you want to use vpn, bluetooth, wlan, nfs4, samba?
01:53 rabeeh cesa stuff is quite complex. i haven't used it for a long time
01:53 dbsx nfs3, ethernet, puppet-ethernet and maybe openvpn
01:53 rabeeh but the main thing is that after getting the acceleration done in the kernel, you should be using the right stack to get user space stuff accelerated
01:53 dbsx not using much
01:54 rabeeh maybe my thoughts are outdated.
01:54 dbsx pls explain more rabeeh
01:54 rabeeh btw - cbxbiker61 from the #irc had cesa up and running few weeks ago
01:55 rabeeh dbsx: the way i recall it is that cesa is the in-kernel stuff; and you need OCF in the kernel
01:55 rabeeh but when using openssl package you need to build it to use cryptodev API (which then uses OCF that uses mv_cesa stuff)
01:56 dbsx aha
01:56 rabeeh which performance are you looking to achieve?
01:57 rabeeh is it several Mbps?
01:57 rabeeh or really the small numbers?
01:58 dbsx I seek a stable kernel for a customer who needs to use it puppet. Only using ethernet. He also wants maximum RAM available
01:58 dbsx for puppet
01:59 dbsx running debiam armhf
01:59 dung my kernel setup is a puppet - crypto disabled
02:01 dbsx rabeeh, I dont have a specific number in mind. Just the faster the better.
02:03 dung i'm trying to configure linux for an intel mac, i do not have any hardware specs yet
02:06 rabeeh as i recall; if mv_cesa is being used correctly; you can achieve > 300Mbps
02:06 rabeeh (on AES128 for example)
02:06 rabeeh used correctly is meant that if you send large buffers (>1KB data) on each command
02:07 rabeeh if you send small commands to the security engine (something like few tens of bytes on every command) then you won't see acceleration
02:08 dbsx so should I just use bikers kernel?
02:10 rabeeh yes.
02:10 rabeeh and you can remove the hdmi stuff with make menuconfig
02:10 rabeeh (bmm/vmeta/gc600/dovefb/gfx/audio)
02:44 dbsx rabeeh, is there any point in leaving vmeta enabled (with a small amount of memory), so the vmeta is used as a clock source?
10:00 rabeeh dbsx: you can completely disable vmeta.
10:00 rabeeh vmeta is never used as a clock source
10:01 dbsx ok
10:02 dbsx I will email you my .config when this is stable
10:03 rabeeh k
11:30 yaayaa hi all. dovefb now works whithin archlinux. But I still can't figure out how to watch an full hd movie using hardware acc with gst-launch, totem or any other available video player. any hint ?
11:37 rabeeh yaayaa: great
11:38 yaayaa rabeeh: not that great actually...
11:38 rabeeh performance wise?
11:38 rabeeh stability?
11:43 yaayaa well, it looks stable. Regarding performances, no test yet (appart from the HD video playing) which is really slow and jerky (I guess we have to recompile the video player to get them support dovefb)
11:52 buz yaayaa: using gstreamer with the vmeta and bmm plugins I can play a 1080p h264 without any problems
11:52 buz yaayaa: It even works with autoplugging
11:55 yaayaa you installed them via pacman ?
11:56 buz yaayaa: no, I don't use arch linux
11:57 buz yaayaa: but it should run on every hardfp linux
11:57 yaayaa ok. I installed vmeta, bmm and gstreamer stuff. You're using gst-launch ?
11:58 buz the most basic cmdline to test it: gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location= ! qtdemux ! vmetadec ! bmmxvimagesink
12:01 yaayaa buz: I get a vmetadec not found error
12:01 buz rabeeh: some time ago I asked you about gc600 drivers with nativefb enabled. any news on that?
12:02 buz yaayaa: you have to install the gst-plugins-marvell and gst-plugins-bmmxv plugins
12:04 yaayaa no such packages available on cubox
12:04 yaayaa for arch
12:07 buz yaayaa: you'll find them in the huge packages.tar.gz file
12:07 buz yaayaa:
12:10 yaayaa ok , thanks. Bu since marvell-libvmeta and marvell-libbmm are installed as packages, I thought it was reddundant. my mistake. Thanks a lot
12:11 yaayaa hope these binaries will work on archlinux
12:13 buz yaayaa: the sources are included in the tar.gz. you should complile the packages yourself to make sure they're hardfp
13:18 yaayaa buz: codecVC.h is missing, compilation failed
13:23 buz yaayaa: you'll need the related -dev packages for marvell-libvmeta and marvell-libbmm
13:23 N30N yaayaa: I got xbmc-pvr working with acceleration on Arch. Beening meaning to update the PKGBUILDs (pvr now merged upstream) but you can have a copy of if you want?
13:24 buz yaayaa: but I have no clue about archlinux...
13:24 N30N buz: Arch doesn't do dev packages.
13:24 buz N30N: arch doesn't provide any header files???
13:24 yaayaa N30N: that would be great !
13:25 N30N buz: No it doesn't split them out.
13:25 N30N yaayaa: ok give me a min to power up my cubox. ;)
13:27 dbsx anyone know why mtd-utils in or is it just for historical reasons?
13:29 N30N yaayaa: Want the (compiled) package or just the PKGBUILDs?
13:29 yaayaa PKGBUILDs will be fine
13:29 yaayaa I use yaourt
13:30 yaayaa to access aur
13:37 N30N Here you go:
13:39 yaayaa N30N: thank you so much :)
13:43 N30N yaayaa: you prob wanna remove the "rm -rf .git" line, was added to make disk space to compile ;)
13:53 yaayaa N30N: done. thanks
14:23 rabeeh buz: the packages on the wiki contains directfb
14:24 rabeeh please check them out.
14:25 rabeeh buz: the vmeta with 1080p working for you - is it hardfp config?
14:39 buz rabeeh: I already use gc 3184-1, but they don't contain support for the "nativefb" api described in sdk/include/nativefb.h. I think the build option would be BUILD_OPTION_EGL_API_FB=1
14:41 buz rabeeh: I don't have access to my build environment right now, but I think I'm using marvell-ipp and libvmeta from the packages.tar.gz on a hardfp yocto image
16:48 yaayaa patching file
16:48 yaayaa N30N: I got an error when using your PKGBUILD (xbmc one)
16:49 yaayaa N30N: when applying patches, Hunk #1 FAILED at 1248
16:51 yaayaa N30N: you remember something special you had to do to prevent this ?
17:20 N30N yaayaa: No, that'll be caused by upstream changes. My last build was against commit 2731cf649a
17:27 yaayaa ok, I'll manually fix it then. thanks
17:31 yaayaa N30N: lots of other errors occur due to trunk changes. Do you know how to force a the 2731cf649a commit with git in the pkgbuild ? (I'm not really familiar with git)
17:35 N30N adding "git checkout 2731cf649a" after the git if statment should do it.
17:44 N30N I must say I'm not 100% sure on that commit (as .git was removed during my last build). I'll be updating the PKGBUILD in the next day or two if you can wait / can't get it working.
17:47 yaayaa N30N: I'm trying with your commit number ...
17:53 yaayaa N30N: ok, I've put "git checkout 2731cf649a" just after the "else git clone ..." stuff in the pkgbuild
17:53 yaayaa but I still have the patch error
17:54 N30N same one?
17:58 yaayaa N30N: my mistake. I did the git co command manually to check. there ware a conflict. I remove the involved files
17:59 yaayaa N30N: then I did the co, modified the PKGBUILD to skip the git step
17:59 yaayaa N30N: and .... it's currently patching. .... waiting for the result....
18:02 yaayaa While waiting... does the reboot work for you (achers) ? I need to unplug/replug the cubox to make it reboot. uboot pb or kernel ?
18:03 yaayaa archers
18:03 yaayaa N30N: if you're using archlinux, you may have the pb too ?
18:14 yaayaa N30N: compilation takes a while. I have to go. Thanks a lot for your help. I'll take you informed. No reboot pb for you with arch kernel ?
18:15 N30N I'm not using the Arch kernel.
18:17 yaayaa N30N: and which one are you using
18:17 N30N Using CuBox-v3.5.3 but can't reboot, I beleve it's fixed in CuBox-v3.5.3-Patched
18:17 yaayaa mine is 3.5.0-2
18:18 yaayaa OK
18:18 yaayaa so it's a kernel pb, not a uboot one
18:20 Cubox rabeeh: :(
18:25 yaayaa N30N: thanks again. See you soon
18:25 N30N np, c u