IRC log of #cubox of Fri 21 Sep 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

17:55 Kiranos is there no info about the new installer on the wiki?
17:56 Kiranos and about this:
17:56 Kiranos 3. Connect micro-USB cable and get a terminal up and running. Preferred putty since the installer uses colors
17:57 Kiranos how does a micro-USB get a terminal up and running?
19:08 shesselba Kiranos: the micro-usb is connected to a usb-to-serial chip that will give you access to the serial console aka terminal
19:20 N30N Kiranos:
19:39 Kiranos ok I've not delved into this before, is there a usb-to-serial chip on sale anywhere that is usually availible everywhere?
19:40 Kiranos So I cant simply connect keyboard to the usb and attach monitor :P
19:40 Kiranos ?
19:40 Kiranos as you might understand I'm more of a userland user/programmer
19:41 Kiranos userspace..
19:44 N30N You just need a micro usb (type B) cable to connect the cubox to your computer
19:45 Kiranos ok nice, no userfriendly "this is how you set it up" on the wiki? I see a place for one
19:45 N30N Feel free to add it ;)
19:49 Kiranos yea but I'm the one needing it :P
21:05 Wizzup dung: why did you add this to the gentoo wiki article: > On Gentoo installing a package meens building. In generall it's perfect to use binaries optimized for a specific machine, but compiling on CuBox is slow.
21:05 Wizzup
21:07 dung is it not true?
21:08 dung cause Gentoo is both, install and build
21:08 Wizzup Well, 1) The english isn't really proper 2) It seems to be a somewhat negative comment, and also added right at the start of the wiki article
21:09 Wizzup Everyone who is going to install Gentoo knows he's building stuff from scratch
21:09 Wizzup There's no point in saying it there, and it seems like a negative remark
21:10 dung feel free to remove it. i do not have much experience with gentoo
21:10 Wizzup I have :)
21:10 Wizzup Thanks
21:10 dung have you built on CuBox? i can imagine, it runs with distcc
21:11 Wizzup No, everything was compiled on the cubox
21:11 Wizzup cubox ~ # uptime
21:11 Wizzup 21:16:09 up 73 days, 3:13, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
21:12 dung nice :)
21:12 Wizzup It didn't really take that much time
21:12 Wizzup I just emerge'd something and started doing something else
21:13 rmull I too use a source-based package manager, and building on the cubox isn't too bad.
21:13 dung I prefer compiling, but sorted it last on the wiki
21:16 dung it's not the first thing after power on for most
21:18 Wizzup What do you mean?
21:18 rmull dung: Yeah, maybe, but it's still not fair to discourage them from doing it
21:20 dung the change to the gentoo wiki page was meant as a comment on sorting it last
21:21 dung it's different from the others
21:27 dung so we have installer, build-installer, tarballs and diskdumps
21:30 Wizzup gentoo is pretty much tarball
21:33 dung debootstrap is install
21:38 dung vs tarball is copy