IRC log of #cubox of Sat 22 Sep 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:41 rabeeh anyone tried the new cubox installer?
00:41 rabeeh
00:42 Wizzup I haven't
00:43 Wizzup How is the XMBC effort and 3d driver in general going?
00:46 rabeeh Wizzup: i think in general XBMC is in a good shape. not the best.
00:46 rabeeh Geexbox and XilkaX are the best two (Geexbox uses Eden and XilkaX uses Frodo)
00:46 rabeeh I tried with sraue getting openelec/frodo up and running but we had lots of issues with audio sync
00:47 rabeeh tomlohave claims this is mainly because of Audio Engines support in frodo
00:47 Wizzup hhmm
00:47 Wizzup I'd prefer one mainline distro
00:50 rabeeh Wizzup: which one?
00:50 rabeeh Arch has xbmc built; but i have not idea what is it's status
00:56 Wizzup rabeeh: gentoo ;D
00:56 Wizzup I really want to work on it but cannot atm due to time contraints
00:56 Wizzup I think when I have the x11 driver working with accel it should be pretty simple to make an ebuild for xbmc
01:01 rabeeh Wizzup: there is a basic gentoo port already for CuBox.
01:01 rabeeh is that your work?
01:01 Wizzup yes
01:01 Wizzup I wrote the wiki page
01:02 Wizzup The stage-3 was just a drop, unpack and it worked
01:02 rabeeh do you know janne from libav?
01:02 Wizzup I've been using the cubox as pulseaudio network sink for the last 4 months now :)
01:02 Wizzup I don't think so, no
01:02 rabeeh he is also a gentoo lover :)
01:03 Wizzup Most libav devs are ;)
01:03 rabeeh well; i'm trying to get to him to port vmeta to libavcodec
01:03 rabeeh and he mentioned that he would like to push gentoo too.
01:03 rabeeh maybe you can collaborate
01:03 Wizzup #gentoo-embedded has lots of gentoo lovers for embedded, but right now I think I'm the only with a cubox in there
01:03 Wizzup yeah, sure. Right now I don't have time though :(((
03:35 ptl does anyone have a way to install something on a 8 GB SD Card without having a pendrive?
03:35 ptl I would like to install the xbmc ubuntu distro
04:25 Punkley_ so u don't have any way if plugging the SD card into another computer?
04:45 ptl Punkley: of plugging the sd card, yes. I can plug it into my ubuntu laptop.
16:08 not_relevant It seems that dist.list (CuBox installer) is located on! Why not on ?
16:09 not_relevant and the rest of the scripts. They seem to be small
17:44 av_jui hi
17:44 av_jui any one online?
17:44 av_jui have a little Problem with the installer
17:45 N30N av_jui: It's normally quiet here on the weekends
17:46 av_jui so you are the Person I look for :-)
17:47 N30N I've not used or looked into the installer.
17:49 av_jui i am not shure that it is a installer problem i always stop on "booting the kernel."
17:49 av_jui also when i install geexbox my self
17:51 av_jui is there any way to make a hardware reset on cubox
17:54 N30N av_jui: Like this?
17:55 av_jui yes
17:56 av_jui it always stop on this
17:58 N30N I changed 1920x1080 in my boot.scr to fix this
17:59 av_jui ok i will test it
17:59 N30N read you can also ATL+F1/F2 a few times but never tried it
17:59 ptl my cubox seems to be slow for some movies. How can I ensure HW accel is being used, or get new / improved codecs?
18:00 N30N Hi ptl, what are you playing them with?
18:00 N30N Without HW accel it'll look like a slide show
18:01 ptl xbmc
18:01 ptl I installed the XBMC distro with Ubuntu 10.04
18:06 N30N Might wanna try GeeXboX or Xilka(X)
18:06 ptl will it be better if I install Ubuntu precise or 12.10 ?
18:07 ptl geexbox/xilka are based on ubuntu?
18:07 N30N I never tried with ubuntu so can't say
18:07 ptl I'd prefer Ubuntu because that's what I use on all my computers
18:08 ptl I also plan to use CuBox as my gateway, being a dhcp server, NFS server, torrent downloader
18:08 ptl Just have to get a little more acquainted with it
18:09 av_jui @N30N this seems not the probleme on boot.src of the installer are following env
18:09 av_jui setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 video=dovefb:lcd0:1920x1080-32@60-edid,lcd1:1024x600-16@60'
18:11 ptl is there a CuBox manual or something like that?
18:15 N30N av_jui: I use video=dovefb:lcd0:1280x720-32@60-edid clcd.lcd0_enable=1 clcd.lcd1_enable=0
18:15 av_jui ok I will test it
18:16 N30N av_jui: you using mkimage to create the boot.scr file?
18:17 av_jui yes
18:17 N30N ptl: nope there's no manual, just the wiki, forum and search engine of choice
18:20 av_jui after test it is the same
18:20 av_jui i think my box was defect
18:21 av_jui this problem comes after i have test cec build of geexbox :-(
18:24 N30N here's another post with same problem:
18:29 av_jui that´s also not my problem :-(
18:30 ptl N30N: ah, ok. I have no problem with that, and anyway CuBox is a developer platform, most buyers would skip the manual anywayu
18:35 ptl N30N: but anyway, something that I can't find: how do I prepare the pendrive with those uInitrd images? Should I just make a boot/ directory then copy it here and try to boot through the pendrive, or are there any additional instructions?
18:47 pt 18:47 * ptl think he might be making stupid questions. :-/
18:59 ptl is CuBox omap, omap4 or armadaxp?
19:06 ptl I take it back :-/ I need a manual!
19:06 ptl please someone point to a simple tutorial on how to install through the Ubuntu netboot uIinitrd images.
19:06 ptl at times, gather scattered information from Google is not that fun! ;-/
19:13 ptl ah, c'mon people, at least a hint to where I could start with that, please???
19:18 ptl <- will try a do-release-upgrade to ubuntu 12.04
20:32 dung ptl, just copy and load with u-boot. or skip cp and load over network
20:34 dung except u-boot it's the same on pc. load kernel and initrd without root paramter
20:35 dung ptl, none of the kernels from the installer directories ran on my Cubox
20:44 dung shesselba! is it difficult to implement loop mount, like grubs loopback command?
20:47 dung maybe this doesn't make sense, cause there're no live-/install-cds for arm?
20:48 ptl dung: ah...
20:48 ptl dung: I just upgraded ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 and now X does not start. How do I make it work? Do you know?
20:55 dung linux 2.6 ?
20:59 dung could you do the upgrade in one step ?
20:59 ptl yes
20:59 ptl yes, I could
21:00 ptl I am logged in through ssh
21:00 ptl should I install additional packages or such?
21:00 ptl I don't know which Xorg driver I should be using.
21:00 dung which linux version?
21:01 ptl
21:03 ptl so... anyway to recover? :(
21:04 dung you need another kernel. 2.6 needs udev-accept4.patch, 3.5 needs another glx and video driver
21:04 ptl ah, ok
21:05 ptl do you know if I should apt-cache search for some string, or download it elsewhere?
21:05 ptl does it use grub?
21:05 dung the wiki is your friend
21:05 ptl or uboot replaces grub?
21:05 ptl yes
21:05 ptl I am searching through it
21:05 ptl I have no idea what I should search
21:06 ptl I am also browsing through the forums
21:09 dung building linux and drivers
21:10 ptl !
21:10 ptl I have to recompile?
21:12 ptl "Clone Linux from Solid-Run / Community development"
21:12 ptl ok
21:12 ptl let's find the git url
21:14 dung if you try the new cubox installer, i fear you end up with geexbox, but have an up-to-date linux.
21:14 ptl what is that one?
21:15 ptl geexbox is based upon which linux?
21:15 ptl I might try it
21:15 ptl I am still experimenting
21:15 ptl I mean
21:15 ptl i saw the geexbox link
21:15 ptl but not 'the new cubox installer'
21:17 ptl "This is the first and initial release of the CuBox installer. The installer is intended to grab around all the distros that has a CuBox port and put it in a convenient way for the users to install. "
21:17 ptl does not seem to be the 'new' cubox installer
21:21 dung well, i haven't tested. i prefer ubuntus software repositories, and building linux / cubox drivers.
21:23 dung atm
21:23 ptl yeah, me too, except for the part 'building linux / cubox drivers'.
21:31 ptl great... this installer makes my TV stop saying 'video format not supported' :-/
21:31 ptl maybe it's doing something
21:34 ptl CuBox is hot, this installer seems to be doing something
21:34 ptl tried to plug my monitor and it also accused out of range
21:36 ptl USB stick is also hot, lol
21:39 ptl and git clone still running
21:40 ptl installing gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
21:42 dung you should have serial console
21:44 ptl via USB? what is the connector? that last one on the right?
22:40 ptl <- trying serial console
22:41 ptl what are the settings for it?
22:41 ptl it's outputting garbage here
22:41 ptl /dev/ttyUSB0
22:42 ptl found it
22:44 ptl it's going