IRC log of #cubox of Sun 07 Oct 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

12:14 rabeeh Flooo: ping
12:15 koboldmaki good morning
12:15 rabeeh good morning
12:17 koboldmaki i made some speedtest for the cubox, e.g. network, and it ranges between 720MBit to 1.2 Gb
12:18 rabeeh 1.2Gb?
12:18 rabeeh The link is max 1Gbps
12:19 koboldmaki yes, I know, I tested over the "local" interface with iperf
12:20 rabeeh aah
12:21 koboldmaki and it shows me the "bandwith" on the machine
12:22 koboldmaki the speed e.g. iperf, mac -> fritz -> cubox was [ 5] 0.0-10.0 sec 430 MBytes 361 Mbits/sec, the bootleneck was the (7390)
12:24 dxtr I just got my cubox the other day \o
12:24 dxtr It's pretty cool
12:24 koboldmaki iperf with archlinux, iperf -> cubox -> cubox (same), [ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 1.29 GBytes 1.11 Gbits/sec (not the 1.2 Gb, sorry)
12:25 rabeeh koboldmaki: try switching iperf that CuBox would be the client
12:25 rabeeh when the main workload on CuBox is sending, it's much more faster than receiving
12:25 koboldmaki and with a crossover cabel, iperf, cubox -> mac, [ 4] 0.0-10.0 sec 599 MBytes 503 Mbits/sec
12:25 rabeeh the reason is because TCP hardware offload engines are better on sending than receiving.
12:26 rabeeh iperf try switching those
12:26 koboldmaki ok.
12:27 koboldmaki in a last post, there was the discussion it the cubox should will have 2 GB in the next version, I vote for a "YES", you could reach the limit if you compile the kernel with "make -j" -> BANG... welcome oom-killer
12:28 koboldmaki what about "more cpus" in the cubox and some gpio s?
12:29 rabeeh ?
12:31 koboldmaki the cubox has only 1 CPU, will there be a version with 2 CPUs?
12:31 rabeeh koboldmaki: i can't disclose roadmap. yet.
12:31 koboldmaki ok.
12:32 rabeeh for the oom-killer; try booting a kernel without the GPU and Video engine; so you can potentially use the whole 1GB
12:32 rabeeh for the 2GB; we have the hardware but still not working
12:32 koboldmaki root@kob-cubox:/etc/nagios-nrpe# free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 1008 346 662 0 11 277 -/+ buffers/cache: 56 952 Swap: 0 0 0
12:33 koboldmaki 1 GB RAM, no memory for the gpu..
12:33 rabeeh so maybe add some swap? or work without X?
12:33 koboldmaki and the oom-killer arives... ok, should enable a swap-file...
12:34 koboldmaki yes no X.. only text/plain ;-)
12:34 rabeeh for swap please don't add on the micro-SD; try a non solid state memory
12:34 rabeeh swap on solid state kills it in few months
12:34 koboldmaki yes, I knew this
12:35 rabeeh welcome back dotarray
12:35 rabeeh (and Pnukley_Chilling)
12:36 dotarray thank you rabeeh! :)
12:36 Punkley_Chillin im so tired...
12:42 koboldmaki in the kernel tree, when will the options for "cubox" available? From kernel 3.7.x?
12:42 koboldmaki kernel, I mean the vanilla version
13:14 purch has there been problems with doing do-release-upgrade on lucid box?
13:16 purch maybe take an image of the ssd first for quick restore if something happens?
15:01 koboldmaki when will the kernel configuration options for the "cubox" available in the vanilla tree?
15:08 rabeeh koboldmaki: vanilla tree still doesn't support CuBox.
15:08 rabeeh there is partial Dove (main processor) support but still far from complete
15:09 koboldmaki ok.
15:19 rabeeh koboldmaki: ofcourse every kerenl upstreaming help is welcomed
18:15 Flooo re
18:46 Flooo im off now.. bye
19:00 neofob a screenshot of my gluster healing powered by two cuboxes (Marvell Armada 510 @ 800Mhz)
19:23 rabeeh neofob: nice :)
19:23 rabeeh why do you need more processing power in healing stage?
19:23 rabeeh what is the process of doing gluster healing?
19:34 neofob @ rabeeh: my suspection is that gluster uses some cpu power for hashing calculation
19:36 neofob i'd love to have a bit faster CuBox; an implementation of quad-core A9 or something will be great for non-graphics apps like this
19:37 neofob what i like about CuBox is that it has esata and gigabit ethernet unlike many ARM boards out there
19:38 neofob on the esata note; you guys need to make the esata port a bit more sturdy
19:38 rabeeh i'v noticed that you have reached 103MB/sec?
19:39 rabeeh that's the max speed on one direction of gigabit ethernet link
19:39 rabeeh oh; you had to enable jumbo frames for that.
19:40 neofob yep, that's why i found your lost patch in 2.6.39
19:40 neofob please add it in your 3.5 branch :D
19:40 rabeeh ok
19:41 rabeeh few patches actually missing.
19:56 rabeeh jnettlet: where can I find your FB KMS driver?
19:56 rabeeh i mean the kernel part