IRC log of #cubox of Wed 10 Oct 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:12 dung solve yopur touth
00:12 dung aaargh
00:12 dung welcome
00:12 dung too
00:19 dung tooths
00:19 dung cut
00:21 cbxbiker61 i started reading a linux kernel thread about a new flash filesystem (f2fs) provided by samsung, they've posted the patchset to the mailing list
00:21 cbxbiker61 interesting thing is it seems to improve random write performance significantly
00:21 cbxbiker61
00:21 dung yeah
00:22 dung sry
00:24 dung oklahima pitty
00:24 dung
00:26 dung x dove ..
00:26 dung krah
00:29 christianjwaite hey, I'm trying to install archlinux on cubox, but don't have access to the serial port atm (wife nicked the cable for her phone) and have no visuals coming through
00:29 christianjwaite just need to check a few things
00:29 christianjwaite boot process mainly
00:30 dung krah
00:32 dung black bird singind .!
00:32 dung sinck#
00:32 dung
00:33 dung krah
00:34 christianjwaite can someone kick the bot?
00:35 dung 'U' boot
00:37 christianjwaite Ok I've formatted the microSD card
00:37 christianjwaite ext3
00:37 christianjwaite untar'd the archlinux install onto it
00:37 dung ext4 ^!
00:37 christianjwaite ohh you're not a bot, my apologies :)
00:38 christianjwaite it says in the wiki ext3
00:38 dung keep ~100MB :)
00:39 christianjwaite for swap?
00:39 christianjwaite think I've copied over the wrong boot.scr
00:39 dung dont swap !
00:40 dung 1gb - 1/3 ?
00:40 dung i'm running a cubox kernel, dont use it either
00:41 christianjwaite you're archlinux on cubox?
00:41 christianjwaite I'm only after kernel
00:41 christianjwaite should the boot.scr be in the /boot/ folder or just /
00:41 dung kernel's community now !?
00:42 christianjwaite I'm corey I don't quite understand what you're saying
00:42 dung just /
00:43 christianjwaite ok
00:44 N30N christianjwaite: if you update uboot you can use ext4
00:45 dung juhu
00:46 christianjwaite ahh ok
00:46 christianjwaite well I'm just after it running at the minute
00:46 christianjwaite a strange thing
00:46 christianjwaite when I have the boot.scr at / I get "No signal" flashing on my tv
00:46 christianjwaite when I stick it in "/boot" I get "invalid format"
00:47 christianjwaite on the tv
00:47 dung unzip root to yout boot folder , haha
00:47 christianjwaite I have untar'd the whole thing to the / directory of the microsd card
00:47 dung aha
00:48 christianjwaite this is on the tv through hdmi
00:48 christianjwaite so not sure if it's CEC communication...
00:48 dung ahaaa
00:48 christianjwaite telling it to be "invalid format"
00:48 N30N You should follow the instructions on the arch page (rather than the wiki):
00:48 dung TheTerminator
00:49 dung !?
00:49 dung Hint: LiveCD
00:49 dung sorry
00:49 dung i see youre better
00:51 dung boot and done, no more configuratipmn (CEC)
00:52 christianjwaite thanks, going through the one
00:52 dung yep :)
00:52 dung all the same
00:54 N30N christianjwaite: My screen also gave a "invalid format" type message I had to change the boot.scr resolution.
00:55 christianjwaite ahhh
00:55 dung maidies
00:55 christianjwaite maybe I didn't have to re-install it then
00:55 christianjwaite I've formatted it now anyway
00:56 N30N yep, sorry
00:57 dung yum arch ...
00:58 christianjwaite it's ok
00:58 N30N you should just need to follow the "Creating a boot.scr" section on the arch page and s/1920x1080/1280x720/
00:58 christianjwaite just un-taring it now
00:58 N30N ah good
00:59 christianjwaite yeah
00:59 christianjwaite and this goes in /boot yeah?
00:59 christianjwaite looks like both
00:59 christianjwaite both / and /boot will work
00:59 christianjwaite but for me I was only getting that message with it in /boot
00:59 dung yep
01:00 N30N ok good luck, I'm off for the night.
01:00 dung sry
01:00 christianjwaite ok thanks for the help
01:00 christianjwaite I'm confident I should be able to get it working now
01:01 christianjwaite but might have struggled without that tip
01:01 christianjwaite so you saved me a right nightmare
01:01 christianjwaite thanks
01:01 dung good night
01:02 dung last but not least ...
01:05 N30N oh yeah one last thing, you'll want to read this before updating pacman:
01:05 dung do it yourself
01:05 dung oh;
01:11 christianjwaite thanks
01:18 christianjwaite Ok I'm geting invalid format again
01:18 christianjwaite 1920-1080 I presume is right for a 1080p tv
01:19 christianjwaite I changed 1920x1080-32@60
01:19 christianjwaite to 1920x1080-32@50
01:19 christianjwaite as I'm in the uk
01:19 christianjwaite so 50hz screen
01:19 christianjwaite what does the 32 stand for?
01:19 christianjwaite I'm presuming it's not 32bits
01:19 christianjwaite as I would presume tv's are 8bit colours
01:21 christianjwaite I'll try 1280x720 ala
01:21 christianjwaite
01:25 christianjwaite that did it
01:25 christianjwaite got lux ;)
01:27 Punk-ley :)
01:32 christianjwaite ok thanks for the help guys
01:32 christianjwaite looks like it won't support 1080p out the box
01:32 christianjwaite even though my tv supports it
01:32 christianjwaite but 720p at 50hz did the trick in case anyone asks again
01:33 N30N christianjwaite: X should run 1080p no prob
01:33 christianjwaite it should do
01:33 N30N it's just the console
01:33 christianjwaite and I'm presuming will
01:33 christianjwaite yeah
01:33 christianjwaite exactly
01:33 christianjwaite console seems to only work with 720p
01:34 christianjwaite I'm sure if I wanted X on there I could get a xorg working to support it
01:34 N30N yeah, donno why.
01:34 christianjwaite but this is just gonna be a headless server
01:34 christianjwaite going to get a bit setup now
01:34 christianjwaite and ssh into it tomorrow from work
02:03 christianjwaite ok i don't have access to the network atm
02:07 christianjwaite think its my uboot actually
08:57 dotarra 08:57 * dotarray wonders where rabeeh is...
09:28 rabeeh xxfog: ping
10:03 xxfog hey dv505 you already saw my entry in forum today?
10:04 xxfog good morning rabeeh ;-)
10:05 xxfog Right now I am able to upload the uart-uboot file via serial console, but i don`t get "cubox>>" after the modem-transfert is finished. If I plug in power to cubox again, the led stays dimmed. So it seems, that I have now the state like
10:06 xxfog the user "thrillerator" has too
10:08 xxfog rabeeh: it does not matter if I plug in a usb-stick or LAN or SD - still the same behavior, when I plug in power cable nothing happens
10:08 xxfog than the dimmed LED (i forgot ;-) )
10:12 rabeeh the first operation of downloading via micro-usb (serial port) is only to DDR.
10:12 rabeeh if you power cycle CuBox it will be wiped.
10:13 rabeeh What you need to do is flashing u-boot back again to the SPI flash inside CuBox.
10:13 rabeeh For now; please run the command 'md 0xf8000000' (before flashing u-boot).
10:13 rabeeh if you get all '0xffffffff' this mean u-boot was wiped out.
10:16 xxfog okay please let`s start from the beginning. (i send you an pm how all the s.. happend).
10:17 xxfog I will use terraterm and upload the uart file agein - right? after transfering the file via xmodem I have to press "Enter" in the terraterm console and should get "cubox>>" where I should enter md 0xf8000000 right?
10:19 rabeeh yes
10:19 rabeeh that operation of uploading the file (via xmodem) is only transferring u-boot (the _uart.bin version) to the CuBox memory.
10:20 rabeeh It will not flash u-boot to SPI flash (non volatile memory)
10:20 xxfog okay and that is where I have the first problem: after the file has been uploaded I try to press enter in the console several times, but "cubox>>" does not appear.
10:20 xxfog The curser does not move a bit
10:27 xxfog rabeeh: any idea what this could be?
10:28 xxfog I just tried to upload via tera term and connect with putty afterwards, bit that does not work too :-( - has an sd-card to be inside the cubox while uploading the ..uart?
10:43 rabeeh xxfog: do you use Linux?
10:44 rabeeh xxfog: which OS do you have teraterm under?
10:44 rabeeh XP/2007?
10:44 xxfog I tried it with windows (worked before like a charm) but I have a knoppix live-cd here too
10:44 xxfog windows 7 64bit
10:44 xxfog (but yesterday it worked once)
10:44 rabeeh i looks unreliable.
10:45 rabeeh i know Marvell used Hyper terminal on that
10:45 rabeeh when did you get that CuBox?
10:45 xxfog puhhh I think 3 or 4 month ago? Wait I take a look into my email
10:48 xxfog I recieved a email on 2012-05-21 that the box has been shipped. I got it in june because of the german Zoll
10:57 dung start linux from livecd
10:57 dung or wipe that f... win
10:59 dung start from the beginning
11:01 dung i haven't soldered any serial console
11:02 dung too young ;)
11:14 xxfog dung: I have knoppix running right now on another machine.
11:15 rabeeh dung: no need to solder any serial console. there is an internal micro-usb to serial implemented by FTDI or Prolific chip inside CuBox
11:15 rabeeh that's where the microusb connector goes to.
11:15 rabeeh xxfog: download the u-boot with the _uart.bin extension, open putty on /dev/ttyUSB0 and simply run -
11:16 rabeeh sx u-boot..._uart.bin < /dev/ttyUSB0 > /dev/ttyUSB0
11:16 rabeeh 'sx' will transfer u-boot via x-modem protocol on /dev/ttyUSB0
11:16 xxfog where will i find the newes uart file for downloading?
11:18 rabeeh
11:20 bencoh rabeeh: hey, do you know where gimli is hosting his native xbmc/dove port ? git:// has no marvell-dove branch anymore
11:29 rabeeh bencoh: he seems to have removed it.
11:29 rabeeh gimli visits #cubox daily typically night time GMT time.
11:29 rabeeh i will ping him withregards that
11:29 bencoh thx
11:30 xxfog rabeeh: dung I did what you told me and still the same: the file upload (with linux console) finishes but the putty console shows nothing
11:30 xxfog just a green icon no text output and nothing happens when I press enter or try to type some characters
11:31 xxfog LED stays dimmed like bevor...
11:32 rabeeh xxfog: this is really strange.
11:32 rabeeh xxfog: the dimmed LED means u-boot hasn't started and the LED gpio pin is in it's default value.
11:33 rabeeh u-boot typically enables that pin in early init stages, and that's where you typically get the full red light.
11:33 rabeeh the fact that 'sx' is transferring file (or teraterm) means that the processor, DDR and voltage levels are ok and fully working.
11:35 xxfog hmmm... I really don`t know what to do. I used two linux consoles now. In the first I opened dmesg | grep ttyUSB0 and got a message that pl2303 converter is now atteched to ttyUSB0, after that I opened putty - serial - sercfg 115200,8,n,1 /dev/ttyUSB0
11:37 xxfog in the second I did: sx u-boot-cubox_hynix_cubox_uart.bin < /dev/ttyUSB0 > /dev/ttyUSB0 and hit enter. Than I got message to start xmodem recieve-program, so I pressed reset button and took power to the cubox which startet the upload (like in windows did too) . after that in no window (even not in putty) something happend.. :-(
11:38 xxfog damn, all I want is geexbox on a cubox ;-)
11:38 Thirsty Is it easier to use teamviewer to look at eachothers screen?
11:39 xxfog voltage output of power device is 5,22 V
11:39 xxfog Thirsty: ;-) well would be an idea, but some outputs are in german language..
11:39 xxfog not much, but some
11:40 xxfog I can facetime via iphone too to let you see the LED status ;-)
11:41 Thirsty I think, it is better then this :)
11:42 xxfog I am sorry to waste all your time with my "little" problem, but I tried to do all I can using the wiki and that did not work.
11:49 rabeeh xxfog: are you pressing the little button beneath the eSata port before powering up CuBox?
11:49 rabeeh xxfog: please send a dump of the output of 'sx' once it starts and after it's done too (pastebin)
11:51 xxfog rabeeh: yes. directly the small button "under" the esata port.
11:52 xxfog rabeeh:
11:57 xxfog when i start sx AND the cubox IS NOT powered it looks like:
12:00 xxfog when I power the cubox on it says:
12:01 xxfog "Übertragung abgeschlossen" means "sending done"
12:03 xxfog okay now i have a new behavior: when I start putty first in one console and try sx in the second console it ends up my putty session?!
12:04 xxfog do i have to use the sx somewhere in putty?
12:06 rabeeh try 'sx' alone without putty.
12:07 rabeeh once 'sx' shows you it's done look the LED if it get brighth
12:11 xxfog the led does not change.. still dimmed
12:12 xxfog seems like uboot is transferred but don`t starts than
12:13 xxfog could it help to remove the battery?
12:21 xxfog dung: it is not my windows :-)
12:21 Thirsty I did it 2 times in windows 7. But not in linux
12:24 xxfog actual state: when I try to do sx and plug in power to the cubox i get a timeout message and transfer failure at the same second. Now it lookes like not even the serial transfer works anymore
12:35 xxfog rabeeh: do you want it back for testing?
12:55 rabeeh xxfog: before that; i'm consulting with my colleague
13:04 xxfog okay. thanks a lot for your help
13:14 rabeeh no problem. but it's really weird thing
13:15 rabeeh typically people are not familiar with the unbriciking howto (we are writing wiki about that)
13:15 rabeeh but it goes straight with no issues.
13:31 xxfog yes it worked yesterday like mentioned in the wiki, but today the behaviour is completely different and nothing seems to work anymore
14:27 xxfog rabeeh: can you inform me via PM about the talk to your colleague? I have to leave irc soon
16:26 xxfog bye for now
20:38 rjc hi all
20:38 rjc a quick question, answet to which I couldn't find anywhere
20:39 rjc what is the size of the SPI flash?
21:03 neofob rjc: 512KB
21:03 neofob rjc:
21:09 rjc neofob: thank you
23:17 dbsx rabeeh: Does it have proper PXE boot on the network chip? Can you WOL using a magic
23:17 dbsx > packet or Ping?
23:18 dbsx that was first question asked of me.