IRC log of #cubox of Tue 23 Oct 2012. All times are in CEST < Back to index

08:34 ralix morning
18:56 cbxbiker61 i'm running some benchmarks to compare my [email protected] to the new FX-8350, if the results are compelling i'll upgrade
19:02 rabeeh 125Watt :)
19:02 rabeeh the 1055t
19:02 cbxbiker61 no, i have the 95W version
19:02 cbxbiker61 actually have two of them
19:04 cbxbiker61 the fx-8350 should pull about the same wattage at idle, which is what it does most of the time
19:23 cbxbiker61 systemd 195 has added a new date range option to journalctl
19:25 cbxbiker61 that'll help a lot if your writing the logs to disk
19:26 cbxbiker61 journalctl --since=2012-10-23
21:11 koboldmaki somebody online?
21:24 N30N Hi koboldmaki, what's up?
21:24 koboldmaki i try to compile the vanilla kernel
21:25 koboldmaki on the cubox, and I could not create one for the marvel PJ4 CPU
21:26 koboldmaki compiling with PJ4 CPU and the iwmmx extension do not work
21:27 koboldmaki especially the the error ""Error: only SUBS PC, LR, #const allowed -- `sub pc,pc,#4'"
21:37 N30 21:37 * N30N can't help with that. rabeeh?
21:37 koboldmaki ok.
21:38 N30N why don't you want to use the patched kernel?
21:41 koboldmaki i prefer the vanilla kernel so I could enable all the feature i would like to use, e.g. btrfs on the edge
21:43 koboldmaki i do not need the graphic stuff
22:19 Coolg33k unfortunatly, vanilla kernel don't have all the things needed to run on cubox
22:19 Coolg33k you have to pick up one with all the patch
22:19 Coolg33k or maybe that is changed now
22:19 Coolg33k but don't know that