IRC log of #cubox of Sun 28 Oct 2012. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:01 jomaster @rabeeh: for example stutter in 1080p
11:13 Snowbird Hi
11:15 Snowbird How goes it?
11:16 Snowbird Anybody alive here?
13:01 dotarray popping in very quickly before bed - we have a new blog post for you!
13:01 dotarray if you're trying to work out which operating system to use, have you ever considered Nemo Mobile? :)
13:01 dotarray
13:06 N30 13:06 * N30N wonders if he should get first first post… ;)
13:06 dotarray ha :)
13:06 N30N congrats on getting some content up :)
13:15 dotarray thanks N30N - even more coming once i catch up on some sleep ;)
13:15 dotarray new website very soon, and all sorts of fun stuff planned.
13:15 dotarray right now though - sleepytime!
13:15 dotarra 13:15 * dotarray waves
15:24 dv_ hello
15:25 cbxbiker61 hello
15:26 dv_ anyone ever tried to build a rootfs & kernel with angstrom/openembedded? I did according to , and just get "undefined instruction" when trying to start the kernel
15:27 dv_ I noticed in the cubox.conf file DEFAULTTUNE="armv7ahf"
15:28 dv_ perhaps this is wrong, and it should be armv7a instead?
15:29 cbxbiker61 yeah, i'd change that, also make sure that NEON is not enabled, i'm not sure if there is a NEON opt or not
15:30 dv_ fortunately, this one is explicitely disabled
15:31 dv_ but now I have to rebuild everything , since the instruction set changed to armv7a :| oh well, at least all the packages are downloaded already
15:31 dv_ btw. I am curious. what is considered the "preferred" distro for cubox? arch? angstrom? debian?
15:35 cbxbiker61 preferred is not a good word in this case, since different people prefer to use their favorite distro
15:55 rabeeh_ dv_: once you get something; please consider writing a small installer script to auto download and install on CuBox.
15:55 rabeeh_
15:56 dv_ hmm
15:56 dv_ okay, also, does armv7l imply armv7a?
15:57 dv_ or is armv7l compatible with armv7a?
15:58 bencoh hm, I was planning on working with OE on cubox, haven't had the time yet. glad to see someone else is interested :)
15:59 dv_ well I let it build in the background. which is fine for me, since I am currently studying for an exam :)
16:00 bencoh :)
16:03 rabeeh_ dv_ good luck with the exam
16:03 dv_ oh one other issue:
16:03 rabeeh_ armv7l stands for the little-endian version of the binaries
16:03 dv_ (thanks btw)
16:04 dv_ I had to put in a hack into the kernel OE recipe , otherwise it reports a QA error because of a .debug dir created somewhere
16:25 cbxbiker61 fx-8350 is sold out on amazon and newegg, there must be a good demand for it
16:43 dv_ oh rabeeh_, any reason why we have to use that forked kernel?
16:43 dv_ are there efforts to mainline cubox support underway?
16:46 suihkulokki dv_: there are efforts, but some drivers are quite too ugly to be mainlined anytime soon
17:00 rabeeh_ dv_: for today the GPU driver will never hit mainline. Russel King already have nicer vmeta kernel driver that works through char device (and not uio) that will be mainlined.
17:00 rabeeh_ Besides that shesselba (on #cubox) is the main guy infront of kernel-arm
17:00 rabeeh_ i hope that withint few months you can download any kernel, patch it with GPU driver and it should work.
17:08 dv_ that would be cool
17:08 dv_ or better yet, build the driver as a kernel module
19:08 dv_ should I use hardfp or softfp?
22:12 dv_ I guess building a softfp rootfs + kernel wont play well with the cubox, hm?