IRC log of #cubox of Tue 06 Nov 2012. All times are in CET < Back to index

05:11 ralix morning
05:11 dotarray good morning ralix :)
05:12 ralix Also you a nice good morning. how are you?
05:12 dotarray a little tired.
05:12 dotarray i was up later than usual last night working on the new solidrun website :)
05:14 ralix I'm tired, I did not sleep well;-)
05:14 dotarray cup of tea will help, maybe :)
05:15 ralix Oh I just checked out this very nice!
05:15 ralix I will prefer to first drink a large coffee.
05:15 dotarray that's probably more effective :)
05:16 ralix hehe yep
05:16 dotarray i think i'm one of the few people who work in this industry who doesn't drink coffee :(
05:16 ralix I think so too :)
05:18 ralix I drink but lately a lot more tea when I'm at work. Too much coffee is not good.
06:13 dotarra 06:13 * dotarray pokes
09:32 rabeeh yawniek: try now reading from that tmpfs
09:32 rabeeh yawniek: once you have optimized numbers, please consider posting on the forums.
10:17 yawniek rabeeh: will do again tonight, but roughly i got around 400mbit for reading/writing via samba, which is ok i guess
10:17 yawniek it will get interesting once i stuff 4 disks into that craddle and make a raid.
10:18 yawniek still whats unclear to me, which crypto algos are supported via hardware and how can i check if they are used
10:19 rabeeh des/3des/aes and few others
10:19 rabeeh you can check the specs of the chip online (specs are open source)
10:53 RandomPixels hello
10:55 dotarray hello!
11:29 RandomPixels i hava a crappy issue with my cubox
11:29 dotarray what's wrong with it?
11:29 RandomPixels it just won't boot without having an hdmi cable plugged in it
11:29 dotarray that's odd.
11:29 RandomPixels i'm using the ubuntu sd card which came bundled
11:31 dotarray hm.
11:31 RandomPixels or
11:31 RandomPixels it might be the lack of keyboard
11:31 RandomPixels (i have kb and hdmi plugged in and booted)
11:37 dv505 it should be able to boot headless. best would be to boot with only the serial connection, and watch for any strange messages
11:37 rabeeh RandomPixels: look at the wiki page how to set serial port connection, boot the box without HDMI and keyboard and send us dump
11:38 RandomPixels will do soon
11:38 RandomPixels thank you!
11:38 RandomPixels and congrats rabeeh on the project, it's a nifty gadget
11:40 rabeeh thanks
11:43 RandomPixels i'm also trying to configure a psyBNC on it, or something similar, but i keep running into errors. has anyone done it successfully? if so, what server has been used ?
11:43 RandomPixels (so far tried psybnc and dircproxy)
12:31 RandomPixels works, w00t! :)
12:32 rabeeh great :)\
12:36 RandomPixels also installed psyBNC similar package called shroudBNC
12:37 RandomPixels needs 'build-essential' package installed first
12:37 RandomPixels (if anyone needs it)
12:45 RandomPixels next step, installing a counter-strike 1.6 server, is anyone interested if possible ?
12:46 dotarray i was just talking to Punkley_Chillin about whether or not cubox would run steam when it's launched for linux.
12:46 dotarray he told me that until cubox has an intel chipset, i'll have to stick to the pc :)
12:47 RandomPixels i presume that creating a cubox with intel chipset would require some kind of licensing from intel which costs a lot
12:47 dotarray yeah i don't think it's likely to happen in a hurry.
12:48 RandomPixels i really like my cubox, but sometimes it's annoying the lack of x86 architecture
12:48 dotarray the other side of that might be to chat to our friends at valve and get them to support arm :)
12:49 RandomPixels especially when finding that the package that you need doesn't support arm
12:49 dotarray plenty of decent stuff does, of course, but i know what you mean.
12:49 RandomPixels heh, that would be something.. which is kind of possible with all tablets and smartphones getting more and more popular
12:49 RandomPixels lemme calculate smth :)
12:50 RandomPixels i have 3 x86-x64 devices in my house and 5 arm devices
12:50 RandomPixels soooo, talking about popularity
12:50 Coolgeek an intel chip is not good (in my opinion) for the cubox. It will need more power and need a fan too
12:50 dotarray that's pretty impressive :)
12:50 Coolgeek juste to have the same as a pc
12:51 dotarray Coolgeek - it wasn't a serious suggestion :)
12:51 dotarray more that it would be pretty great to run hd video games on a tiny cube :)
12:51 RandomPixels Coolgeek, not necessary, if it's gonna be intel, most definitely will be a low-voltage Atom
12:51 Coolgee 12:51 * Coolgeek get trolled
12:51 Coolgeek :(
12:51 dotarray nooo, not trolled!
12:51 RandomPixels CuBoXeon hehe
12:52 dotarray i work a lot with video games, so i was trying to work out what the cubox was capable of.
12:52 Coolgeek RandomPixels: but without hardware decode like the cubox and other arm chip have
12:53 RandomPixels i think all stuff that runs on android could be ported to the cubox
12:53 dotarray yeah, my next quest is to figure out a useful way of controlling it.
12:54 RandomPixels and i say ported, because even if they work out-of-the-box, control would be crappy
12:54 RandomPixels dotarray, possibilites are unlimited
12:54 dotarray phones and tablets all have control schemes kinda built in, whether it's keyboards or touch screens.
12:54 dotarray so i'm thinking about getting a touchscreen to play with :)
12:54 RandomPixels cubox+kinect would be a nice touch
12:54 dotarray wouldn't it!
12:54 dotarra 12:54 * dotarray adds that one to the list
12:54 RandomPixels :)
12:56 RandomPixels or voice control
12:56 dotarray i can't believe i hadn't really thought about that.
12:56 RandomPixels but people hate voice control
12:56 dotarray i think voice control has its place.
12:56 dotarray if you are american, it's very useful.
12:56 RandomPixels bicoz mi spokeen inglish iz crep
12:56 dotarray if you "have an accent" then you're out of luck.
12:56 RandomPixels my point exactly
12:56 Coolgeek voice control is not accurate enough to use it daily
12:57 dotarray i'm australian :)
12:57 dotarray i know people in california who use it every day.
12:57 dotarray walk into the room, "xbox, play movie"
12:57 dotarray one friend in particular doesn't know where his remote is any more :)
12:57 RandomPixels i use it with siri on my phone, i get a 50/50 success. it works or it doesnt :)
12:57 Coolgeek it need an external server to analyse your voice
12:59 RandomPixels anyway, i think i'll give my cubox to a friend for a couple of weeks
12:59 RandomPixels wants to try to use it as live sound processing unit
12:59 dotarray oh!
13:00 dotarray please keep us posted about how that works, it sounds like something that could be very interesting.
13:00 RandomPixels yep, hopefully doesn't get into the same problem as i always do
13:00 dotarray which one is that?
13:01 RandomPixels Package 'somethingveryfamous' has no installation candidate
13:01 dotarray ahh.
13:01 dotarray yeah.
13:02 dotarray i'll do you a deal, RandomPixels!
13:03 dotarray if you keep me posted about your experiments and your friend's successes with sound processing, i'll let you know what i find out about kinect ;)
13:05 jnettlet These guys are doing a voice control computer.
13:06 dotarray ooooooh!
13:07 RandomPixels [01:36:29.983] Couldn't read "/home/cubox/.config/user-dirs.dirs": Permission denied
13:07 RandomPixels [ OK ]
13:07 RandomPixels Segmentation fault
13:07 RandomPixels lovely :(
13:07 rabeeh ?
13:07 RandomPixels trying to install something via apt-get
13:07 dotarray thank you, jnettlet :)
13:08 RandomPixels the strange part is that it installed successfully :)
13:08 jnettlet dotarray, no worries. remembered reading about it last week.
13:09 rabeeh is that the shipped Ubuntu?
13:10 rabeeh seems like the one from /home/cubox/.config
13:13 RandomPixels yes, is the shipped ubuntu
14:37 N30N yawniek: I've made a pull request to add cryptodev support. Once it's added you'll just need to do the following:
14:42 yawniek N30N: awesome!
20:47 rabeeh hi captainigloo
20:47 rabeeh i just saw your email
20:47 captainigloo rabeeh: hi! fine
20:53 captainigloo rabeeh: i'm finally taking the time to replug my cubox :P
20:56 rabeeh great :)
20:56 rabeeh lots of things changed from last time you have tried it
20:56 rabeeh on hardfp side; we have the GPU and vmeta drivers set
20:57 rabeeh will Enna be available in the future as a media player?
20:57 captainigloo yes
20:57 captainigloo but not with the current code
20:57 captainigloo we are rewriting it
20:57 captainigloo from scratch and with another concept in mind
20:58 rabeeh i love the simplicity in Enna
20:58 rmull rabeeh: Are the gpu/vmeta drivers the ones linked on the wiki?
20:58 rabeeh rmull: yes
20:59 rmull Okay, thanks
20:59 rabeeh GeexBox are happily using them today
20:59 rmull It's hard to follow the versioning of everything
20:59 rmull There aren't really numbers - sometimes things are called "new" but then when they are replaced, what will they be called?
20:59 rmull Is there anyway the cubox software can be better maintained+
20:59 rabeeh things haven't changed a while on those drivers
21:00 rabeeh for the GPU, the new, newest or whatever you call it is r3184
21:00 rabeeh everything else was wiped since it's really obsolete and meaningless to maintain
21:02 rabeeh rmull: one of the things that needs to be maintained is .deb files for those
21:02 rmull rabeeh: I'm not interested in deb files
21:02 rabeeh i'm willing to host on the .deb files hardfp / softp for Debian / Ubuntu or whatever
21:02 rmull I'm interested in consistent names and version numbers. For example, I have a file called
21:02 rabeeh rmull: i know you are the Arch guy
21:03 rmull Inside is a dir called gc3184-1-mgcc462hd-d
21:03 rmull Is that somehow different than the gc3184-gcc-4.6-armv7-hard_release found inside
21:03 rmull Both say gc3184
21:03 rmull rabeeh: I'm not arch, but I'm doing something close to what arch is doing with their PKGBUILD
21:03 rabeeh ok
21:03 rmull I'm just trying to maintain build scripts and dependency tracking
21:04 rmull for the distro called CRUX
21:04 rmull So at the moment I'm just looking at Arch's PKGBUILDs
21:04 rmull But as a general suggestion I just feel like all these files could be managed a little better, that's all
21:04 rabeeh right. sorry - CRUX
21:04 rabeeh are you referring to this -
21:04 rabeeh
21:05 rmull Yes
21:08 rabeeh those are different builds for the exact same version 3184
21:08 rabeeh hardfp and softfp in generral
21:11 rabeeh and each has debug, profiler enabled and light
21:11 rabeeh so total 6 versions that are only binaries (depends hardfp/softfp and debug, profile and light)
21:11 rabeeh and there is one that includes the headers to build Xorg and other stuff against.
21:12 rabeeh what should i document more?
21:12 rabeeh i can add more details either on the FTP site or on the wiki
21:13 rmull Hmm
21:13 rmull Are the older versions kept around for download anymore?
21:13 rabeeh there is the original old one (i can't even recall it's version) -
21:14 rabeeh
21:14 rabeeh look at Elder
21:14 rmull Those are all gc3184, though, which is current, right?
21:14 rabeeh oops. they are the same
21:14 rabeeh yes. sorry
21:14 rmull Hmm
21:14 rabeeh that was only the old link
21:15 rabeeh do you want them?
21:15 rabeeh rmull: btw - do you have a working rootfs + kernel image?
21:16 rabeeh i can add those to the installer if you want
21:16 rmull rabeeh: Yes, I have those, but I'd probably want to check in with the distro maintainers to get their approval. I only maintain the cubox-specific ports overlay and kernel stuff.
21:17 rabeeh ok. fair enough
21:17 rmull Also for installation I'd probably follow their supported procedures instead of using the solidrun one
21:17 rmull Which is sort of backwards, I guess, but it makes sense that the distro should want their work to be useful across a variety of devices
21:18 rmull Anyway, there's a version bump coming up soon that I hope to be ready for. Maybe by then I'll have it all figured out and can integrate with the solidrun installer (I haven't looked into how it works yet)
21:18 rabeeh i understand this; but on the other hand users don't want to mess with every distro and it's own tweaks.
21:18 rabeeh in my mind, one installer rules them all, is better approach since it's really choose the distro; hit enter and it's there
21:18 rmull Some users do - for example, I run crux on my x86 and x86_64 machines, and I like and and enjoy having a consistent experience
21:19 rabeeh rmull: but that's because you are deep in crux; take most of the users on this channel; i bet with you that sometime they want Debian
21:19 rabeeh the other day Crux, and then Arch
21:20 rmull Perhaps. I support crux because crux embodies the ideals that I support
21:20 rabeeh then there are the more speciality like XilkaX for XBMC etc...
21:21 rmull I'll have to learn more about the solidrun installer. I'm usually nervous around things that do a lot of things that aren't made clear to me ahead of time
21:21 rabeeh ok. it's my fault that it's not really documented
21:22 rmull It will come in time
21:22 rmull For now my priority is getting the cubox-specific stuff working on my cubox running crux
21:22 rmull I'm using Thirsty's kernel, btw. What's your opinion on that?
21:23 rmull Is that discouraged, since it isn't "official?"
21:23 rabeeh let me give you an example of implementation for GeexBox installer -
21:23 rabeeh
21:24 rabeeh the installer calls that script and most of the things like partitioining is done by the installer scripts
21:24 rmull Looks pretty straightforward - is the end installer meant to edit this script?
21:25 rabeeh so the installer downloads from the net a file called dist.list; which includes all distros available for CuBox
21:25 rabeeh one of them is GeexBox that points to this file that is hosted on GeexBox site
21:25 rmull Wait! Before you tell me this, you should put it on the wiki so you don't have to repeat it :P
21:25 rabeeh :)
21:25 rabeeh aaargh
21:25 rabeeh you are right.
21:26 rmull It's good information
21:26 rabeeh i'll do that and send a link
21:26 rmull Sounds good
21:38 rabeeh
21:39 rabee 21:39 * rabeeh offers a cup of tea to dotarray
21:39 dotarray thank you rabeeh!
21:40 dotarray that page makes more sense now :)
21:40 rabeeh rmull: please let me know if more details needs to be added.
21:45 rmull rabeeh: I appreciate the work, thanks very much
22:01 yawniek +1 from me aswell for the wiki page :). btw: i didnt used the installer aswell, i straight went to the archlinuxarm site and the installation there was so short and obvious that it would have be more work to use the cubox installer
22:02 yawniek and thanks for pointing me to crux.
22:06 rmull crux support is not quite there yet :P
22:08 rabeeh yawniek: once rmull gets us rootfs+kernel and added to the installer; you would know that there is crux once you run the installer :)
22:09 rabeeh i think there is lots of great work already done on CuBox; but people don't know all of those since it's scattered all around.
22:12 yawniek rabeeh: as my cubox was sleeping for some time in my cuboard and only now i started to set it up, what was missing was a decent page where it says what works in which distro
22:12 yawniek especially concerning binary drivers
22:25 rabeeh yawniek: how do you suggest we improve this?
22:26 rabeeh is it rewriting the main page in the wiki?
22:27 yawniek one thing that would help is having an indicator how "fresh" and "well maintained" the ports are and if HF or soft. that could be on the main page
22:29 dotarray i like that idea :)
22:30 yawniek also, since you marked developers and abviously freaks you could aswell link to different distributions from the various applications pages
22:31 yawniek e.g. if you want to have a nice xbmc setup try DistX first, for a nas maybe use Y as a base
22:45 yawniek in general my rough interaction with the site was: found a ref to cubox somewhere on the web. came to, see pic, searched specs, then checked
22:45 yawniek distros, browse the forum a bit -> bought
22:46 yawniek but i have no clue who your customers are
22:59 yawniek lol the ideas subforum has some weird stuff