IRC log of #cubox of Thu 08 Nov 2012. All times are in CET < Back to index

08:42 rabeeh captainigloo: which geexbox are you running?
08:42 rabeeh 3.0 or devel?
09:03 jnettlet rabeeh, are the dove datasheets and register manuals public?
09:07 rabeeh jnettlet: yes
09:08 rabeeh
09:08 jnettlet rabeeh, do you have them on your site? I was going through the wiki and couldn't find them.
09:08 jnettlet I may have just overlooked them
09:10 rabeeh i just added the link to wiki
09:10 rabeeh
09:12 jnettlet thanks
09:21 captainigloo rabeeh: 3.0
09:21 captainigloo i watched tv shows yesterday hd and sd without problem :D
09:29 rabeeh great
09:29 rabeeh 3.0 is not the top notch though
09:29 rabeeh the devel has more optimizations for vmeta
10:05 captainigloo rabeeh: now i need to build enna
10:06 captainigloo i would like to build it outside de geexbox tree
10:06 captainigloo s/de/the
10:22 N30N Hi captainigloo, is enna getting native vmeta or just going to be using gstreamer?
10:23 jnettlet enna uses gstreamer as far as I know
10:26 rabeeh enna uses libplayer that can be ffmpeg, gstreamer
10:26 rabeeh i think
10:30 N30N rabeeh: be good to get some feed back on this:
10:30 jnettlet looks like it supports using the mediaplayer directly not the libraries, so mplayer, xine, vlc, gstreamer
10:30 N30N rabeeh: evnen if just to say it's not possible
10:33 rabeeh N30N: yes. it's possible
10:33 rabeeh but not quite recommended
10:34 rabeeh but the way it's described on the forums won't work
10:34 rabeeh CuBox supports dynamic frequency scaling that you can get the CPU/DDR freq higher and lower in runtime
10:34 rabeeh s/CuBox/Dove
10:35 rabeeh but that is not enabled in CuBox
10:38 N30N Is there plans to add support? Would it be much work porting these patches:
10:44 rabeeh it's not straightfoward. you need to have the power management unit enabled and lots of other stuff
10:44 rabeeh but at the end i'm not sure if CuBox package can hold the 1GHz
10:44 rabeeh i mean it was designed with constrained power consumption
10:49 captainigloo yes enna uses libplayer which is a framework on top of mplayer, gstreamer, xine and vlc
10:49 captainigloo there is also an engine based on emotion
10:49 captainigloo the video library of EFL
10:50 captainigloo which supports gstreamer, xine and vlc
10:50 captainigloo which library has a vmeta implementation ?
10:52 N30N captainigloo: It's only implemented in xbmc:
10:53 captainigloo ah so you get only vmeta acceleration with xbmc ?
10:53 captainigloo no implementation in gstreamer for example ?
10:55 N30N captainigloo: yep gstreamer has hw acceleration, was just wonding if enna could do without the overhead
10:56 rabeeh captainigloo: gstreamer is there too
10:56 rabeeh actually gstreamer was the first, then gimli ported that to native xbmc
11:00 captainigloo ok i see
11:01 captainigloo so if gstreamer has hw acceleration it should be ok
11:01 captainigloo i guess that xbmc vmeta support is better than the gstreamer one ?
11:04 rabeeh it's much more smaller implementation
11:04 rabeeh actually something like 600 lines of C code
11:04 rabeeh i was hoping we can get native libav support for vmetea
11:04 rabee 11:04 * rabeeh stares at janne :)
11:05 rabeeh any brave soul #cubox can take this?
11:05 captainigloo what's libav
11:05 captainigloo ahh ffmpeg ?
11:11 rabeeh yes
11:20 captainigloo where could i found the vmeta code in the xbmc repository ?
11:21 captainigloo there is a link here :
11:21 captainigloo which is broken
11:21 captainigloo <= this one
11:21 N30N captainigloo: see link ad bottom of the page
11:21 N30N s/ad/at/
11:22 captainigloo which one ?
11:22 N30N
11:23 captainigloo ahh bottom, i missread :)
11:30 jnettlet better gstreamer support is on it's way. My videobuf stuff will be done by the end of the year.
11:30 jnettlet now that some of the last bits I was waiting for the bugs ironed out.
11:31 jnettlet put 'to get' in there....stupid wireless keyboard
11:31 jnettle 11:31 * jnettlet goes to get new batteries
11:42 rabeeh captainigloo: does Enna require pulse?
11:48 Punkley_Chillin jnettlet what u improving with gstreamer?
11:50 rabeeh jnettlet: do you know if same vmeta hardware for your project would work on CuBox as-is?
11:50 rabeeh jnettlet: do you know if same vmeta hardware libraries for your project would work on CuBox as-is?
11:54 jnettlet rabeeh, as far as I know they should, although I haven't tested my libraries on your hardware yet.
12:40 RandomPixels hello
12:40 dotarray hello!
12:40 RandomPixels found out something interesting that might be used on cubox
12:40 RandomPixels youtube has a nice tv app that can be controlled via a smartphone
12:41 RandomPixels tutorial on how to set it up
12:46 rabeeh nice
12:47 rabeeh i think it can work on Android Froyo on CuBox
12:51 RandomPixels also on ubuntu i think
12:57 N30N It's webbased — should work on any platform.
12:58 RandomPixels yes N30N, but i don't know the underpaths of FroYo on CuBox, it doesn't need to work, it needs to run
12:58 RandomPixels :)
13:05 N30N Better off using the youtube addon for xbmc + smartphone remote app
13:08 captainigloo rabeeh: it should not
13:14 captainigloo ahh bottom, i missread :)
13:14 captainigloo ouch sorry
13:44 captainigloo rabeeh: hum; enna is stille working
13:44 captainigloo better than what i tought