IRC log of #cubox of Thu 15 Nov 2012. All times are in CET < Back to index

04:46 map7 Is it possible to boot cuBox off a USB stick?
04:46 dotarray yes indeed!
04:47 dotarray just put the boot folder and the .scr file on the usb key and you're good to go :)
04:47 dotarray
04:50 map7 I'm trying to boot the CuBox off my LTSP (PXE boot server), I've started to follow
04:51 map7 With my RaspberryPI I was able to use the i386 image by booting the berryterminal, is berryterminal compatible with the CuBox?
04:52 Punkley_Chillin not sure on that one haven't used it.
04:52 Punkley_Chillin you should be able to use PXE though
04:55 map7 Well I'm not getting very far. I've created my pex_boot.txt, formatted my USB as ext3 and compiled my pex_boot.txt to boot.scr and put it in the boot directory on my USB stick
04:55 map7 I plug that into the CuBox and it doesn't do anything, it doesn't even reach my DHCP server.
04:57 Punkley_Chillin have you setup your DHCP to respond to pxe requests?
04:58 map7 Yes I also have many x86 thin clients which are currently booted off my LTSP machine
04:58 Punkley_Chillin k
04:58 map7 And I've had a raspberry pi boot off this as well
04:59 Punkley_Chillin it might need help from one of the other guys then
04:59 Punkley_Chillin I know it does work, I haven't done it
05:00 dotarray map7 - maybe try posting on the forums about the issue?
05:00 Punkley_Chillin make a post in the forums.
05:00 Punkley_Chillin snap.
05:00 map7 will do, thanks
05:04 rmull Hey, I thought the latest 3.5.7-Patched kernel from Thirsty would take care of the "unable to receive ctrl connection" udevd message. Am I missing something?
05:06 rmull It does seem like there is some stuff missing from the kernel sources after comparing with though
05:16 Punkley_Chillin did u use the right git
05:17 rmull yeah, thought so
05:18 rmull maybe it's something else.
05:23 rmull;filename=test_accept4.c;att=1;bug=647825 this test program tells me that accept4 is not implemented
05:24 rmull I'm on 3.5.7
05:24 rmull Thirsty_Away: ping
05:25 rmull I'll try rebuilding my glibc
05:25 rmull ahh... I think that may be the issue
05:43 rmull Seems my version of glibc builds against 2.6.35 headers, so I'll assume that's the issue
10:32 dung map7, CuBox has U-Boot as bootloader. I believe berryterminal is a binary PXE extension for bootloaders that can't. You don't need anything on USB to boot over network. Serial port, interrupt U-Boot, and type `bootp' should be enough.
10:33 dung Also you may load berryterminal
21:26 dung looks interesting.. zip - you may need to add GL and change kernel.. then U-Boot
21:26 dung @map7 berryterminal
21:29 dv_ any news on the "illegal instruction" problem with mesa and several gstreamer vmeta plugins?
21:30 dung Do hard-float binaries for RPi run on CuBox?
21:32 dv_ what instruction set does rpi use? armv7? armv5?
21:33 dung ok; compatible. v6
21:36 N30N hey dv_, no news on it. xbmc-cubox-git has been added to the alarm repo now though.
21:55 dv_ nice