IRC log of #cubox of Wed 09 Jan 2013. All times are in CET < Back to index

01:13 Coburn ping rabeeh
01:13 Coburn I tried to get the CuBox to glitch up on my samsung TV since my brother came up from brisbane
01:13 Coburn it didn't.
01:13 Coburn I got the registers dump when it was working OK.
01:14 Coburn Looks like it's playing "oh, I'm not going to be glitchy" today
01:15 dbsx coburn: keep trying, tis important
01:15 dotarray Coburn - 2:15 at solidrun hq, rabeeh is asleep :)
01:16 dbsx He should change hours of sleep to suit us
01:16 dotarray tell me about it :)
01:17 dotarray would make my job easier :P
01:19 dbsx could be the worst time zone (for us) that ther is
01:19 Coburn dbsx: I would if I could
01:19 Coburn I'm out of time, they need to go back to brisbane
01:20 Coburn dbsx: I'll see if I can replicate it on my (next) CuBox -I'll call you soon regarding that
01:34 Coburn ZNooooooooooooooooooooooo
01:34 Coburn the Cubox HDD fell off the bench
01:35 Coburn fksdlkgnehgegt
01:35 Coburn F**k!
01:35 dotarray :(
01:40 Coburn gah
01:41 Coburn I hate myself now
01:41 Coburn Very nice 1TB HDD
01:41 Coburn ruined
01:41 Coburn WHY COBURN WHY
01:41 Coburn I'm down another $100.... :(
01:50 rmull damn, sorry man
01:51 Coburn All because I was rushing
01:51 Coburn I was unpluging usb cable
01:51 Coburn then bump, before I could realize, THUD
01:51 Coburn look at floor, HDD was TURNED ON
01:51 Coburn I was like Noooooooooooooooooo
01:52 Coburn Of course, didn't yell it, but I was screaming it inside my head
08:54 Cobur 08:54 * Coburn pokes rabeeh
08:54 Coburn actually, no
08:54 Cobur 08:54 * Coburn brings in the pots and pans
08:54 Cobur 08:54 * Coburn starts clanging them about
13:20 Proxymalz Hallo
13:32 Punkley_Chillin hello
14:31 dung aussie mans and dollars
14:38 dung white belly, red neck
14:51 dung dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/kiddy_movies skip=0
15:45 neofob shesselba: ping! could you take a look at this?
15:45 neofob hardware checksum needs to be disable for mtu over 1600 for cubox
15:45 neofob the Armada 510 Functional Spec says 2K though
15:46 neofob the patch was in Rabeeh's but it is still not in mainstream
17:16 Pythag Hi
17:17 Pythag Has anybody sucessfully installed ?
17:18 Pythag when I try to de-compress it xz tools say the file is corrupt
19:00 niteye im a bit confused about the installation process, if you format the SD card, doesnt't that erase uboot?
19:01 rmull niteye: nope
19:01 rmull uboot is stored elsewhere
19:01 niteye ah
20:02 shesselba neofob: it's not my patch and I will not mainline it - please ask the author to do so..
20:03 shesselba btw, doesn't it apply with latest kernel ?
20:06 neofob shesselba: it does apply to the latest kernel. i'm not sure but probably it's rabeeh's code
20:07 Thirsty I think to the 3.5.x kernel
20:10 shesselba neofob: actually the spec required checksum generation disabled for mtu > 1500 (= standard ethernet packet size)
20:12 neofob shesselba: thanks; i also see the number 1600 limit for dove; why is that?
20:13 shesselba if you mean 1600 as in the patch - I don't know, maybe it's wrong?
20:13 shesselba should be >1500