IRC log of #cubox of Sun 13 Jan 2013. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:19 cbxbiker61 just ran across a pretty kewl lightweight media player
00:19 cbxbiker61 gst123, it uses gstreamer
00:19 cbxbiker61 good way to test out gstreamer functionality
00:24 cbxbiker61 awesome! it does audio and video
00:27 cbxbiker61 i've been looking for a lightweight player to integrate with comskip for tuning purposes, this may be it
00:59 dbsx biker: what is the dependency chain to have this using all the marvell goodies
01:06 cbxbiker61 right now i'm using it with gstreamer 1.x, i think the configure script will also build it agains gstreamer 0.10, so it should work
01:06 cbxbiker61 basic X dependencies with gstreamer
01:09 cbxbiker61 i'm in a massive rebuild cycle with my cubox, but I intend to test it on cubox quite soon
01:27 rmull So what do I need to get video playback of any type working? Right now I have kernel 3.5.7, the dove X driver, and libgfx installed
01:27 rmull mplayer gives me audio but just messed up block output
01:29 cbxbiker61 xbmc has been the only player to give decent results on cubox, but you could compile gst123 and see if that works
01:30 rmull Do I need to install any other items that are cubox specific that are found on the wiki or anything?
01:30 cbxbiker61 the two cubox specific gstreamer extensions
01:31 rmull Okay, those are gstreamer0.10-plugins-bmmxv and gstreamer0.10-plugins-marvell?
01:31 cbxbiker61 right
01:31 rmull Thanks cbxbiker61. Sorry for the bother, there's just not so much distro-agnostic instructions for things like this
01:32 rmull What's the deal with
01:34 cbxbiker61 all of the current cubox xbmc ports call vmeta code directly, unlike the original port that used gstreamer
01:38 rmull Alright, so to get a video to play back on a generic distro (hardfp) I need libbmm, the two gstreamer plugins, and gstreamer to play the video?
01:38 rmull looks like I also need libvmeta and marvell-ipp?
01:46 cbxbiker61 yeah
01:48 rmull Okay, I'll start down that path, thanks
04:04 rmull Anybody here familiar with how systemd works? Where does %I come from in this systemd file?
04:05 rmull I assume that %I gets replaced with 667
04:05 rmull just wanted to confirm
04:10 rmull seems pretty obvious.
04:36 cbxbiker61 systemd has some pretty good man pages, finding the right one is sometimes the issue
04:37 rmull Well, no worries, I'm lazy and I don't see how it could be anything other than 667
04:38 cbxbiker61 pretty sure if you feed it something over 667 it will go to 667 anyway
04:42 cbxbiker61 yeah, it's getting the parm from the service name
04:42 rmull cool, thanks for confirming
04:43 rmull Is there a way I can learn the $CHOST of my system in a dynamic way? It's in the output from gcc -v but is there a more direct way?
04:44 cbxbiker61 kinda silly to use a @ service name to set the clock rather than just plug the value into the service file and give it a standard name
05:30 rmull Alright, I've installed libbmm, vmeta, and ipp. Now I can look at the gst plugins.
05:35 rmull Are the ones in the big unified driver cubox-packages.tar.gz the ones I want?
05:40 rmull assuming yes, and assuming they are the most recent
06:42 rmull cbxbiker61: I installed both gst plugins and gst123, but when I try to play an mpg or webm video, gst123 tells me that my GStreamer installation is missing a plugin. Haven't probed too deeply yet...
06:43 rmull I have plugins-base also installed - installing -good and -bad now
06:43 cbxbiker61 i'll look at it when i can, maybe you could strace gst123, and see if you can figure out what it's trying to use
06:43 rmull Alrighty
06:43 cbxbiker61 yeah you'll need good/bad
06:52 rmull I think I'm gonna go to sleep while these deps build, thanks for your help
06:52 cbxbiker61 yep, gn
10:32 Coburn [19:29:50] [10:27:34] mplayer gives me audio but just messed up block output
10:32 Coburn tried mplayer2? mplayer is obsolete
11:05 Coolgeek hi
11:07 Coolgeek I have a ssmall problem: I upgraded Archlinux on my cubox, tried to reboot after (new kernel), and then it don't show up. The front led keep blinking then stop (power off) and then restart blinking. Like it always power off and power down without booting from the sdcard
11:07 Coolgeek has anyone have this before ?
11:08 Coolgeek power off / power on*
11:10 Coolgeek and I can't have a serial connection to it => doesn't work (with screen thought)
11:14 Coolgeek ok, I have a serial connection now
11:15 Coolgeek seems my fs on the sd card is corrupt :(
11:16 Coolgeek oh
11:16 Coolgeek no
11:16 Coolgeek the kernel is not right:
11:17 Coolgeek ======== Loading kernel ========
11:17 Coolgeek Loading file "/boot/uImage" from mmc device 0:1 (mmcda1)
11:17 Coolgeek undefined instruction
11:17 Coolgeek pc : [<94714be4>] lr : [<00636454>]
11:17 Coolgeek sp : 005ff570 ip : 00000001 fp : a197b0f6
11:17 Coolgeek r10: 9a6755eb r9 : b7149afa r8 : 005fffcc
11:17 Coolgeek r7 : d455c3fd r6 : e6696f1d r5 : f45fc1ef r4 : 91c1db5e
11:17 Coolgeek r3 : ffffffff r2 : 00000001 r1 : 000f4240 r0 : 00000000
11:17 Coolgeek Flags: nzcv IRQs off FIQs off Mode SVC_32
11:17 Coolgeek Resetting CPU ...
11:17 Coolgeek have to reboot to linux to fix this
11:17 Coolgeek bye o/
11:36 Coolgeek fixed :D
22:39 rmull cbxbiker61: Hey, so gst123 is sort of working, better for some formats than others. webm doesn't open a player window, mpeg works, but it doesn't like my tiling window manager and I have to resize the window before I can see the video, and 1080p x264 is about 1 frame every 5 sec, haha
22:39 rmull Not sure if you wanted any feedback on it, but there you go
23:43 cbxbiker61 rmull, how does x264 perform?
23:43 cbxbiker61 sorry, didn't see that
23:44 cbxbiker61 gst123 may need some patching to get hardware accelerated x264, i haven't looked at the code yet
23:45 cbxbiker61 strace may allow you to see which gstreamer modules are actually used
23:46 cbxbiker61 it'll probably be a couple of days before i'm ready to build it on my cubox, i may look at the source code in the meantime
23:55 dbsx biker: you mentioned that we are stuck 3.5.* because of marvell drivers. How is it that Rabeeh has 3.6 kernel? No Marvell drivers?