IRC log of #cubox of Sat 19 Jan 2013. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:33 Coburn [23:12:38] Hi all - anyone around today?
00:33 Coburn I'm here, may be for a few hours depending on what I need to do
00:34 dmitriju 00:34 * dmitrijus 2
00:36 Coburn Too hot here
00:37 Coburn 30*C
00:37 dmitriju 00:37 * dmitrijus has -5C!
00:38 Coburn using cubox as my arm bootstrapper is awesome
00:38 Coburn currently bootstrapping a base system for r-pi
00:38 Coburn which is ARM v6
00:38 Punkley_Chillin 30c hot pfft.
00:39 Cobur 00:39 * Coburn can't stand heat
00:39 dmitrijus yeah, /me prefers -5
00:40 Coburn lol
00:40 Coburn user: roor
00:40 Coburn I can't type
03:47 Coburn bah, I hate realtek
03:47 Coburn hostapd just doesn't work with realtek adapters...
14:30 michaelcubox anybody here online who uses my debian build?