IRC log of #cubox of Tue 26 Mar 2013. All times are in CET < Back to index

03:28 Coburn Does anyone know if there's a NAS system that runs on the CuBox?
03:28 Coburn I know I can make my own, but FreeNAS looks interesting...
03:31 Coburn sigh... there goes rabe
03:31 Coburn rabeeh*
04:55 dbsx Coburn: I am suspicious that he is a vampire. Sleeps all day and is awake all night.
04:55 Coburn I would agree with that assumption :)
04:57 Coburn dbsx: Do you know any out-of-box solutions for NAS?
04:57 Coburn For example, a software program that has a web interface and I can manage it via web browser?
04:57 Coburn I can set up SAMBA and everything myself, just that I wonder if it's possible to just deploy a ready-made program and let it rip
05:00 Coburn Hmmm
05:00 Coburn Lazy way out: Use FreeNAS
05:01 Coburn Feed my inner linux penguin way out: Use CuBox + SAMBA
05:01 Coburn Decisions decisions....
05:04 cbxbiker61 Coburn, some freebsd guys were doing some work with freebsd on sheevaplug, i'm not aware of them working on cubox though
07:49 Coburn Prepped a old 4GB uSD that came with my CuBox (who uses 4GB uSDs anyway?) with a debootstrapped debian and samba
07:49 Coburn setting it up now
08:05 undo it's cold and snowing
08:08 undo i know my salt
08:12 undo nas?
08:13 undo it's very difficult, everything else ;)
08:21 undo imagin thor´s hammer :)
08:22 undo wherever you can
08:24 undo yölnir
08:25 undo on your head or on my solar plexus, phah
08:28 undo s/on/below/
08:33 undo i&i never say sorry again
08:41 undo dv_, olpc gfx might need olpc kernel too
08:47 undo dv_ is dbsx ?
08:47 undo you can
08:47 undo ggg
09:00 undo dbsx, get better or by boxes and shut up
09:06 undo i've spent some time on this, then you revert before reading!?
09:08 undo well, my english needs correction(s)
09:10 undo it's not my home language, but better than yours
09:10 undo how old are you?
09:10 undo a manager!? i can't believe
10:48 rabeeh Coburn: openmediavault is a good one
10:48 rabeeh where is the vampire?
11:23 undo dbsx is the the only little mess i could see
11:27 undo s/could/have to/
11:28 undo well, there are bigger problems than a little mess
11:31 dbsx rabeeh: Coburn is looking for silver and a stake, also eating lots of garlic
11:56 dv_ undo: apparently not if I set it to the marvell dove platform mode
11:56 dv_ I'll try out full hdmi today though
12:15 undo i ment dbsx and co, odf course
12:15 undo the whole cangaroo farm
12:17 undo get rich with bitcoins :- )
12:19 undo first, get a fat cpu, then more. they work for you!
12:21 undo loosers
12:22 undo nice company
12:27 undo spinifex, gg
12:30 undo apropos: i've shot you an email ;)
12:33 undo grr
12:38 undo that's what we want to no in chat channel: Coburn sent an email to his chief dbsx
12:38 undo get lost
12:45 undo erm.. solid-run? do you want me to hire for an up-to-date website?
12:47 undo i'm from vienna, not australia
12:48 undo or srilanka
12:51 undo do i have to blog news each week to keep it updated?
12:51 undo fuck
12:52 undo tweet tweet
12:54 undo so. now i really have alot of friends.
13:22 dv_ rabeeh: confirmed. with a true hdmi monitor, 720p works just fine. so the problems are indeed limited to cases when a dvi connector and a dvi-hdmi cable are used
13:22 dv_ i cannot confirm 1080p yet, since I do not have access to that monitor for a few hours
14:18 undo i confirm that you're headless
18:08 rabeeh dv_: let me explain the internals; the Armada 510 chip framebuffer is connected to an external HDMI phy (which can also be a DVI phy).
18:09 rabeeh The chip framebuffer can do any resolution up to 160MHz (1920x1200@60). The HDMI phy is limited because it wants to transport audio.
18:09 rabeeh If you tell the HDMI phy to be a DVI only without Audio (as I previously sent you), then whatever comes to the phy goes out bypassed without checking anything.
18:10 rabeeh so potentially with DVI any resolution up to 1920x1200 can be supported (TM).
18:10 dv_ but it is untested, right?
18:10 rabeeh it's a feature that wasn't developed; but it's there
18:11 dv_ btw. I just confirmed 1080p
18:11 dv_ (with HDMI)
18:11 dv_ just some minor issue with EXA, but its no showstopper
18:13 dv_ also, if I understand your paste correctly, you start with a predefined 1080p video mode, and tweak that one to whatever you want
18:21 rabeeh no.
18:21 rabeeh you start X, xrandr to any resolution
18:22 rabeeh then the internal framebuffer and the clock generator should be configured; but you would probably see nothing (since HDMI phy) won't accept that config
18:22 rabeeh but regardless the framebuffer is transmitting the data in the requested resolution.
18:22 rabeeh and only afterwards you do this i2ctools mangling on the HDMI phy registers.
18:22 dv_ alright
18:22 dv_ I was just confused by the (e0a0 = 06h) -> select a predefined 1080p60 format line
18:22 rabeeh notice that you must run perioudically 'xset dpms force on' since time to time X goes to sleep (power mode)
18:23 dv_ yes, or pass consoleblank=0 to the kernel
18:23 rabeeh well... NXP claims that any resolution that you want can be further on added to the NXP driver; but that's not easy because of the configuration of the audio stuff in the blanking period
18:23 rabeeh right.
18:23 rabeeh there is also an xorg.conf configuration to disable power management too.
18:24 dv_ its been a while since I used i2c tools
18:24 dv_ (e0a0 = 06h) means I2C address e0a0 data 06h ?
18:50 rabeeh the HDMI phy i2c has page number at the last byte
18:50 rabeeh byte 255
18:50 rabeeh writing to the byte decides which page you want to work with
18:52 dv_ oh the first byte is the address one, the rest is data
19:37 im hi everyone
19:38 im I'm trying to compile xserver-xorg-video-dove but have some troubles
19:39 im where I can download latest version of xserver-xorg-video-dove?
20:09 dv_ im: 0.1.0 is on the solid-run servers
20:09 dv_ im: there is also a patched one on , name is xf86-video-dove
20:10 dv_ im: . also, how do you build it?
20:12 im dv_: I'm using xorg-server 1.13.1
20:14 dv_ well, how are you building the driver? and what are the troubles?
20:15 im dv_: troubles that current dovefb.c not support xorg-server 1.13.1 api
20:15 dv_ ah
20:15 im dv_: for example FBDevCloseScreen(int scrnIndex, ScreenPtr pScreen)
20:16 im dv_: I found patch at
20:16 dv_ yes, I guess it is related to
20:16 dv_ I had to create another patch to get autoconf to work properly
20:17 dv_ <- this one
20:17 dv_ well, the API patch should work, since archlinuxarm uses the very newest xorg server
20:18 im dv_: thanks
20:18 dv_ oh, and do you use the supplied shell script to build, or do you call autoreconf etc. yourself?
20:19 dv_ I mean ""
20:19 im dv_: currently I'm call autoreconf myself, after succesfull result will write ebuild
20:20 dv_ I am using jnettlets patched driver, and the following cflags:
20:21 dv_ with my configure patch, you can also use newer autotools (AM_CONFIG_HEADER is deprecated)
20:22 dv_ and I guess emerge has something prepared for autotools-based packages?
20:25 im dv:_ yep, for example one of overlays with ebuild for dove
20:26 dv_ ah, nice
20:26 dv_ you can apply my autotools patch on both the original driver from the solid-run site and on jnettlets version
20:27 dv_ as for the cflags, perhaps the most important is DMRVL_PLATFORM_INFO, it must be 1, this enables support for the dove platform
20:28 im dv_: many thanks :)
20:28 dv_ and last but not least, read this:
20:29 im dv_: what kernel you are use?
20:29 dv_ rabeeh's 3.6.9 kernel
20:29 dv_ note that this one has the galcore module linked in, you dont need to keep it around anymore
20:33 im CONFIG_DOVE_GPU=y ?
20:36 dv_ hmm?
20:36 dv_ the kernel config?=
20:36 dv_ what kernel are you using?
20:37 im I'm using same 3.6.9
20:38 dv_ check out
20:38 im so I need to set CONFIG_DOVE_GPU=n
20:38 dv_ no
20:38 dv_ CONFIG_DOVE_GPU=y
20:38 dv_ see the config. it is the exact same one I use
20:38 im ok, I not understud what you mean with " you dont need to keep it around anymore" sorry :)
20:39 dv_ well there is a galcore.ko in one of the packages
20:39 dv_ i think its in these:
20:39 dv_ you can safely ignore this module.
20:41 im oh, galcore.ko in zip file :)
20:41 dv_ what version of the graphics libraries do you use?
20:41 dv_ do you use one of these from the link above?
20:43 im I'm downloaded cubox-packages.tar.gz
20:43 im link on cubox wiki on Downloads page
20:44 dv_ and you use the etc. from this one?
20:44 im yep
20:45 dv_ they might not work. do not use the ones from bin/ in the zip file, they didnt work for me at all.
20:45 dv_ the ones from the debian/ folder did. but there are newer ones.
20:45 dv_ (for the .so's) and (for the headers)
20:45 dv_ these .so's are for hardfp though
20:46 im dv_: thank you :) will try
20:47 dv_ np
20:47 dv_ I am writing yocto recipes for all this, and the various package versions can be really confusing
20:47 im and I'm not yet trying to build xbmc with native vmeta :)
20:48 dv_ I didnt try vmeta yet
20:48 dv_ thats next on my list
20:48 dv_ the xorg driver kept me busy til now... especially this dvi-hdmi issue was very misleading
20:49 im dv_: how you are building packages? I'm build most of packages using qemu-user, but cmake wont build and cmake's projects too
20:49 dv_ qemu-user ?
20:50 dv_ building is done by openembedded's facilities
20:50 im interesting
20:50 im i'm just use gentoo, soo building with qemu-user
20:50 dv_ I adapted some of the packages in the big tarball (cubox-packages.tar.gz), some of them had broken makefiles
20:51 im because cross compiling with gentoo for arm on x86 is nightmare
20:51 dv_ (some of the makefiles in the libgfx samples use LN instead of LD, and LNFLAGS instead of LDFLAGS ... wtf?)
20:51 dv_ hmmm I never tried that
20:52 im dv_: are you tried buildroot?
20:52 dv_ I'll put my stuff on github soon, then you can have a look at it if you want
20:52 dv_ briefly, it never built properly for me
20:52 dv_ and I use yocto/oe at work, so..
20:52 im dv_: tell me please your nick on github
20:53 dv_
20:53 im ok, thanks :)
20:53 dv_ ignore the current meta-cubox layer repository there. it is just a fork to keep an old layer alive. this old layer didnt work properly for me, so I am writing a new one.
20:58 im dv_: thanks again
20:58 im later
22:55 undo hhieuaath
22:56 undo my naybour ..
22:57 undo toooo lout
22:57 undo s/t/d//
22:58 undo i mean it WAS to loud for my neighbour
23:00 undo and his/her little chi8ldrens
23:01 undo so silence
23:01 undo respect
23:03 undo i go and fear for myself
23:03 undo but..
23:03 undo silent
23:04 undo i do not want to wake up those tiny littlte angels
23:05 undo amp done
23:05 undo and down
23:08 undo butt....
23:08 undo i've some time to write silently
23:08 undo for you, my friend
23:10 undo i mean i have a ear for you losers
23:10 undo from cngrlnd
23:13 undo can i help you !?
23:14 undo that's all i need
23:18 undo i do not help any whities from colonial whities
23:18 undo i don't want to
23:18 undo farmer
23:19 undo you don't even know wood and champion
23:19 undo you might thiungik
23:19 undo -op97gzlki-jhdc9oLIP
23:19 undo headless :-)
23:20 undo you are
23:20 undo i'm not your head, baby
23:21 undo you are the worst i ever read of
23:21 undo my rage is contigius
23:22 undo i remember
23:22 undo you fuckin ...
23:22 undo nothin
23:24 undo well, sell
23:24 undo i do not excuse me for anything
23:25 undo you little mess
23:27 undo i whow you the cellar
23:27 undo oops
23:27 undo yocta, win
23:27 undo i want to fuck baby
23:28 undo you're the only mess
23:31 undo woouhh
23:31 undo i fuck you!
23:31 undo s/fuck/fucked/
23:32 undo baby
23:33 undo did you realise
23:35 undo how muchi love you :)