IRC log of #cubox of Mon 01 Jul 2013. All times are in CEST < Back to index

14:12 RandomPixels hello rabeeh
14:12 rabeeh RandomPixels: hi
14:13 RandomPixels i have a small problem while trying to install something in ubuntu 13.04 (i think)
14:13 RandomPixels when i run "make"
14:13 RandomPixels it says it cannot find a specific file
14:13 RandomPixels i've tried to locate it, it exists, but it's a symlink to /home/rabeeh/work/linux/kernel
14:14 rabeeh this is my kernel build dir\
14:14 rabeeh this is my kernel build dir
14:14 rabeeh probably it's looking for kernel modules?
14:15 RandomPixels yes
14:15 rabeeh are you trying to build the kernel from scratch? or something else?
14:15 RandomPixels could you up somewhere an archive? for me it's simpler to create the /home/rabeeh/work/linux/kernel files :)
14:16 RandomPixels no, i'm trying to install the drivers for the konig cmp-wnusb22 wifi dongle
14:16 rabeeh oh; so it's looking for the kernel sources.
14:17 rabeeh the kernel sources are exactly what is in github
14:17 rabeeh
14:17 rabeeh and i typically use cubox_defconfig
14:18 rabeeh i think best is cloning that git; make cubox_defconfig inside it soft link that directory to /home/rabeeh/work/linux/kernel
14:19 TrevorH1 is there a newer kernel than the 3.6.9 debian wheezy one? I did try the 3.8.0+ one but it has no ipv6
14:23 rabeeh TrevorH1: can you build your kernel?
14:24 TrevorH1 I have done in the past though not on the cubox yet, only had it 2 days
14:25 TrevorH1 right now I suspect I'm limited by available disk space, it's running off the supplied 4GB sd card though I have a 64GB ssd on its way
14:30 rabeeh why not cross compiling?
14:30 rabeeh that's what i typically do
14:30 rabeeh for instance -
14:30 rabeeh export ARCH=arm
14:31 rabeeh export CROSS_COMPILE=
14:31 rabeeh make cubox_defconfig
14:31 rabeeh make uImage
14:36 RandomPixels thanks rabeeh, since we haven't spoken in a while, congrats for the new achievements :)
14:37 RandomPixels (especially the USB installer)
14:37 rabeeh thanks RandomPixels :)
14:46 TrevorH1 rabeeh: I don't generally run debian but there's no arm centos so debian is the next best thing. Pretty sure there's no arm toolchain for centos and that's what all my other machines run
14:53 Wizzup centos is usually the best thing? I'm surprise anyone would say that
14:53 Wizzup surprised*
14:54 TrevorH1 fedora = too unstable and not supported for long enough, debian/ubuntu use apt-* :(
14:58 Wizzup I have no technical problems with apt, at least not more than with the other format :-)
14:58 Wizzup ebuilds ?
15:04 TrevorH1 yeah I gave up on gentoo about 5 years ago after my system nuked itself for the 4th or 5th time after an update
15:09 RandomPixels linux usually nukes itself sometimes
15:38 _rmk_ yea, but not very often... in about 18 years so far, the only fs problems I've had have been (a) due to a sticky label eating through a track on a RAID card resulting in fs corruption, and (b) fedora 9 eating its ext4 rootfs
15:40 _rmk_ the big problem I encounter though is when I do an upgrade to a new version, inevitably something I depend on breaks, is removed or simply stops working