IRC log of #cubox of Tue 06 Aug 2013. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:48 bencoh changing image resolution on te fly usually means crashing most of the decoders/stb out there, so, yeah, they hardly do that in the IPTV world
00:48 bencoh (well, not most, but a lot of them)
00:54 _rmk_ hmm. does that include aspect ratio too?
01:20 bencoh nope, they handle aspect ratio changes well
01:20 bencoh (since it has no real effect on the decoder settings itself)
01:23 dv_ Yeah, stb graphics APIs usually can handle nonuniform scaling well (and that's what the aspect ratio is all about in the end)
01:24 dv_ Also, o
01:25 dv_ Also, I suspect actually changing resolution might pose problems with the image quality and required processing power
01:45 _rmk_ bencoh: I've been wondering why my PVR writes mpeg2 4:3 files and stores the aspect ratio entirely separately from the stream.
01:46 _rmk_ my guess is so it can switch the output aspect ratio on the exact frame without having to involve the mpeg decoder hardware in that
01:47 _rmk_ though... I haven't figured out how it knows which frame to switch on
01:50 _rmk_ (I investigated that because a mess-up one weekend with the broadcast services was crashing every machine of this type and related types in the country, and everyone was believing their machines had died
01:51 _rmk_ and all because of one wrong character in the EPG data !
01:53 _rmk_
10:25 dv_ _rmk_: I've had access to codebases of several stb's in the past. I gotta say, bugs like these do not surprise me :)
10:26 dv_ some of these codebases look like the company threw third-rate and very junior programmers at it, thinking that consumers are used to buggy stb's anyway
10:44 jnettlet_ hurray my 50/5 internet connection is now working properly. No more 22Mbps downloads for me.
10:44 jnettlet_ you have to love getting an upgrade in speed while lowering you monthly bill.
10:46 dv_ so your DSL connection is stable?
10:46 jnettlet_ hopefully. ;-)
10:46 dv_ jnettlet_: would it be possible to add some kind of extension string to the dovefb x11 driver?
10:47 dv_ to be able to detect whether or not the bmm hack is in there?
10:47 jnettlet_ You want that so the gstreamer plugin can detect it at pipeline construction?
10:48 dv_ yes
10:48 dv_ so I can write a new sink from scratch that works only with vmeta buffers
10:48 dv_ the current solution is pretty ugly and hard to maintain
10:50 jnettlet_ dv_, I am thinking we could add a property to the XVideo port as a pretty simple solution.
10:52 dv_ hmm yes sounds good
10:53 dv_ this way, xvimagesink is used if no support for this exists
10:53 dv_ vmetaxvsink would fail, and gstreamer's autovideosink would automatically pick xvimagesink instead
10:55 _rmk_ A better solution is to follow the idea I did: also pass inside the xshm buffer the fourcc, and give the passing mechanism its own fourcc code
10:55 _rmk_ that means you can pass a bmm buffer containing any image type
10:57 _rmk_ plus you can detect whether its supported by the presence of the fourcc code in the list of supported formats
10:57 jnettlet_ _rmk_, but that will only work if you are using your userspace graphics stack. dv_ wants his plugin to be able to know if userspace has the functionality or not and adjust accordingly.
10:57 jnettlet_ ah okay
11:00 jnettlet_ doesn't vMeta always output the same decoded image type?
11:30 dv_ I think that it could output other types as well, but in practice, UYVY is used
11:31 dv_ so, xvideo could report something like "VMTA" as a supported format
11:32 dv_ and my plugin can check for it and report failure if it isnt there
11:57 jnettlet_ dv_, yeah you could use XvListImageFormats() to check for it
12:03 _rmk_ jnettlet: no - I'm suggesting a way to fix the current setup in a manner which _is_ detectable. At the moment, it's totally undetectable and that can't be fixed without changing the way the whole thing works.
12:07 _rmk_ any attempt to detect it by passing a bmm-formatted buffer will result in the contents of the xshm buffer being displayed on non-supporting implementations
12:08 _rmk_ so the choices are: either put up with having a frame possibly displayed at the beginning of every video clip, or change the protocol
12:19 dv_ well, adding the fourcc would be the second option
12:19 dv_ I'm fine with that
12:19 dv_ I can even use the first one as a fallback
12:20 jnettlet_ _rmk_, just to refresh my mind on the problem I revisited the XV code in the current xorg ddx driver. As best as I can tell the code does fall back gracefully for SHM buffers. It looks at the end of the buffer for MAGIC1, if it doesn't find that it checks the beginning of the buffer for MAGIC2. If it finds any of those markers it sets SHM_VMETA and moves along, otherwise it creates a custom buffer the size of the expected frame and copies the source
12:20 jnettlet_ into it taking into account offsets and such.
12:22 _rmk_ looks at the start of the buffer for MAGIC1, not the end
12:23 jnettlet_ sorry start yes.
12:23 dv_ true. jnettlet_, look here
12:23 _rmk_ but the point here is - it's not detectable from the application side of the X protocol without ending up with a frame being displayed on non-supporting hardware
12:24 _rmk_ consider what happens if you pass a buffer with MAGIC1 at the start to the X server and it doesn't have this code
12:25 dv_ btw. does the driver overwrite MAGIC1 with MAGIC2 ? or can it place MAGIC2 anywhere within the shm buffer?
12:25 _rmk_ former
12:25 dv_ I ask, because the marvell patches run a loop over the buffer until they find a null value
12:25 jnettlet_ well then wouldn't it make more sense to just have the gstreamer vmeta xvimagesink to require the gstreamer vmeta decoder to be in the pipeline?
12:25 dv_ ah no, nevermind
12:26 dv_ confused it with something else
12:26 _rmk_ jnettlet: so what if you have the vmeta decoder but you're running an X server without this hack?
12:26 _rmk_ like... my X server
12:26 dv_ jnettlet_: also, this is considered a bad approach in gstreamer
12:26 _rmk_ dv: that's because it is :)
12:27 dv_ jnettlet_: what if someone else provides a different decoder? all it has to do is to use the same metadata on the buffers
12:28 dv_ the only code I have seen that does this is the marvell gst one. it checks upstream if certain demuxers are used, and if so, applies some workarounds.
12:28 dv_ either way, I think the fourcc approach is fine.
12:29 dv_ _rmk_: how do you pass on the dma buffers atm?
12:29 dv_ I thought the DRM bit isnt working yet
12:32 _rmk_ I ended up exporting them in BMM as a dmabuf, importing them into DRM (which gives me an object id), making a global name from it, and passing that name to the X server via a 'XVBO' image type
12:33 dv_ and all you need for this is the physical address?
12:33 _rmk_ is the Xv side of my X server driver
12:34 _rmk_ dv_: I need to mod the kernel side interface to use a phys address because at the moment I stupidly fell into the marvell trap of using the virtual address
12:35 dv_ at least they used the physical address in the BMM hack response :)
12:35 _rmk_ but all the construction of the DRM buffer object is on the app side
12:36 _rmk_ basically this on the app side:
12:36 _rmk_ fd = bmm_get_dmabuf_fd(GST_BUFFER_DATA(buf));
12:36 _rmk_ ret = drmPrimeFDToHandle(xvimagesink->drm->fd, fd, &handle);
12:37 _rmk_ ret = drm_handle_flink(xvimagesink->drm, handle, &name);
12:37 _rmk_ /* XvBO passing - pass the real image format and DRM buffer object
12:37 _rmk_ global name to the X server */
12:37 _rmk_ p = (uint32_t *)xvbuf->xvbo_xvimage->data;
12:37 _rmk_ p[0] = xvbuf->im_format;
12:37 _rmk_ p[1] = name;
12:37 _rmk_ (error checking omitted in that paste)
12:38 dv_ you put a file descriptor in the gstbuffer?
12:38 _rmk_ no - p[1] is the global drm name for the buffer
12:38 dv_ fd = bmm_get_dmabuf_fd(GST_BUFFER_DATA(buf)); because of this I mean
12:39 dv_ hmm
12:39 _rmk_ dmabufs are passed to userspace as file descriptors
12:39 _rmk_ anonymous file descriptors
12:39 dv_ so if I were to use your modifications, I'd have to modify the decoder as well
12:39 _rmk_ drmPrimeFDToHandle takes that file descriptor and converts it back to a dmabuf internally, allowing DRM to get access to the buffer contents
12:40 _rmk_ the above is all in my bmmxvimagesink component
12:40 dv_ or do you add the fd in the sink?
12:40 dv_ hmm
12:40 _rmk_ I missed a close(fd) after the drmPrimeFDToHandle()
12:40 dv_ oh wait. misread something
12:41 dv_ bmm_get_dmabuf_fd() I understood this as something that pulls the fd from the buffer data
12:41 _rmk_ ok, I'm away now... might be around again in maybe 8 hours or so
12:41 dv_ instead, it _creates_ an fd for the given pointer
12:42 _rmk_ yep
12:42 dv_ ah, now thats fine
12:42 dv_ and I take it you'd rather want to pass a physical address to this function
12:42 dv_ anyway, gotta continue with some other work here too. later
12:42 jnettlet_ later
13:33 dv_ jnettlet__: I updated the plugin . now you should be able to watch transport streams with totem as well
13:34 jnettlet__ dv_, just saw that excellent
13:35 dv_ I wanna try something nice with it. I will connect my dvb-t stick to the cubox, and see if I can watch TV with gstreamer and vmeta :)
13:35 jnettlet__ good luck
13:35 dv_ oh, speaking of dvb-t : are you aware of any vmeta deinterlacing features?
13:37 jnettlet I know that the gstreamer 0.10 plugin has code in it to handle interlaced frames
13:43 dv_ from what I've seen, it just stores flags to forward the information to the sink
13:49 jnettlet yes, that is right. Then we handle the deinterlacing in the xvideo extension
13:50 dv_ can the vmetafb driver do that?
13:50 jnettlet there is a vmetafb driver?
13:51 dv_ err
13:51 dv_ dovefb
13:52 jnettlet oh to draw directly to overlay framebuffer device
13:52 dv_ I think the x11 driver is called "dovefb", isnt it?
13:54 jnettlet yeah because it was originally written for the dove platforms. The Armada naming for the drm driver is really the proper classification.
13:55 jnettlet the hardware is more similar than different between the different devices.
13:56 jnettlet Yes the xorg dovefb driver does handle interlaced video properly. For both the overlay and textured adapters
13:56 dv_ I wonder if the interlacing flag is passed on already
13:59 jnettlet oh, actually we are only handling interlacing in the xorg driver for the textured adapter. Wait I know why we do that. Probably the overlay adapter gets set to the interlaced mode and the framebuffer hardware does the deinterlacing
13:59 jnettle 13:59 * jnettlet will need to test this.
14:01 dv_ interlacing is one of these things that I wished it would have died off a long time ago
14:03 jnettlet dv_, it is very possible that it is not handled properly. I will add it to my list. If you test before I get to it and find out differently I would be interested in logs.
14:04 dv_ okay
14:07 dv_ one more thing I can check is whether or not vmeta has deblocking support for formats other than h264, as a value added feature
15:32 ralix morning
15:53 rabeeh hi ralix
15:58 ralix Hi sorry, now I'm working circuit. I'll come back tomorrow I have to configure the mpd problems, so it outputs me the sound on the hdmi devices. Have a nice day!
15:59 ralix First...Hi rabeeh !
15:59 ralix ;)
15:59 dv_ ralix: if noise is the problem, try 48 kHz instead of 44.1
15:59 ralix ok ich try this... thx
15:59 ralix s/ich/i
16:00 rabeeh ralix: which distro? which kernel?
16:00 ralix Otherwise I'm back tomorrow;)
16:00 ralix archlinux
16:00 ralix Linux version 3.5.7-12-ARCH+
20:09 dv_ jnettlet: please inform me when you have added the fourcc to the driver
21:18 _rmk_ dv_: "and I take it you'd rather want to pass a physical address to this function" -- yes.
21:19 _rmk_ that's something I'll look at fixing soon
21:22 dv_ okay
21:22 dv_ btw, looking at daniel stone's x11-wayland presentation, I hope wayland gets better support for stuff like this
21:24 _rmk_ I think I've convinced Mark to take that driver now... it seems basically that Mark didn't bother to understand the structure of the DPCM stuff before he complained that I was abusing the ASoC internals.
21:24 _rmk_ ... because the structure I've implemented in the CPU side of the driver is conformant with the DPCM example I have.
21:25 _rmk_ and which he also has and finally read through yesterday
21:26 _rmk 21:26 * _rmk_ wonders where that extra "and" crept in from
21:27 dv_ perhaps he noticed later, and was trying to save face?
21:43 _rmk_ hmm, think I'm slightly sunburnt on the head :(
23:29 unicorn Hey there
23:29 unicorn I've got a "small" problem with my cubox
23:30 unicorn I can't get a boot anymore...
23:32 unicorn I was having a Boostrat 2.33> prompt, and tried to reset holding the reset button, but now I can't get anymore any shell :/
23:39 unicorn anyone for some help?