IRC log of #cubox of Wed 14 Aug 2013. All times are in CEST < Back to index

10:37 shesselba _rmk_: did you find some time lately to test the TDA998x patches that I resent? Darren gave his Tested-by for tilcdc, would be great if it also gets one from you.
13:39 _rmk_ shesselba: there's no point calculating the CTS value at all
13:40 _rmk_ shesselba: we don't have synchronous audio/video clocks, which means that the TDA998x has to work it out itself (which is how we program it)
13:40 _rmk_ and pass its own value across the HDMI link
13:50 shesselba _rmk_: I know, but does it also work with non-HDTV modes?
13:50 shesselba e.g. we are also setting all sync registers and turn off that auto-detect feature of tda998x
13:51 shesselba as long as we know better, I suggest to not let tda998x use it's (possibly limited/broken) auto-detect features
13:55 _rmk_ you can't avoid it for this
13:55 _rmk_ you must use the automatic CTS calculation with asynchronous clocks
13:56 _rmk_ especially as you don't know what the sample rate of the incoming audio actually is, because the TDA998x is completely disconnected from ALSA stuff
14:02 _rmk_ you even say in your patch:
14:02 _rmk_ - /* Enable automatic CTS generation */
14:02 _rmk_ - reg_clear(encoder, REG_AIP_CNTRL_0, AIP_CNTRL_0_ACR_MAN);
14:02 shesselba currently yes, but that should change in the future. anyway, you can object to that CTS calculation and I will resend
14:02 _rmk_ so you are enabling CTS generation, but then you go on to calculate its value... which is pointless.
14:06 shesselba agree, but it does no harm either and it is there if we disable it someday..
14:06 shesselba you want me to remove and resend?
14:07 _rmk_ you'll never be able to disable it on the cubox, unless the hardware is redesigned so that the video and audio clocks are synchronous with each other. so, yes please.
14:08 shesselba ok, I wait for a day or so.. maybe you find more
14:11 _rmk_ also looks like you have an old version of my patch for patch 2
14:12 _rmk_ I've ended up with that register write done from tda998x_reset()
14:13 shesselba ok, can you please email it directly to me? I will update it in the patch set then