IRC log of #cubox of Sat 19 Oct 2013. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:12 pepedog Rabeeh here?
00:13 pepedog Ahh, it's Friday evening
00:14 cbxbiker61 pepedog, he hasn't been talking much here for a while, i'm sure he is busy getting other things done
00:14 pepedog Like deleting spam?
00:15 cbxbiker61 i'm sure cubox-i is a priority
00:15 pepedog Got arch running on my carrier
00:16 cbxbiker61 which kernel are you running?
00:16 pepedog It's faster boot than quad core utilite on ssd
00:16 pepedog Leming did package, let me look
00:19 pepedog Wait, I'm thinking of utilite kernel, I did c1, not as pkg, had to makeconfig to keep systemd happy. Same source as Rabeeh
01:01 _rmk_ okay, I think I'm down to just one or two res which don't work.
01:02 ojn _rmk_: looks like i'll wait until i'm back from europe to hook up the cubox-i here to the test farm
01:03 _rmk_ ojn: I suspect a lot of my changes to get this working aren't mainline-able in their current state.
01:04 ojn _rmk_: the basics should be though (usb, network, serial)? No reason to not upstream those pieces as they get ready
01:04 _rmk_ I've had to hack the imx6 clock tree, changing the flags on a bunch of clocks to let clk_set_rate get propagated up
01:04 _rmk_ yea, usb net and serial are fine and that's just a matter of the right DT description
01:04 ojn yeah
01:04 _rmk_ and a small bit of code
01:06 _rmk_ most of the basic stuff is here:
01:07 _rmk_ I may re-order those commits after the KS
01:08 _rmk_ I'll probably be bringing my cubox
01:08 ojn I'm not bringing any hardware but I've got easy access from remote to the stuff i have here
01:08 ojn i just hooked up an APC ( 8750 board that I need to enable, and I've got some allwinner work to do
01:09 ojn (the apc has one of the worst taglines i've heard in a while, "A bicycle for your mind")
09:36 rabeeh jnettlet / dv_: i'v added a comment on the clock gating issues -
09:36 rabeeh
09:37 rabeeh i haven't seen any difference in power consumption when enabling / disabling those; but then i'm using a 5V current source with two digits accuracy (i.e. i won't notice anything <10mA).
09:40 jnettlet rabeeh, oh excellent!
09:41 jnettlet I will merge that.
09:41 rabeeh jnettlet: you also removed the clock for the USB OTG; where the USB can be used in u-boot
09:41 rabeeh jnettlet: in my mind; if you keep it out then it would be best since USB OTG can be used; and SPI can be used (on the 26pin header)
09:42 rabeeh now i'm looking into the pixclk of the HDMI; although the calculation of the pixclk seems fine (i.e. 15385 ps) but it's being configured to something else
09:42 rabeeh i'm diving deep now into that
09:43 rabeeh maybe it's the same issue like _rmk_; the hdmi clock in u-boot is being taken from the ipg
09:43 rabeeh ipg clock
09:43 jnettlet rabeeh, yeah I need to add USB OTG support in one big patch. Right now it looks like u-boot only supports a single usb hub device. Hopefully there will be time this weekend to dig into that.
09:44 rabeeh jnettlet: by usb otg i mean the usb host side only
09:44 jnettlet rabeeh, yep.
09:44 rabeeh btw - it is possible to use a device side too; but that requires a special host to host usb cable
09:44 rabeeh i.e. something that will not blow your computer's USB fuses
09:44 jnettlet it is? aren't there missing pins?
09:45 rabeeh are you referring to the ID pin?
09:45 jnettlet yep
09:45 rabeeh it won't be an auto detect thing; you will need to decide either use device or host
09:46 rabeeh we have removed that usb otg auto detect full function for favor to get a standard usb host connection
09:46 rabeeh i mean it's mandatory for CuBox-i; but not mandatory for C1
09:47 rabeeh welcome svere
09:47 jnettlet with the removable sdhc card as the only storage I don't see how useful it would be to put the port in device-mode.
09:48 jnettlet really that is only a useful feature if you have some onboard storage that you would want to copy data from.
09:48 jnettlet rabeeh, are you seeing erratic usb keyboard input as well?
09:49 rabeeh i'm not using a usb keyboard yet
09:49 sleipnir hey rabeeh. just a second i need to boot up the laptop... ;)
09:49 rabeeh should i just plug one? is the support already enabled?
09:50 jnettlet rabeeh, there is not hotplug after boot, but if you boot with one plugged in it will be detected.
09:50 jnettlet the usb stack in u-boot is very simplistic
09:50 rabeeh jnettlet: works :)
09:51 jnettlet not sluggish and missing keys? Could be only a problem with my wireless usb receiever then.
09:51 rabeeh nop; not slugish
09:52 rabeeh and tried all a..z keys they all work
09:52 jnettlet great!
09:52 rabeeh and i'm using direct connection; i.e. not an RF kbd
09:52 jnettlet yeah I was wondering if that would help.
09:54 rabeeh jnettlet: just connected an RF keyboard (Logitech); it's not slugish but most of the letters are printed twice
09:54 jnettlet when we are past major development phase we should be able to switch on a splash screen that you can escape out of to get access to U-boot
09:54 rabeeh which reminds me that we need to prepare a high quality logo
09:54 rabeeh png format?
09:54 jnettlet rabeeh, okay that is the opposite of my keyboard. I have to press most the letters twice to catch one.
09:55 jnettlet it needs to be color indexed and not more than 256 colors.
09:56 jnettlet I don't know the max resolution. Most the included ones are about the same as the current logo I created.
09:57 jnettlet we can fetch the image off the sdcard if that is better than embedding it.
10:00 svere rabeeh: here we go
10:01 jnettlet rabeeh, Anish got his Carrier-1 today. Just in time for the Conference this weekend. Thanks a lot.
10:01 rabeeh jnettlet: great
10:01 rabeeh svere: please go ahead; i'll be back in 5m
10:01 jnettle 10:01 * jnettlet is going to walk the dogs now
10:10 _rmk 10:10 * _rmk_ noticed last night that IMX does the clock API wrong: clk_set_rate() doesn't wait for the PLL to lock
10:11 _rmk_ and the IMX6 must not have devices running off an unlocked PLL otherwise they tend to stop working
10:12 _rmk_ which explains why I had to add a mdelay(5) after my clk_set_rate()
10:27 rabeeh _rmk_: that's understandable
10:27 rabeeh otherwise it might create a glitch that can lock the unit that is using that clock
10:28 rabeeh mdelay(5) though is too big; and looking at the pll's there is a locked bit (bit 31) that shows when the pll is locked
10:28 rabeeh _rmk_: are you still using ipg clock? or switched to another?
10:28 rabeeh the dedicated pll for video is better since i need the ipg clock to generate mdc clock for the ethernet phy
11:03 _rmk_ rabeeh: yes, the mdelay(5) was just to get it working last night and to test the theory
11:03 _rmk_ rabeeh: I've just implemented this:
11:04 _rmk_ 1. put the PLL in bypass mode
11:04 _rmk_ 2. set new frequency
11:04 _rmk_ 3. poll the lock bit for up to 10ms
11:04 _rmk_ 4. if the lock bit doesn't set, bail out leaving PLL in bypass, return error
11:04 _rmk_ 5. restore PLL bypass setting
11:05 _rmk_ which should give us a fast turnaround if it locks quickly
11:05 _rmk_ with HZ=100, the wait will actually be up to 20ms (remember, msecs_to_jiffies rounds up)
11:05 _rmk_ HZ=1000, it'll be in the range of 11-12ms
11:06 _rmk_ but it stops waiting as soon as it sees the lock bit
11:06 _rmk_ I use either clock for the DI - if the 198MHz can be used to generate the pixclock within 2% then we use that, otherwise we use PLL5
11:08 rabeeh _rmk_: i would add usleep(1) before going into msleep up to 10ms
11:09 rabeeh or maybe usleep(10); just give it 1-10uSec before sleeping
11:11 _rmk_ they already have code to poll it in the prepare callback, I'm just using that
11:11 rabeeh ok.
11:12 rabeeh according to the documentation; the system pll should take the longest to long since it has spread spectrum in it
11:12 rabeeh they don't give numbers though
11:14 _rmk_ indeed - they miss quite a bit of useful (and in some cases key) information in the manual
11:14 _rmk_ such as the HDMI phy stuff, they just refer you to the phy datasheet... which is a designware thing but they don't tell you where that is, and of course designware needs you to sign up or something (I didn't investigate further than that)
11:16 _rmk_ I assume we have the spread spectrum stuff enabled?
11:18 rabeeh _rmk_: i have no idea
11:19 rabeeh i think so actually; but i haven't investigated
11:20 rabeeh the reason i'm saying maybe since i'v seen two frequencies on my spectrum analyzer when looking deep around the 148.5 mhz (1080p60 freq)
11:22 _rmk_ rabeeh: that may also be that fractional divisor
11:22 _rmk_ if you have devmem2, read 0x2640004
11:22 _rmk_ if bits 0-3 are non-zero, the DI is using a fractional pulse-skipping divisor prior to the HDMI clock PLL
11:26 jnettlet _rmk_, I would love your input if you have two seconds.
11:27 _rmk_ hmm?
11:28 jnettlet Unlike Freescale's implementation Marvell is handling all the GPU clocks through a single register. I am trying to figure out a way in common clock to distinguish between the 2d core and the 3d core.
11:28 shesselba _rmk_: great CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT did the trick, I'd love to discuss this in general with mturquette: there should be a way to claim the way up to a pll
11:28 shesselba i.e. you want video to set the pll but not audio to re-set it again
11:28 shesselba but derive its clock from it
11:29 shesselba given the complex clocking tree in imx, and the possibly vast number of boards with different use-cases, this is something that shouldn't sit in DT
11:30 shesselba in clk-si5351, I put that into DT, but it is only two plls and three clk outputs
11:31 _rmk_ jnettlet: yes, I noticed that IMX has separate 2d and 3d clocks. well, we could distinguish between the two setups via the compatible string, because they are different things if Marvell added a register for this.
11:32 jnettlet well I am going to have to add compile time paths to either choose Marvell compatible or IMX compatible as the userspace libraries are different.
11:32 jnettlet and Freescale's EULA says their binaries can only be used on IMX hardware
11:33 _rmk_ and what does Marvell's license say? :)
11:33 jnettlet better. Free to use and distribute as long as they are unmodified
11:34 _rmk_ so the obvious question then arises - can we use the marvell libs on imx? :)
11:34 jnettlet _rmk_, theoretically yes, but the imx libraries are newer and seem to be better supported.
11:35 jnettlet they also include libGAL compiled for X11, FB, and Wayland
11:35 _rmk 11:35 * _rmk_ discovers something about this PLL. It fails to lock if its in bypass mode. So the documentation says: either move everything off a PLL when changing its frequency or set it to bypass while it relocks...
11:43 svere hey guy, i would like to help with the graphics stack. Where is the work spend best currently?
11:47 _rmk_ nope, definitely doesn't report locked when bypass is selected, which seems to be against what the docs and diagrams suggest
11:48 _rmk 11:48 * _rmk_ tries a slightly different approach
11:51 _rmk_ oh, hang on, it's powered down...
12:03 rabeeh svere: on cubox-i?
12:03 rabeeh i mean for the imx6 device?
12:06 _rmk_ ok, I've lost 640x480, 800x600 and 848x480 but I think the rest are fine.
12:06 _rmk_ hmm, 1024x768 too
12:07 svere rabeeh: yes. i will probably receive my c1 during the next week...
12:08 _rmk_ hmm, no, we must have glitched and knocked out the clock tree/DI
12:08 _rmk_ damn it
12:08 svere would be nice if i could learn do something meaningfull in the meantime (reading some docs, code etc)
12:09 _rmk_ so... switching the PLL to bypass mode can cause glitches :(
12:12 jnettlet _rmk_, there is a patch for that somewhere
12:15 _rmk_ I probably ought to check for any errata for this
12:17 jnettle 12:17 * jnettlet thinks he saw it in a forum. but can't dig it up right now
12:19 _rmk_ don't see anything in there
12:39 _rmk_ I wonder if the problem is: if you set bypass mode and then clear it, you end up glitching the clock
12:45 _rmk_ ok, I think this is going to take digging into the fsl bsp kernel
12:54 rabeeh svere: are you interested more on the 2D or 3D side?
12:54 rabeeh svere: there are lots of documentation online about imx6
12:55 rabeeh there is a basic wiki on to look at for source code
12:56 _rmk_ ah, that works. helps if the clock prepare function doesn't unset bypass before the PLL has locked !
12:56 jnettlet :-)
12:58 _rmk_ but... in theory the output is disabled.
12:59 _rmk 12:59 * _rmk_ runs it through the test again just to be sure this works
13:18 _rmk_ ok, my theory is this about the imx PLLs: in order to change the rate, you must bypass it while the PLL is unlocked, even if the output is disabled. Otherwise it glitches and then you can't re-enable the output until after the next reset
13:19 _rmk_ also that applies if you just power the thing down and back up again
13:20 svere rabeeh: my first target is to start a X session, so its unaccel 2D
13:20 rabeeh which OS?
13:20 rabeeh which distro?
13:21 svere rabeeh: dunno probably i'll try to get arch running
13:22 svere rabeeh: IIRC _rmk_ wrote somewhere he has got an ubuntu running with X
13:22 svere so would be good to get that as a starting point
13:24 rabeeh he is still running with fbdev though
13:25 _rmk_ I'm using imx-drm, not fbdev :)
13:25 svere if i understand the current work of _rmk_ correctly he is using imx-drm in staging
13:25 _rmk_ with a few hacks to my armada/dove drm xorg driver
13:25 svere _rmk_: good :-)
13:26 svere _rmk_: can i find it somewhere?
13:27 _rmk_ I haven't pushed out the userspace hacks because really they're just to let me test this out, but the standard driver is... I'll need to dig out the git urls tho
13:28 _rmk_ I've been quite occupied over the last week fairly solidly trying to get hdmi output anywhere close to "working"
13:29 _rmk_ lost in the depths of very poor documentation, which has lead to numerous attempts just trying things to solve each problem
13:29 svere _rmk_: yeah i follow your work since some days. currently trying to make sense of the clock generation myself
13:29 svere however, i'm lost in the felt 20 levels of indirection... :-(
13:30 _rmk_ that's how I feel most of the time while looking at this too :p
13:31 _rmk_ tbh, I much prefer marvell dove... that's a lot easier to hack on than this.
13:31 _rmk_ bbiab.
13:31 svere _rmk_: is my understanding correct that currently the hdmi is driven with an incorrect freq for some resolutions due to fractional divisors?
14:07 rabeeh svere: i think _rmk_ is battling with it since he choose wrong pll
14:07 rabeeh _rmk_ ?
14:11 _rmk_ I didn't choose the PLL, the code forces the use of the IPU clock which is derived from PLL2.
14:12 _rmk_ the imx-drm code seems very restrictive
14:12 _rmk_ and as the PLL code is also quite broken...
14:13 _rmk_ what also doesn't help is that the DI clock is routed via the LDB paths, and I've yet to work out how to get around that with the CCF.
14:14 _rmk_ I'd summerise IMX in mainline as "a complete and utter shambles"
14:23 svere _rmk_: i'm still in the very beginning of reading the clock section but shouldn't pll5 be used for video?
14:27 svere _rmk_: I saw your mail on linux-arm... so should be pll5.
14:28 rabeeh _rmk_: are you familiar with pengutronix git tree?
14:28 svere _rmk_: could you point me to your kernel git tree to match your code against the doc!?!?
14:32 rabeeh _rmk_: pengutronix where previously maintaining the older imx6 series on mainline
14:32 rabeeh and now they are porting the imx6 upstream; maybe they have done things differently when it comes to the plls
14:36 jnettlet rabeeh, you are using a 25Mhz crystal as the reference clock?
14:54 jnettlet _rmk_, yeah, I think you are shaving a serious yak. The clock code in the 3.10 boundary tree looks far more sensible.
14:55 jnettlet It is driving the ipu off pll5...which is actually named pll5_video
14:56 jnettlet static const char *ldb_di_sels[] = { "pll5_video", "pll2_pfd0_352m", "pll2_pfd2_396m", "pll3_pfd1_540m", };
14:56 jnettlet static const char *ipu_di_pre_sels[] = { "mmdc_ch0_axi", "pll3_usb_otg", "pll5_video", "pll2_pfd0_352m", "pll2_pfd2_396m", "pll3_pfd1_540m", };
14:59 jnettlet sorry that was the 3.5 alpha tree. the 3.10 tree gets even more complex.
14:59 jnettlet wow this is annoying
15:03 dv_ _rmk_: pengutronix where previously maintaining the older imx6 series on mainline <- the older imx6?
15:04 dv_ ah. misread. nevermind.
15:06 jnettlet yeah the mainline code is way out of date.
15:07 jnettlet oh no there it is. stupid windows all look the same.
15:10 dv_ as I mentioned several days ago, to me, this is a good example of why you should not keep your open source contributions by yourself for too long
15:10 _rmk_ err, let's correct something...
15:11 _rmk_ the core of the IPU runs off the IPU clock, which can't be muxed to PLL5 at all.
15:12 _rmk_ the display interfaces (DIs) can run off several clocks, amongst those are clocks generated from the same source as the IPU, the LDB clocks or PLL5
15:12 svere _rmk_: regarding your patch on arm-lkml
15:13 _rmk_ so the IPU (which includes all the fetching of framebuffer data) runs in one clock domain which can be completely different to the pixel clock
15:13 _rmk_ svere: I assume you mean the one I've just sent, yes?
15:13 svere _rmk_: yes. in case of a pll lock you overwrite the lock flag
15:13 svere writel_relaxed(newval, pll->base)
15:13 _rmk_ the lock flag is read only
15:14 svere oh i see
15:14 _rmk_ it's a status flag which ignores writes :)
15:14 svere but wouldn't it better to read the values again before writing? or can we be sure nothing else changed during the locking phase?
15:15 svere I'm asking because end of p.511 the manual says that the pll is gated off during the locking phase
15:15 _rmk_ if something else changes the register values then the code is racy... provided the code in this file is the only thing accessing the registers, we're fine because the CCF provides the necessary serialisation
15:16 svere ok i see
15:18 svere _rmk_: could you please tell me where to find your git tree!?
15:19 jnettlet _rmk_, this is the boundary IPU clock initialization for the imx6q.
15:34 _rmk_ svere: git:// unstable/cubox-i is the kernel: please only pull that into a tree which already has v3.12-rc4 in, don't clone it (the machine won't take a clone as generating a full pack from the massive kernel history is massively heavy on the machines resources)
15:37 _rmk_ jnettlet: looks like that's all missing... the problem this presents is whether putting any of that stuff into mainline will break anything
15:38 jnettlet _rmk_, there is actually one more piece I found.
15:38 jnettlet if ((imx_get_soc_revision() != IMX_CHIP_REVISION_1_0) || cpu_is_imx6dl()) {
15:38 jnettlet clk_set_parent(clk[ldb_di0_sel], clk[pll5_video_div]);
15:38 jnettlet clk_set_parent(clk[ldb_di1_sel], clk[pll5_video_div]);
15:38 jnettlet }
15:39 jnettlet actually let me see if there is a documented commit for these.
15:41 jnettlet _rmk_, there is actually a string of relevant clock commits to their tree since about July. Almost all related to audio and video fixes
15:43 jnettlet starts with. commit 1805080b60b284b04e4d2b6f23bd403396578239
15:43 jnettlet Author: Shawn Guo
15:43 jnettlet Date: Tue Jul 23 22:49:03 2013 +0800
15:43 jnettlet ENGR00240987: ARM: imx6q: initialize clocks for IPU
15:43 _rmk_ sounds like something I need to tackle them about next week
15:44 jnettlet well this is in their 3.10 "alpha" branch.
15:44 jnettlet I wonder if they don't push upstream until the branch is officially supported
15:49 _rmk_ just starting to commit all this stuff from the last week
15:49 jnettlet oh good timing. I was just about to pull your repo. will wait
15:49 _rmk_ btw, Tony Prisk posted another HDMI driver, which I haven't tried yet
15:59 jnettlet _rmk_, have you seen this. Not HDMI related, but imx-drm related.[email protected]/msg02822.html
15:59 _rmk_ no but prime support = good :)
15:59 _rmk_ one less hack for my xorg part
16:09 _rmk_ damn, while writing that commit log, I've had it fail on 1920x1080 and not recover
16:10 svere _rmk_: while reading ipu_di_clk_calc_div() I wonder if div should be divided by 16 gain before returning because otherwise the resulting rate is too small
16:10 jnettlet well I will pull your changes into the boundary 3.10 branch and see how that works
16:11 _rmk_ you may remember that I said last night I'd rearrange the commit order...
16:11 svere _rmk_: in clk_di_round_rate() div is multiplied by 16 but in clk_di_set_rate() this is not the case
16:13 _rmk_ take a peek at ipu_di_clk_calc_div
16:13 _rmk_ that's where the * 16 is
16:13 _rmk_ that's because the resulting divisor has 4 LSB bits of fractional value
16:14 _rmk_ so it does fixed_point_divisor = int(parent_rate * 16 / desired_rate)
16:17 svere yeah i got that one, but why is the div with the 4bit fraction directly written with ipu_di_write(di, clkgen0 | div, DI_BS_CLKGEN0); in clk_di_set_rate()?
16:18 _rmk_ okay, pushed out... its still "unstable"
16:20 _rmk_ jnettlet: shame mail-archive doesn't let you download messages raw
16:22 jnettlet _rmk_, the were sent to dri-devel should be able to find them on marc if you don't subscribe to that list.
16:39 svere _rmk_: are you aware of the engineering bulletin EB790? it describes how to generate safe outputs with PFDs from PLLs
16:40 svere _rmk_: if you are not using this init sequence PFDs have a chance to not output a clock at all
16:41 jnettlet _rmk_, I am receiving this trying to fetch from your server. Cannot obtain needed commit 14f213cde7a3dfb7ee089097e0a983a2b91681e2
16:43 _rmk_ I also don't have that commit either
16:43 jnettlet it is DRM: Armada: support for dma_buf import into gem that is requiring it
16:43 jnettlet 841bd962eeea
16:44 _rmk_ jnettlet: are you pulling the unstable/cubox-i branch?
16:45 _rmk_ svere: I can find no reference to EB790 in google
16:45 svere _rmk_: just a second
16:45 svere _rmk_:
16:46 svere _rmk_: you have to search in the freescale site. it's not indexed
16:46 _rmk_ ah. well, that's to do with PLL2/3 which we're not changing
16:46 svere this bulletin is referenced in the reference manual
16:46 _rmk_ PLL5 doesn't have any PFDs
16:47 svere _rmk_: i see
16:48 jnettlet _rmk_, never mind that was my fault.
16:53 _rmk_ ok, I don't know what's causing the output to end up being killed. Just scoping the TMDS clock line, it seems fine, and measures the right frequency. The tmds data seems to have data on it, but it doesn't look like it carries any image data
16:54 _rmk_ in other words, there isn't enough "noise" on it like I see when it's working properly
16:55 _rmk_ I think I'm going to give Troy's driver a go next, but first I need to rearrange the commits a bit more
17:15 _rmk_ nooooo.
17:15 _rmk_ Tony's patch is whitespace damaged
17:31 jnettlet _rmk_, are you appending the dtb file to the end of your uImage or letting u-boot load it from the sdhc card?
17:31 _rmk_ the former at the moment
17:32 _rmk 17:32 * _rmk_ thinks he introduced a last minute compile bug into that... pixclock
17:33 _rmk_ gah, Tony's suffers from the same array overrun as fabio's
17:37 jnettlet _rmk_, yep just a debug statement
17:44 _rmk_ Tony's driver doesn't work very well either
17:45 _rmk_ worse than Fabio's
17:47 _rmk_ wrong sync delays
17:51 _rmk_ oh and it also has the magenta line too
17:55 _rmk_ ok, feedback sent on Tony's driver
18:05 svere _rmk_: one more thing. ipu_di_init() is called with ipu_base + devtype->disp{0,1}_ofs
18:09 svere and .disp0_ofs = 0x00240000, for imx6, but the reference manual says the offset for DI0_GENERAL_REGISTER is 0x02640000
18:09 svere _rmk_: arghhhh, probably ipu-base is 0x02400000
18:09 svere forget about it :-S
18:12 _rmk_ yep, they do something weird with the first 2MB
18:14 _rmk_ see page 2661 in the 6s/dl manual
18:46 _rmk_ once I've finished this bit of hacking, I'm going to pull out the clk API usage for that clk_di_pixel clock. It serves no purpose for ipu-di to export the GI_GENERAL clock settings into CCF, to only then have the same driver exclusively control it.
18:46 _rmk_ its pure obfuscation, nothing more.
20:16 svere _rmk_: why is pll defined in imx_clk_pllv3() but only free'd when failing to register the clk? What am I missing?
20:20 svere _rmk_: forget about my question... i think i have to learn a hell lot more about the kernel and container_of
20:50 _rmk 20:50 * _rmk_ wonders why 848x480 doesn't seem to work
21:37 purch argh, they sent first the 5V USB-UART TTL cable
21:39 purch waiting sux
22:15 dxtr So
22:15 dxtr I was wondering.. I'm running geexbox (installed from the cubox installer) and everything lags. A lot
22:16 dxtr Can't even watch a youtube video :(
22:42 dv__ dxtr: check the CPU usage