IRC log of #cubox of Fri 29 Nov 2013. All times are in CET < Back to index

07:55 Coburn cbxbiker61, does your kernels for the cubox support HDMI ?
07:56 Coburn for example, can I output Xorg to the HDMI port? Or do I need to use a 3.5/3.6 kernel for HDMI? The reason I ask is one of my clients needs HDMI out to a 7" monitor.
07:56 Coburn And I noted going back a while a open-source GPU driver was in the works from a developer here.
10:10 jcarlos Can someone, please, tell me how many cubox-i pro are going to be distributed in this first release?
17:52 OrionPKM hey guys.. are there recommended SD cards to purchase w/ cubox?
17:52 OrionPKM I have a sandisk extreme w/ my RBPI
18:15 jnettlet OrionPKM, I did a bunch of testing with various machines a while ago. I found the Sandisk Ultra were some of the most performant. Especially with 4k block transfers which is important for running Linux.
18:16 jnettlet There were claims that you had to buy the one that said 30MB/s in the title, although I did not test the ones that did not, so can't say if there is a difference.
18:20 OrionPKM the one im looking at claims 45mb/s
18:21 OrionPKM jnettlet do most people use external storage?
18:23 jnettlet OrionPKM, yes but that maximum is for large consecutive writes, like for storing video or large images. The firmware on some cards can do that just fine but writing smaller block sizes is horribly slow which makes Linux lag lag lag.
18:24 jnettlet With the Cubox-i you have to use an SDHC card to load u-boot. If you want access to a lot of storage then using an eSata drive would make the most sense.
18:27 OrionPKM you think the 30mb/s ultra is faster than the 45mb/s extreme?
18:30 jnettle 18:30 * jnettlet shrugs. When doing my tests it was very hit and miss even between same brand.
18:39 jnettle 18:39 * jnettlet feels so used. People always getting an answer and then logging back off. Never any pillow talk
18:39 hste jnettlet: so you like smaltalks.. :)
18:40 jnettlet hste, just entertaining myself on a Friday night.
18:40 hste jnettlet: any new patches?
18:41 jnettlet hste, nothing consumable yet. Still a couple of bugs and lots of cleanup to do.
18:42 jnettlet hste, how is Norway? I still need to make it over there to visit. Not now though, way too cold.
18:43 hste it hasn't been so cold yet
18:43 hste but windy
18:44 jnettlet you guys have lots of oil though. cold is no problem.
18:46 hste and our houses is built to be warm. the oil is mostly exported :) no cheap oil for the consumers....
18:48 hste jnettlet: where r u located?
18:48 jnettlet hste, ?rhus Denmark currently.
18:52 hste Havn't been in ?rhus since 1990
18:53 jnettlet I am sure it hasn't changed, this is Denmark. They are just hitting where the rest of the world was in 1990
18:54 jnettlet Actually that isn't fair ?rhus is undergoing a big downtown construction revamp thing.
19:02 hste jnettlet: what imx6 devices do u have?
19:03 jnettlet hste, just the carrier-1 currently. Although I am getting more and more emails asking for help with other boards.