IRC log of #cubox of Tue 31 Dec 2013. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:34 xraxor anyone know geexbox?
00:35 xraxor i would like to know if i can install couchpotato and transmission
06:43 TimSmith2015 hi
10:32 jnettlet okay 3.10.17-beta is now booting but needs more fixes to get everything running.
10:42 rabeeh jnettlet: i wonder if edid is working also on that kernel?
10:42 rabeeh today in the 3.0.35 kernel edid is detect but X isn't configured to match the preferred resolution
11:59 jnettlet let me check the logs
12:00 jnettle 12:00 * jnettlet is finally done running errands for new years.
12:02 jnettlet rabeeh, any idea what would turn on the "okay" led on the C1 board?
12:14 jnettlet Anyway this is the magic that was hanging boot. Still not sure exactly why.
12:17 jnettlet rabeeh, yes edid config under hdmi does appear to work okay.
12:18 jnettlet although under the last driver 24bpp caused drawing corruption. We would either need to patch the driver to use 32bpp if 24bpp is selected, or hopefully this latest build fixes the 24bpp problem
12:19 rabeeh jnettlet: the okay led is negated USB OTG EN :)
12:19 rabeeh a bug :)
12:19 rabeeh so you can either enable the LED or enabled the USB OTG power current limiter.
12:19 jnettlet rabeeh, well it was that hdmi unmask overflow interrupter patch that was causing it to come on. That is one serious bug.
12:19 rabeeh jnettlet: any idea how to tell the kernel to configure the screen resolution to best match the preferred mode in EDID
12:20 rabeeh what are those interrupts?
12:20 jnettlet rabeeh, with the latest driver just don't pass it a video mode
12:20 jnettlet rabeeh, no idea yet. Haven't delved into it. Just did a git bisect to figure out what was breaking
12:21 jnettlet It was completely hanging the hardware though.
12:21 jnettlet perhaps something in device-tree that needs to be tweaked.
12:26 jnettlet rabeeh, actually the mode is being setup by the device-tree default right now. Same with default_bpp. I can easily add the code from my pxa168 hdmi driver that says if no default then setup the edid default, if not do 1080p if not do 720p
12:27 jnettlet if none of those fall back to the best resolutions that can be supported.
12:30 _rmk_ or just use drm which tends to get it right anyway
12:32 jnettlet _rmk_, except you can't use drm for android support
12:33 _rmk_ drm exports a fbdev so you should be able to, though its only basic
12:34 jnettlet yep, and the drm guys have already said they are getting rid of it.
12:35 _rmk_ shrug. I just find - like the drm guys - that I just can't care about fbdev crap anymore. drm is the future and android better get with it.
12:36 jnettlet that would be fine if the drm group wasn't slow as hell to accept changes and new submissions
12:36 bencoh then they'll probably be slow getting rid of fbdev too :>
12:36 _rmk_ strange, I've been pushing bug fixes for armada without any problem since it went in
12:37 _rmk_ as for imx-drm, that's really all down to pengutronix
12:38 jnettlet at some point they will need to realize that the biggest userbase of Linux is Android. If they push too hard then Google, Samsung, etc will fork permanently and do it their way, and there goes half a billion users.
12:38 jnettlet and the community has lost any sort of control it once held.
12:39 _rmk_ so what - the kernel has to carry a crappy interface for all eternity because of android?
12:39 _rmk_ and the kernel can't move forward ever because of that?
12:39 _rmk_ I don't buy that argument
12:39 jnettlet why not? it doesn't hurt anything.
12:39 jnettlet they can deprecate it just don't remove it, and don't be jerks about patches submitted for it.
12:42 jnettlet deprecating the fbdev interface for drm is basically a power play trying to force these companies to do things differently faster. The drm guys will lose that and just cause more pain in the long run due to schisms in contributions.
12:43 _rmk_ yes, of course it is, and it's got nothing to do with every drm driver needing extra code to support fbdev
12:43 jnettlet _rmk_, and no offense but your patches carry a bit more weight than *random developer* from Samsung does.
12:44 jnettlet I have seen how long some of the Marvell patches have sat in limbo until somebody else stepped up to try and get something moving on them. That is a big problem right now.
12:45 _rmk_ yea... what about armada-drm support for mmp :)
12:45 jnettlet and the world is a better place because of it
12:46 _rmk_ I've seen *nothing* since doing the work to make that easier
12:46 jnettlet I know I am sitting on a backlog of work a mile long.
12:47 _rmk_ ... that's the real problem - every kernel developer has that problem
12:47 jnettlet a bunch of it sitting in email queues waiting for lawyers to okay bits of irrelevant code.
12:48 jnettlet and that is a major problem.
12:49 MarcusVinter Good morning everyone.
12:52 MikeSeth waaaaant to haaaaaaack
13:22 jnettlet otavio, how long does freescale usually take to spit out binaries for new kernel releases?
13:44 jnettlet hmmm, with the new kernel and the GPU code removed to work with the old binaries I have lost 25 fps on es2gears
13:45 hste jnettlet: Is that with your added patches?
13:47 jnettlet hste, yep. down to about 250fps
13:47 jnettlet xbmc at 720p just doing the ticker is at about 70-90fps
13:47 hste still ok for c1 I think
13:48 jnettlet oh and xbmc is using way more cpu. something is up.
13:49 hste maybe better to stay on the old one till they go from beta to rc
13:50 jnettlet the cpu utilization is because it is staying at the lowest cpufreq more.
13:50 jnettlet they may have tweaked something in the mx6 cpufreq driver.
13:51 jnettlet looks like their MMC patches have fixed some of the lag I was seeing accessing the sdhc card.
13:52 jnettlet xbmc seems to have less lag waiting for IO
13:55 jnettlet hste, actually with the debug overlay off I am seeing betweeeing 98 and 178fps depending on the cpufreq of the soc. I think that is better.
13:55 jnettlet soc temp is hanging out at about 60C
13:56 hste jnettlet: have u tried turn off cpufreq?
13:57 jnettlet hste, I could but no reason to. Seems to be managing things quite nicely. Really I would like to lock xbmc down to 60fps no reason to play higher than that.
13:57 jnettlet still need to test on 1080p
13:59 hste jnettlet: how does your dogs behave when the rockets bangs around?
13:59 jnettlet hste, one doesn't care the other used to freak out pretty badly but seems to be chill right now.
14:00 jnettlet he has been getting better with loud noises recently. Perhaps he is losing his hearing :-)
14:00 hste mine didn't care last year, so hope he stay that way today too
14:01 jnettlet oh interesting switching to 1080p has thoroughly upset things. looks like mmc commands are timing out.
14:01 jnettlet perhaps ipu is hogging the AXI bus
14:02 jnettlet reboot fixed it. don't like that so much
14:08 jnettlet hste 1080p is rocking between 50-70fps depending on the cpu frequency.
14:08 jnettle 14:08 * jnettlet can live with that.
14:09 hste jnettlet: Do u have a uImage to share?
14:10 jnettlet zImage and .dtb
14:10 jnettlet although vpu and audio still aren't working yet.
14:11 hste still the version problem?
14:11 jnettlet I fixed that, something else is broke. It may be how I fixed the version. haven't had much time to poke at it more.
14:15 jnettlet running glmark2-es2 is really not pushing the soc at all now. galcore daemon is literally only doing about .5-1% cpu. That is about all I could ask for.
14:16 dv__ jnettlet: be aware that fps is a nonlinear metric, so you cannot compute deltas with it
14:16 dv__ thats why I generally prefer milliseconds
14:17 hste jnettlet: what about temp when running glmark?
14:17 dv__ I'm referring to sentences like "200 fps less" . these dont mean anything.
14:17 hste dv__: How is it going with gstreamer?
14:17 jnettlet just got the black screen effect, either temp or axi bus starvation
14:18 jnettlet imx-ipuv3 2400000.ipu: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_10 = 0x00080000
14:18 jnettlet imx-ipuv3 2400000.ipu: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_5 = 0x00800000
14:18 jnettlet mmc0: Card removed during transfer!
14:18 jnettlet mmc0: Resetting controller.
14:18 jnettlet axi bus starvation is the winner!!! ding ding ding
14:18 dv__ hste: its slow, because I am in holidays, so I only do development occasionally. I recently pushed a rewritten eglvivsink which should work better.
14:18 dv__ with it, you can do fullscreen with gst-launch for example
14:19 dv__ its also designed in a way that adding support for wayland and FB rendering backends is simple
14:20 dv__ jnettlet: what is that IPU_INT_STAT_10 thing? I have seen it sometimes
14:21 jnettlet dv__, axi bus is not pushing data through fast enough. rabeeh gave me a devmem tweak that bumps the ipu up to a higher qos priority on the bus.
14:21 dv__ and STAT_5 ?
14:21 jnettlet however that starvation causing the mmc to reset is new and annoying
14:21 jnettlet dv__, symptom of same problem. Just caught at two different stages I believe.
14:22 dv__ well, it makes sense then that I saw STAT_10 in my tests. I was pushing 1080p content at 30 fps from VPU through IPU to GPU
14:22 jnettlet dv__, on a C1?
14:23 dv__ jnettlet: yes
14:23 dv__ rabeeh told me the C1 ram has a 32 bit bandwidth, which explains the bottleneck
14:24 dv__ the data isn't copied in between the stages at all, it just DMA-transferred from the VPU to the DMA buffers, then into the IPU, then out etc. in short, zerocopy
14:24 jnettlet yep
14:25 jnettlet dv__, devmem 0x020e0018 32 0xffffffff is the command you want.
14:25 dv__ so it gets the maximum out of the system, and ram happens to be the bottleneck then. I have seen this also with transcoding. on the c1, I am at ~99-101% CPU usage for transcoding to h264 baseline.
14:25 dv__ err not CPU usage. 99-101% of realtime
14:26 dv__ so it can transcode in realtime, but is at its limit
14:26 dv__ source data format did not influence much. I got more or less the same figures with mpeg2, h264 baseline, h264 high profile source data. which is why I dont think the VPU is the limiting factor.
14:27 dv__ yes, I'll try that line in a few days. I am also curious about how the i4pro performs.
14:27 jnettlet dv__, yes me also. Need to test that gpu out to see where we are with performance.
14:28 dv__ gpu out?
14:28 dv__ you mean, video output with the gpu?
14:28 jnettlet that gpu out,
14:28 jnettlet test out that gpu is better I guess :-)
14:28 dv_ heh, yes. there is a piglit fork for gles
14:29 dv_ but overall, there is a strange lack of benchmark tools for gles, compared to desktop systems.
14:30 jnettlet okay, with the devmem command I lost the display again but it didn't reset my mmc card
14:30 jnettle 14:30 * jnettlet wonders if it is thermal now
14:32 jnettlet hmmm, switching vt's fixed things. gpu didn't hiccup.
14:35 jnettlet glmark2-es2 of 76 at 1080p that has dropped. Wonder if a clock has changed somewhere.
14:35 hste jnettlet: do you run with stock ram settings?
14:35 jnettlet hste, for now yes.
14:52 jnettlet hste, nevermind it was the cpu scaling that dropped the glmark2-es2 score down. I will have to see what has changed in regards to scaling. Just ran through glmark2-es2 again with the performance governor and pulled a score of 92 which is closer to where I was at with the old kernel.
15:24 MMlosh Lame question : what is the simples way of getting X11 with ABI version 14 to work? When trying plain recompile, it complains about missing "mibstore.h". Those includes can be removed and it'll compile.... but then fail during loading/using the resulting .so - symbol not found or something (even worse, it results in turned-off screen)
15:25 MMlosh or I'd be better to migrate to 3.13 + the shiny armada driver?
15:25 dv_ mibstore.h is ancient. typically, distros keep around an empty mibstore.h file around to make the old codebases compile
15:26 dv_ for example, I know of several OE recipes that contain such empty mibstore.h files and copy them into the codebase prior to compiling
15:26 dv_ as for the new driver, I dont know. might want to ask jnettlet or _rmk_ about it
15:28 MMlosh interesting... this time there was no error in xorg logfile.. but the last message is "dovefb(0): Render extension subpixel order is RGB"..
15:28 MMlosh shouldn't it be "server closing down" in case of success?
15:37 jnettle 15:37 * jnettlet is making is new years resolution to get all his 3.10 lts kernel work out by the end of Jan.
16:05 MMlosh finally.. welcome back, #cubox
16:05 MarcusVinter That's strange MMlosh.
16:06 MarcusVinter Its probably spewing errors somewhere.
16:07 MarcusVinte 16:07 * MarcusVinter is making a new years resolution to get the bloody thing booting.
16:07 MarcusVinter haha
16:09 MMlosh MarcusVinter, it could be a simple render / buffer pointer setup error
16:10 MMlosh (i.e. that switching VTs sets the "place where the HDMI could read pixels from" pointer correctly, which X11 itself borks it)
16:10 MarcusVinter Nah its much simpler. I'm just doing something wrong and I'm going to keep trying different methods with jnettlet's help hopefully until I stop being a plonker.
16:11 MMlosh I mean - my issue
16:11 MMlosh no idea about yours
16:11 MMlosh so.. not even the u-boot is booting?
16:13 MarcusVinter u-boot is booting, but its not booting linux for some fudging reason. It will be my own error, just need to find out where since the whole this is seemingly a simple process.
16:17 MMlosh ooh.. I remember spending quite a lot of time making u-boot boot linux as well
16:17 MMlosh where does it fail?
16:17 MarcusVinter loading the kernel :(
16:18 MMlosh like.. the last message is u-boot's "starting kernel" ?
16:18 MMlosh or whatever it prints before it executes it?
16:19 MarcusVinter
16:20 MMlosh oh.. it did not find the kernel at all
16:20 MMlosh can you do "printenv" in uboot and post that?
16:22 MarcusVinter I can try, I'm just formatting as ext2 at the moment to try that.
16:24 MMlosh it just prints u-boot configuration (environment variables)
16:27 MarcusVinter I cant type the command in anyway, it doesnt seem to recognise any of my usb keyboards.
16:27 MMlosh d'oh
16:27 MarcusVinter And it doesnt detect the hardware when i try a serial connection.
16:27 MMlosh you need to type to the serial console
16:27 MMlosh what?
16:27 MMlosh I thought you are using a serial console to read those u-boot messages
16:27 MMlosh but you got them on your screen.. oh.. I got it
16:28 MMlosh you need to establish a serial connection if you want to "talk" to u-boot I think
16:28 MMlosh does your cubox also come with built-in serial-to-usb converter?
16:30 MarcusVinter It appears to come with one of a different version to the V1. I have the drivers but if I plug the USB cable in my laptop wont detect it as hardware.
16:30 MMlosh strage
16:30 MMlosh what does lsusb say?
16:30 MMlosh or dmesg?
16:30 MarcusVinter Yeah its really quite frustrating.
16:32 MarcusVinter I'm using windows to debug.
16:32 MMlosh oh.. I am not used to that
16:33 MMlosh I remember there was some driver that could be downloaded for windows..
16:33 MMlosh but if it's not recognizing any device at all..
16:33 MMlosh are you sure you cable is allright?
16:33 MarcusVinter Its not in device manager at all.
16:34 MMlosh can you try another cable, shorter if possible?
16:34 MarcusVinter Not posistive, I'm looking around my office now for another but we have piles of everything so it'll take a while lol
16:35 MMlosh btw: looks like they moved the debug microusb below the eSata?
16:40 MarcusVinter Yeah thats right.
16:40 MarcusVinter its under the esata
16:41 MarcusVinter my voltmeter wont fit in this cable so I cant test it that way lol. now looking around office for other devices that use microusb
16:41 MarcusVinter lol
16:42 MarcusVinter The power in the cable is working, I booted an rpi with it
16:43 MMlosh unfortunately that's not really the part of the cable you need
16:43 MMlos 16:43 * MMlosh is a bit surprised that you don't have a microusb-equipped phone lying around
16:46 MarcusVinter i know :/
16:47 MarcusVinter Found another cable and it worked. I think the case might protrude too much for the other cable.
16:48 MMlosh in v1 there is a big square hold cut into the cover just to allow a cable to connect
16:49 MMlosh *hole
16:49 MMlosh btw: what is the software one uses as serial terminal on windows?
16:51 MarcusVinter I'm using putty
16:51 MarcusVinter i have a serial connection now.
16:51 MMlosh congrats
16:51 MMlosh it shall let you press Esc during startup and let you issue u-boot commands
16:53 MarcusVinter Yup. at least this is a bonus lol.
16:54 MMlosh which will let you make it printenv to see what it's actually trying to do
16:54 MarcusVinter ** File not found boot.scr **
16:54 MarcusVinter ** Unrecognized filesystem type **
16:54 MarcusVinter ** File not found uEnv.txt **
16:54 MarcusVinter ** Unrecognized filesystem type **
16:54 MarcusVinter ** File not found uImage **
16:54 MarcusVinter ** Unrecognized filesystem type **
16:55 MMlosh I'd call that normal
16:55 MMlosh you imo always get a bunch of errors for not-present media
16:55 MarcusVinter Thisis my printenv
16:55 MarcusVinter
16:59 MMlosh bootcmd hold the command that would be executed at boot (if you didn't abort using escape)
16:59 MMlosh or perhaps it did and since it failed you ended up in console anyway
16:59 MMlosh one can run such commands like "run bootcmd"
16:59 MMlosh (it just takes a variable as a string and executes it as if it was typed)
17:01 MMlosh tracing it's progress will allow you to figure out where did each error come from
17:01 MMlosh and most importantly - which commands actually succeeded
17:07 MarcusVinter Thanks, I'll give that a shot now.
17:08 MMlosh It took me quite a while to beautify the boocmd command
17:09 MMlosh , so it doesn't come to waste
17:10 MMlosh bootscript is a variable that will be set by boot.scr or uEnv.txt on your card
17:13 MMlosh it seems to be looking at mmc device 0 partition 1 ext2/fat /boot.scr OR /uEnv.txt
17:13 MarcusVinter I have /boot/boot.scr
17:14 MMlosh first tries ext2+boot.scr, then fat+boot.scr, then ext2+uEnv.txt, then fat+uEnv.txt
17:14 MMlosh hmm
17:14 MMlosh try moving it to root
17:15 MMlosh or just setenv script=/boot/boot.scr
17:15 MMlosh and then run bootscript
17:15 MMlosh (script is the variable that holds the filename of the boot.scr, it can include a path too.. )
17:16 MMlosh correction: run bootcmd (that re-tries booting... if no device's state was broken that is.. sometimes that works, sometimes it does not)
17:16 MMlosh on my system I wasn't able to "run bootcmd" twice in a row
17:16 MMlosh (i.e. , my changes, run bootcmd didn't work
17:17 MMlosh while , my changes, run bootcmd did )
17:17 MarcusVinter ## Error: illegal character '='in variable name "script=/boot/boot.scr"
17:19 MMlosh oops, no "=", just a space
17:19 MMlosh (setenv script /boot/boot.scr)
17:21 MarcusVinter CuBox-i U-Boot > run bootscript
17:21 MarcusVinter Running bootscript from mmc ...
17:21 MarcusVinter ## Executing script at 10800000
17:21 MarcusVinter Wrong image format for "source" command
17:22 MMlosh hmm.. no idea
17:22 MMlosh did you stop u-boot by esc or let it run?
17:23 MMlosh (unfortunately I am due to leave for a new year's traditions things soon)
17:23 MMlosh hmm.. I guess it didn't like your boot.scr
17:23 MMlosh what's in / how did you make it?
17:23 MarcusVinter damn :/
17:24 MarcusVinter i just coped /boot/ from a ubuntu image made for the Carrier-one
17:24 MarcusVinter copied
17:24 MMlosh aww.. windows... which means you can't "file boot.scr"
17:25 MMlosh it should be a text file with some binary garbage at the beginning
17:26 _rmk_ MarcusVinter: iminfo 0x10800000 might show you what type it is after that error message
17:27 MarcusVinter yeah it said "Wrong image format for "source" command". I have no idea what that means, lol.
17:27 MMlosh MarcusVinter, run what rmk told you to
17:27 _rmk_ it means it thinks it isn't a script
17:27 MMlosh it shall provide aditional info
17:27 MMlosh yup.. "it doesn't like his boot.scr"
17:30 _rmk_ which will finish first... the kernel build for the hummingboard running on the laptop, or the apt-get upgrade running on the hummingboard
17:30 MarcusVinter Anyone else got boot.scr and uimage and stuff that works for I2U?
17:33 _rmk_ apt-get won
17:33 MarcusVinter Haha
17:34 MarcusVinter Is there any PR on the hummingboard, im curious what it is.
18:18 _unreal_ ?
18:20 MarcusVinter Any press release or anything.
18:20 MarcusVinter I cant seem to find a single bit of info about it.
18:37 MarcusVinter Happy New Year to you all from everyone at i-Virtuals! Have a good one!
22:54 xraxor hi guys
22:54 xraxor i have a cubox-i4pro if you guys need any tests done
22:54 xraxor but im a linux novice