IRC log of #cubox of Mon 03 Feb 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

01:00 cbxbiker61
01:00 cbxbiker61 it'll be interesting to see what they say about the cubox-i, first i have to watch the super bowl
01:49 CodeAddict Hi.
01:49 CodeAddict Anyone active here?
06:27 cbxbiker61 Chris at the Linux Action Show did a good/fair review of the i4-pro, that's awesome!
07:37 _dab_ does anyone know what the load address and entry point should be for mkimage on an i4pro
07:37 _dab_ 3.13 kernel?
08:22 rabeeh cbxbiker61: thanks for the link; a very good coverage.
09:13 MikeSeth morning!
09:13 MikeSet 09:13 * MikeSeth pokes rabeeh
09:13 rabeeh MikeSeth: morning
09:14 MikeSeth rabeeh: when you introduced Cubox SPL into your uboot tree it somehow broke MMC, there are some cards for which the partition table isn't readable by uboot
09:15 MikeSeth rabeeh: this began happening since commit a577b7980a
09:15 rabeeh MikeSeth: there is a mysterious bug in SPL support that is still not found
09:15 MikeSeth rabeeh: oooh, tell me tell me tell me
09:17 MikeSeth rabeeh: also, would it help you if I gave you the card that has the problem?
10:21 rabeeh MikeSeth: my previous message - i can't reproduce any of the issues that are mentioned to me (for instance sraue told me few times that his SPL can't boot uImage)
10:21 rabeeh not another net split
10:22 MikeSeth freenode is being ddosed
10:22 gori [We're currently experiencing what appears to be a DOS attack against our servers. Some servers are offline, and local IPs appear in the rotation, meaning that some connections will fail. |, addresses in DNS are for mitigation and will be removed when this passes]
10:22 gori heh
10:22 MikeSeth rabeeh: I can give you the card on which the partition table is unreadable
10:22 rabeeh so it's happening on your CuBox?
10:22 MikeSeth rabeeh: yes
10:23 rabeeh which brand is it?
10:23 MikeSeth rabeeh: only for a specific type of card
10:23 MikeSeth -i1
10:23 MikeSeth C4 Transcend Micro 4Gb
10:23 MikeSeth C4 Sandisk 4Gb has no problem
10:23 rabeeh i might have an exact model
10:24 MikeSeth basically the uboot code either mangles the partition table or reads mangled values from MMC
10:24 rabeeh i have one that says - 'Transcend 4GB (4) MicroSD HC'
10:24 MikeSeth rabeeh: the card isn't on me, I can't confirm, but it is one of those 30 shekel cards sold w/o adapters
10:24 rabeeh MikeSeth: there was a suggested patch from jnettlet that fixes the bss sections
10:24 MikeSeth rabeeh: for build breakage/
10:25 MikeSeth ?
10:25 MikeSeth I applied it on top of a577b7 to make it build; doesn't help
10:25 MikeSeth I mean it does help in that it makes that commit build
10:25 rabeeh
10:26 rabeeh that one?
10:26 MikeSeth no, I don't know anything about BSS mapping issues
10:27 MikeSeth btw thew new SPL code does
10:28 MikeSeth but the pre-SPL one does MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CLK_CTRL)
10:28 MikeSeth is that by design?
10:32 rabeeh i don't thin it's relevant
10:32 rabeeh in that micro SD 50MHz clock will be used (class 4)
10:32 rabeeh i doubt this is the issue; but worth fixing in any case
10:33 rabeeh MikeSeth: can you build u-boot?
10:33 rabeeh i can send you u-boot images with that bss fix to try out on that micro sd
10:34 rabeeh the symptoms were 3 for now; SPL can't boot uImage, SPL can't detect micro SD partitions and there is an internal flag to decide if this is HB and CBi and in some point it got corrupted too
10:35 MikeSeth rabeeh: I can build uboot
10:35 MikeSeth I'll try this at lunch
10:35 rabeeh MikeSeth: it would be great; i have lots of reports about failures but i'm unable to reproduce any
10:36 rabeeh i think the main issue would be around memory trashing due to stack or bss allocations; which leads me to the thought that it is toolchain dependent
10:36 MikeSeth rabeeh: hm
10:36 rabeeh (i.e. every toolchain provides different layout of the memory)
10:36 rabeeh s/memory/binary
10:36 MikeSeth I use gcc 4.7 in Debian in x86 vagrant
10:37 MikeSeth it is indeed possible, and in fact not unlikely because the partition analysis code that breaks branches when the value it reads from the device structure is -1
10:39 MikeSeth rabeeh: I'll get back to you in a couple of hours with a patch test result and the description of my environment
10:39 MikeSeth rabeeh: oh yes, most important
10:40 MikeSeth rabeeh: the partition table problem is card specific
10:40 MikeSeth another card with same uboot images would NOT have this problem
10:40 rabeeh MikeSeth: you are talking about u-boot runtime; not the SPL code - right?
10:40 rabeeh i mean SPL is able to load u-boot.img; but afterward it breaks
10:40 MikeSeth rabeeh: yeah
10:40 MikeSeth rabeeh: mmc part shows "Unknown partition table'
10:53 MikeSeth rabeeh: I've just realized that the card that has the problem might be the card I got from you, on which the adroid was installed
11:05 rabeeh MikeSeth: great - then i will be able to reproduce it really fast
11:05 rabeeh well.. i take it back; because i use those micro SD daily :)
11:12 MikeSeth rabeeh: it also might have something to do with the device used to write the card, it behaves kind of weird
11:34 jnettlet few that is better. freenode dns was only returning ipv6 addresses all of a sudden
11:37 Coolgeek jnettlet: there was a DDoS running
11:37 jnettlet wonderful
11:55 _rmk_ and looks like it still is...
11:56 davorin is there somewhere documented what screen resolutions i can throw off at ubbot in uenv.txt?
12:00 rabeeh davorin: i haven't seen a document about this
12:00 davorin does uboot adjust according to uenv.txt or just passes it to the kernel?
12:00 rabeeh the only thing i'v seen that it's internal fractional pll can go into 1hz deviation with any resolution
12:01 rabeeh u-boot screen resolution is fixed
12:01 davorin hmm....
12:09 _dab_ _rmk_: need help with mkimage for 3.13.1 uImage. entry point address?
12:13 _rmk_ hmm. I stopped using uImage here... 0x10008000
12:13 _rmk_ I think...
12:14 _rmk_ yea.
12:15 _rmk_ you do know uboot can boot the plain zImage on cubox-i ?
12:16 _rmk_ I do this:
12:16 _rmk_ tftp ${loadaddr} imx6.zImage
12:16 _rmk_ tftp ${fdt_addr} ${fdtfile}
12:16 _rmk_ fdt addr ${fdt_addr}
12:16 _rmk_ bootz ${loadaddr} ${uinitrd_addr} ${fdt_addr}
12:17 _rmk_ replace the tftp lines as appropriate for where you want to obtain the zImage / fdt files from
12:25 _dab_ I guessed that. Starting kernel ... (and thats it). linaro gcc 4.8. Debugging suggestions
12:27 _rmk_ CONFIG_DEBUG_LL=y
12:27 _rmk_ for a start, and then...
12:28 _rmk_ what I tend to do is not bother with stuff like early console, I just edit kernel/printk/printk.c and add:
12:28 _rmk_ { extern void printascii(const char *); printascii(text); }
12:28 _rmk_ immediately after the vscnprintf() in there
12:32 _rmk_ hmm, does that mean _dab_ didn't see my reply...
12:39 _rmk_ _dab_: did you see my reply?
13:06 _rmk_ Broken pipes cause excessive flooding in freenode, expect much disruption. :p
13:26 jnettlet time for a new IRC server?
13:29 _rmk_ jnettlet: new IRC server, or new IRC network with "DDoS" attacks investigated and prevention put in place?
13:30 jnettlet _rmk_, yes please.
13:30 jnettlet Wow, look familiar?
13:31 jnettlet Cubox QtBox?
13:31 jnettlet direct link
13:38 davorin "affordable price-tag" ???
13:39 xraxor__ new XBMC distro for cubox-i dual and quad
14:05 sickness I'm back
14:16 rabeeh xraxor__: great !!!
14:18 xraxor__ :)
14:26 rabeeh xraxor__: he mentions in his forum post that he seems to have debianizes the gl/vpu packages
14:26 rabeeh hste__ and jas-hacks - maybe you can look into this? you might be able to use as-is
14:28 rabeeh one of the issue mk01 has mentioned is a newer kernel (obvious request) mainly for btrfs support
15:09 mk01 guten morgen
15:57 rabeeh mk01: great work... it was soo fast :)
15:57 rabeeh freenode has been under attack for few hours; so irc is a bit unstable
16:02 xraxor__ nothing is safe nowadays :/
16:02 xraxor__ people with too much free time?!
16:05 rabeeh xraxor__: i think commitment for goals is timeless
16:06 rabee 16:06 * rabeeh hopes that the previous sentence is even correct English wise :)
16:09 xraxor__ :)
18:19 MikeSeth well damn
18:26 _Rarity Hello, I have just received my Cubox-I pro and I have successfully installed the premade Debian OS on it. However, the internet doesn't work on it, how do I enable it?
18:26 MarcusVinter Are you trying to use wifi or ethernet?
18:27 _Rarity Well, Wifi would be best, but I have an ethernet cable available too
18:28 MarcusVinter Have you tried ethernet first?
18:31 _Rarity Yes, the cable I put in it worked fine on other computers
18:32 _Rarity when I run ifconfig, the terminal tells me that eth0 and wlan0 are disabled. I have tried to add these lines to /etc/network/interface:
18:33 _Rarity "auto eth0, iface eht0 inet static"
18:34 MarcusVinter "ifconfig eth0 up"?
18:35 _rmk_
18:35 _rmk_ you need a little more for static ip configuration than what you've quoted
18:35 MarcusVinter Yeah
18:35 MarcusVinter I use DHCP and that works fine for me
18:35 _rmk_ or use dhcp:
18:36 _Rarity Please hold on, I'll turn on my Cubox and report what I see :)
18:42 MikeSeth iface eth0 inet dhcp allow-hotplug
18:42 MikeSeth auto eth0
18:43 MikeSeth ^^ contents of /etc/network/interfaces
18:43 MikeSeth then in command line:
18:43 MikeSeth ifup eth0
18:44 MikeSeth if you dont have/want dhcp, the syntax is indeed in the debian wiki
18:44 MikeSeth rabeeh: seen my mail?
18:45 rabeeh MikeSeth: yes.
18:45 MikeSeth rabeeh: want the card?
18:45 rabeeh yes.
18:47 __Rarity Yes, that is the content of my /etc/network/interface
18:48 __Rarity But when I try to "sudo ifup eth0", it writes a longer message ending with these two lines: "unable to set up timer: unexpected error" and "Failed to bring up eth0"
18:52 MarcusVinter you tried eth1 just in casE?
18:52 MarcusVinter case*
18:53 __Rarity No, but ifconfig says eth0
18:55 __Rarity Hold on, maybe the addresses in my static configuration might be wrong
18:57 MikeSeth __Rarity: no, this seems to be a driver/hardware problem, what kernel do you use? uname -a
18:57 MikeSeth I've seen it reported before
18:58 MikeSeth <- this guy has the same problem
18:59 MarcusVinter I'm using jas-hacks build. its perfect.
19:00 MikeSeth same here, though I am building my own rootfs
19:01 MarcusVinter Can I have it when you're done?
19:02 MikeSeth sure, it'll take a couple of days though
19:03 MarcusVinter Sure, Ill remind you next week or something :P
19:03 MarcusVinter Thanks man.
19:03 MikeSeth welcome
19:04 MikeSeth I actually have the whole build process working, now I just need to do cubox specific configuration and write scripts to build images for different card sizes
19:06 MarcusVinter :O
19:07 MarcusVinter mines 16 GB lol
19:08 MikeSeth yeah the problem with the images we have is they're small
19:36 __Rarity MikeSeth: when I run "uname -r", i get "3.0.35-g0f2006c-dirty"
19:38 MikeSeth __Rarity: yeah, that's the current kernel
19:39 MikeSeth if you just do ifconfig eth0 up what happens?
19:42 __Rarity Then it writes: "eth0: Freescale FEC PHY driver .... (skipped) ... PHY: 1:00 - Link is up - 100/Full"
19:43 __Rarity But "ping -c3" writes: "unknown host"
19:43 MikeSeth that's normal
19:44 rabeeh __Rarity: you would need to tell it to dhcp
19:44 rabeeh for instance 'sudo dhclient eth0'
19:46 prae5 Hi, can anyone point me to documentation for creating bootable img files for redistribuitng os images? I normally use dd to create an empty image, then use losetup and parted to partition them before copying data to them
19:46 prae5 I've tried this and it doesn't quite seem to work
19:47 prae5 are there any docs on this / details on how the official images are created?
19:49 __Rarity rabeeh: the command runs without any messages
19:50 heap Hello, may i have a question about CuBox Pro the old model. does it have SATA multiplier?
19:50 hste __Rarity: what does ifconfig tell u after you ran dhclient?
19:55 __Rarity hste: written by hand, this is the output of "sudo ifconfig -a"
19:55 MikeSeth __Rarity: run dhclient eth0 manually, see what happens
19:55 hste __Rarity: do u have dhcp on your cabled net?
19:56 MikeSeth prae5: create a filesystem normally, follow the steps in
19:56 MikeSeth then dump the image of the card
19:56 MikeSeth that'll give you a bootable image
19:56 prae5 MikeSeth: thanks, I'll take a look
19:56 rabeeh heap: yes. it support sata port multiplier
19:57 prae5 however if that relies on their being a sd thats not what I'm looking for
19:57 prae5 I'm looking to create a .img without having a image on a sd card
19:58 MikeSeth prae5: nothing prevents you from dd'ing to a file instead of a card device
19:58 __Rarity hste: I actually don't know, as I have to use my laptop for sharing the network via ethernet cable. (I can either connect my HDMI display OR the ethernet cable from the router to the cubox)
19:58 __Rarity (its an Ubuntu laptop)
19:59 prae5 MikeSeth: I'll re-read that wiki entry, it looks similar to what I've done already and it isn't producing bootable images - hopefully I've missed something obvious :)
20:00 MikeSeth prae5: the recipe in the wiki was majorly updated yesterday from an older version
20:00 MikeSeth also, what do you mean non-bootable?
20:01 prae5 ahh thats hopeful :) and i'm not sure exactly what the issue is - I don't have my devices yet so am doing this blind and relying on feedback from users
20:01 prae5 for reference, I'm producing nightly dev releases of OpenELEC which are distributed from
20:02 prae5 I'll put together a new image based on the updated wiki and get someone to do some testing and see where we are
20:03 MikeSeth prae5: there are several bugs in the bootloader that might affect certain cards and monitors
20:03 MikeSeth doing this blind and remotely would be risky
20:04 prae5 yup, is less that ideal at the moment - I had been holding of adding cubox images until i got my devices
20:04 prae5 but keep getting bugged several times a day, so have caved to user pressure
20:04 MikeSeth cheat ;)
20:05 prae5 at the moment, i'm not putting up full img file - but thats what is being asked for the most
20:05 MikeSeth get a working OS image from the wiki
20:05 MikeSeth copy first megabyte into your blank file
20:05 MikeSeth copy your filesystem into the partition
20:05 MikeSeth add uEnv.txt, kernel and modules
20:06 prae5 hmmm that might be workable, not ideal but should be able to sort something for the short term at least
20:07 MikeSeth also I think there was another guy around here who did something around openelec
20:08 MikeSeth but I won't recall who that is
20:08 __Rarity hste: My router has DHCP enabled though, so I guess the dhcp configuration in /etc/network/interface should work
20:09 prae5 Is probably Stephen, he is the OE project lead/founder
20:09 MikeSeth __Rarity: configure the interface manually if dhcp doesn't work
20:10 MikeSeth ip a a dev eth0
20:10 MikeSeth ip r a default via
20:10 MikeSeth then ping
20:12 __Rarity MikeSeth: Will do. Unfortunatelly, I have to go now, but thanks for all the help :)
20:12 __Rarity (And thanks to everyone else here!)
20:13 MikeSeth welcome
20:13 MikeSeth please do report results, as this seems to happen to other people
20:15 __Rarity MikeSeth: Will do. I will try to answer the question to the previous post someone mentioned earlier in the forums
20:19 _rmk_ I guess the better answer would be to ensure that network manager is installed... the default should be to dhcp whenever the link becomes available (something dhcp started via ifup won't do)
20:20 MikeSeth _rmk_: might very well be misconfigured router or some stupid link-level magic
20:20 _rmk_ and the comment about being able to connect either HDMI or ethernet at the same time was rather interesting
20:21 MikeSeth you wouldn't believe the kind of adventures I had with realtek chips
20:21 MikeSeth well, *you* probably would
20:21 MikeSeth but still ;)
20:21 _rmk_ I have a draytek router... nothing gets as bad as they do :)
20:22 MikeSeth well, I had a guy once flash the wrong firmware on the lvds controller after replacing a screen on the laptop...
20:22 MikeSeth though this is not a competition
20:23 MikeSeth not to mention Fuji DSL DMT chips, oh god
20:23 _rmk_ said draytek operated its ethernet in promiscuous mode, and IP routed every packet it saw on the LAN.
20:24 MikeSeth that's nice
20:24 MikeSeth literally a router
20:24 MikeSeth what happens if you put two of those in the same lan?
20:24 _rmk_ it'll bounce packets between both :)
20:24 _rmk_ but that's not the worst of it...
20:26 _rmk_ I have two lines between here and I had the situation where a packet went up line 1, got duplicated and sent up line 2. remote host replies to the first packet from line 1 which was returned down line 1. router sees it on the local network, and ended up routing that packet back out up line 2... which then forwarded it back down line 1.
20:26 _rmk_ you can guess the result from that.
20:27 _rmk_ meanwhile the packet that went up line 2 got its source address NAT'd differently, hit the remote host, which said "I don't know this connection, here, have a TCP reset"... returned down line 2, de-NAT'd and returned to the original host... which then killed the TCP connection.
20:28 _rmk_ also... whenever I ping'd the router on line 1... I got three responses per sent ping.
20:28 _rmk_ three? no, four.
20:29 _rmk_ one from the router on line 1. one from router 2 seeing the response and duplicating the packet. then think about it duplicating the ping request too.
20:31 MikeSeth that is FNU
20:32 MikeSeth fun*
20:32 MikeSeth in the dwarf fortress definition of fun
20:39 heap rabeeh: and it works fine with kernel drivers etc?
22:53 mk01 is it possible to specify ramdisk in uEnv.txt loaded as bootenv from mmc ?
23:00 mikehamer____ hi
23:00 mikehamer____ anyone are interested in tax free cigarettes??
23:02 MikeSeth mk01: you can specify any parameters to the kernel
23:02 mikehamer____ anyone are interested in tax free cigarettes??
23:03 MikeSeth /ignore mikehamer____ ALL
23:03 mikehamer____ wai poola
23:06 mk01 mikeseth: you mean load initramfs and provide this address as argument in bootargs= ?
23:06 mk01 re "load ramdisk to a memory address and pass this info trough kernel command line "
23:06 mk01 ?
23:07 MikeSeth yes, uboot should support that
23:08 MikeSeth I wouldn't know how to configure uboot for it but some folks here or in #imx6-dev might
23:09 mk01 yes, bootm can have 3 arguments (kernel,ramdisk,devt)
23:10 mk01 ok fair enough
23:10 MikeSeth this is how it was done for the _old_ cubox:
23:11 mk01 ramdisk should be also mkimage as none compression - if kernel normally decompress gzip ?
23:12 mk01 ok, so I don't have to specify special command line parameters. just load kernel and initramfs
23:12 MikeSeth I really don't know, sorry
23:14 mk01 you helped a lot
23:14 MikeSeth also I am not certain if in stock kernel ramdisk support is enabled at all
23:14 mk01 no it is not
23:16 mk01 I was trying this way manually but console is scrolling too fast and broke the serial connector (microusb). I have to try again as soon as new device comes and I will see the actual error.
23:17 MikeSeth you might be able to get the screen to higher resolutio
23:17 MikeSeth resolution*
23:18 mk01 I'm currently at 217x46
23:18 mk01 8x14 font
23:20 mk01 or maybe it is possible to set larger backbuffer on screen ?
23:21 mk01 or I can simply finish booting and check with dmesg, no ? if not large enough I will make it larger.
23:21 mk01 and resolution is 1920x1080
23:22 mk01 the problem is that on compression algorithm wrong or wrong cpio error is shown but booting continues normally (if root is available and mountable). so it scrolls all up
23:31 MikeSeth perform the boot manually step by step
23:38 MikeSeth ok, card corruption by the host is ruled out, same card on a different os, machine and reader, still no partition table
23:38 MikeSet 23:38 * MikeSeth ponders card interrogation