IRC log of #cubox of Sun 16 Feb 2014 till 22:59. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:00 steph_ Hi all :)
00:03 steph33560 I've just received my cubox i2 ultra. Trying bootup the cubox installer but no ttyUSB found. Somebody can help ?
00:04 steph33560 I've just received my cubox i2 ultra. Trying bootup the cubox installer but no ttyUSB found. Somebody can help ?
00:04 xraxor what are you trying to install?
00:04 steph33560 xraxor: U-Boot
00:05 xraxor AFAIK the cubox installer does not work on cubox-i
00:05 steph33560 HAA :) thanks
00:05 xraxor did you check the forums?
00:06 steph33560 xraxor: only the wiki :p
00:06 xraxor theres a subforums about uboot
00:06 xraxor make sure you are checking on right wiki
00:07 xraxor here wiki
00:07 steph33560 Thanks xraxor :)
00:08 steph33560 let's go for a jessi :)
00:09 xraxor good luck
00:09 xraxor :)
01:07 mk01 anyone knows which .config (3.0.35kernel) parameter enables IR on cubox-i ? I have the feeling I enabled all kinds of IR or USB / whatever adapters and still no /sys/class/rc ...
01:08 nikitis is rabeeh here?
09:55 rabeeh mk01: ping; still online?
09:55 rabeeh look at arch/arm/configs/imx6_cubox-i_hummingboard_defconfig
09:56 rabeeh CONFIG_IR_GPIO_CIR is the important one in the IR core to enable IR on gpio
09:57 rabeeh notice that current IR defaults to RC6
10:14 mk01 rabeeh: yes still here. thanks. I was checking GPIO stuff as well but it's too much records. overlooked the IR in name.
10:38 mk01 rabeeh: if gpio-rc-recv is module, /sys/class/rc* is not created although all dependent modules are triggered and reporting no errors
10:38 mk01 rabeeh: that's why I could not get it "BACK".
10:38 mk01 rabeeh: but now in-kernel is ok, thank
10:59 rabeeh mk01: /dev/lirc ?
11:00 rabeeh on my kernel -
11:00 rabeeh it's the github kernel
11:05 mk01 rabeeh: no. this gets creatrd when you load lirc compatibility keymap. but "raw" (rc0,rc1,rc2..._) before keymap translation.
11:09 mk01 rabeeh: but the log is from kenrel where the module is in-kernel, is it not? then it is ok. if is as module, then rcX are missing (not created). not a big issue though, just the piece of info was important
14:31 warped-rudi jnettlet: ping
15:02 jnettlet warped-rudi, here. Sorry dog training
15:02 warped-rudi Nice ;-).
15:03 warped-rudi I was kinda bored and added lmbench to the geexbox build. Now I have the tools on any platform geexbox runs on.
15:04 jnettlet exhausting. half a dozen over excited 40+ kg dogs that have no boundaries set.
15:04 hste jnettlet: so its you that train the dog or the dog that trains you? :)
15:05 jnettlet The pack really does most the training. I just lead the pack.
15:09 jnettlet warped-rudi, have you gotten any numbers yet?
15:11 warped-rudi Not yet. I just successfully built the executables. The MHz sound O.K. What tests do think are most interresting ?
15:11 rabeeh warped-rudi: i'm back online; i missed few of your notes
15:11 jnettlet I would just run the HARDWARE test group for starters
15:12 rabeeh i actually saw the micro USB connector
15:15 warped-rudi rabeeh: Hi ! Part of the problem is also, that the connector is so close to the SATA port. it's pretty much impossoble to plug both.
15:16 rabeeh warped-rudi: i know; but there is no place else
15:16 rabeeh literally.. no other place
15:16 rabeeh we used to have it beneath the SPDIF connector; which is completely ugly
15:17 rabeeh warped-rudi: any idea about boot time speeds between c1 and CBi?
15:18 warped-rudi I know where it is on the old CuBox ;-)
15:19 warped-rudi About the speed: I'm just trying to run some benchmarks. Will report when I have it ready...
15:20 jnettlet rabeeh, I asked warped-rudi to install lm-bench to get some good comparitive benchmark results on his system.
15:20 rabeeh for the bogomips; if you are using interactive profile you should see between 400 to 2k bogomips (equivalent to 2x the processor speed when measured)
15:21 rabeeh ok. i doubt you will see anything on the processor; but processor to ddr might show things
15:21 rabeeh (i.e. lat_mem_rd, or bw_mem)
15:22 jnettlet Here are my stream bandwidth and latency results.
15:23 jnettlet warped-rudi, which reminds me. You should lock the cpu-frequency before running the tests.
15:24 jnettlet we don't want to test the scaling governor's performance.
15:24 rabeeh jnettlet: if you warm one of the processor then it will go to highest speed
15:25 rabeeh but you can do 'echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'
15:25 rabeeh that will put the processor in 1ghz
15:25 jnettlet yep
15:28 warped-rudi I need a bit more time since it looks like I missed some parts in my build.
15:33 jnettlet no hurray
15:46 jnettlet no hurray??? make that hurry :-)
15:49 kivutar is there somebody from solidrun on the chan?
16:03 kivutar rabeeh, maybe?
16:07 jnettlet kivutar, yes but as always with IRC people are on and off. You can ask your question and then hang out for an answer, but really emailing the SolidRun support email is probably a better way to get service.
16:10 dv__ warped-rudi: you were the one who added libcec support for the original cubox, right?
16:13 warped-rudi dv__: Yes, but some others helped as well.
16:14 dv_ tried cec with cubox-i yet?
16:15 warped-rudi Very little. I got a CuBox just recently and there are so many other things...
16:15 dv_ oh, i can relate
16:16 kivutar jnettlet, yes, it's because I emailed them 2 weeks ago about a partnership and got no reply yet
16:16 dv_ todo list is huge
16:16 dv_ kivutar: iirc the guys are overloaded with requests atm
16:17 kivutar dv_, yeah I can understand that, the product is interesting
17:22 rabeeh kivutar: here
17:28 kivutar rabeeh, hello, I sent a mail on february 8 about a partnership but got no reply
17:28 rabeeh kivutar: let me check
17:28 kivutar we do a linux distro and would like to support cubox-i
17:29 kivutar the subject is Retro Emulation on Cubox-i
17:29 rabeeh nop; checked trash too :)
17:29 kivutar oh, strange, let me resend it then
17:30 kivutar rabeeh, [email protected]?
17:30 rabeeh oh; that's not me then; that's sales :)
17:30 rabeeh they have a long long long queue :)
17:30 rabeeh sorry about that; which distro is that?
17:30 rabeeh please to me directly - [email protected]
17:31 kivutar this one
17:31 kivutar it's mostly a retroarch distro, build using openelec tools
17:31 rabeeh oooh; nice :)
17:31 rabeeh OE based
17:32 kivutar yes I like their build system
17:32 kivutar it's very easy to package this way
17:32 kivutar I transfered the mail to your adress
17:34 rabeeh kivutar sounds very interesting
17:35 rabeeh which platform are you interested in?
17:36 rabeeh I can queue you for any platform you want CuBox-i versions
17:36 rabeeh HummingBoard is out of reach now
17:37 kivutar rabeeh, are the GC880 and GC2000 very differents?
17:38 kivutar I think the CuBox-i2Ultra could allow us to add psx and gba support
17:39 rabeeh gc2k has quad shader while gc880 has one
17:40 rabeeh do you run under X or fb?
17:40 kivutar kms
17:40 rabeeh how many devs are there?
17:40 kivutar we do use pixel shaders
17:41 rabeeh i can queue you for more machines if you want to test gc880 and gc2k
17:41 rabeeh currently we are out of stock; but i can get you one immediately from my development machines
17:41 kivutar 2 devs for the system, located in france, for them we need only one device
17:42 kivutar it's great! it won't be a waste
17:42 rabeeh hehe.. i'm sure
17:42 rabeeh i'm betting on it :)
17:42 rabeeh gba mainly :)
17:43 rabeeh btw - which resolution do you typical render for?
17:43 kivutar it would be interesting also to send one to the retroarch team
17:43 rabeeh i mean all those devices has low resolution; what do you typically choose as an output from the ARM machine?
17:43 kivutar our gl backend renders up to 1080p
17:44 rabeeh so all upscaling done by the gles engine
17:44 kivutar yes
17:44 rabeeh i was wondering how that would be vs. the i.MX6 ipu upscaler, from quality point of view since gba has really low resolution
17:44 rabeeh 240x160 looking at the wiki
17:45 rabeeh hmm... thinking about that; the i.MX6 has IC unit internally that can do upscaling on the fly with those resolutions
17:45 kivutar rabeeh, if you join #retroarch, Squarepusher is the one who knows the gl backend I think he could reply way better than me
17:45 rabeeh so no ddr bandwidth is waste for mem2mem
17:45 rabeeh ok.
17:57 warped-rudi jnettlet: It took a while for both, me and the CuBox, but here are teh results:
18:12 mk01 warped_rudi: isn't mac80211 compiled in kernel doing constant regulatory updates? have seen this on default kernel even with wlan0 off taking ~30% cpu cycles
18:17 rabeeh cut and paste from my last speech -
18:17 rabeeh warped-rudi: so it is slower
18:17 rabeeh are you running SPL u-boot? or older u-boot?
18:17 rabeeh i wonder if we have missed part of the ddr configurations
18:17 rabeeh i would say HB is 20% faster than i4pro; where it should be the way around (given 64bit DDR and higher speed)
18:17 rabeeh are you running C1 with DDR overclocking?
18:18 rabeeh great. now warped-rudi is not online; damn it with freenode
18:19 sickness what's hb?
18:20 jnettlet sickness, hummingboard
18:21 sickness k
19:21 warped-rudi rabeeh: i'm back
19:25 warped-rudi And in case you read the logs later: It's running lastest SPL. But I tested with both an older u-boot and a debug version sent to me from jnettlet. All with the same result.
19:26 warped-rudi I'm not overlocking it. Remember, that your overclocking patch did not work on this board...
19:45 ssvb warped-rudi: did you run these benchmarks in a headless configuration or with monitor connected?
19:46 ssvb warped-rudi: this normally makes a huge difference, especially with 1080p monitors and 32bpp color depth
19:46 warped-rudi booted up with monitor connected but detached it before testing
19:47 warped-rudi btw, I'm conducting these tests because I experience unusualy slowness of this device since day one
19:49 ssvb this might be not enough, it's better to explicitly blank the screen to be sure that the framebuffer scanout is not stealing the memory bandwidth
19:49 ssvb or run two sets of benchmarks (with and without monitor) and then compare results
19:58 warped-rudi I can re-run the test with taking special care about this. Tomorrow...
20:41 pepedog Well got xbmc running in arch, vids generally play great, but
20:42 pepedog Destructive blinking cursor from cursor
20:42 pepedog Keyboard and mouse only work for root
20:43 mk01 pepedog: /dev/input chmod
20:43 mk01 seterm -cursor off
20:43 pepedog Thanks
23:33 pepedog xbmc on arch, where would I put setterm -blink off