IRC log of #cubox of Mon 24 Feb 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

15:21 jnettlet Okay guys, ready for consumption.
15:47 pahartik jnettlet: Is that appropriate for Armada?
15:47 jnettlet pahartik, nope that is for the MX6. I have an Armada branch that will land within the next month
15:48 pahartik jnettlet: Plan acknowledged
15:51 _rmk_ okay, hopefully that'll get the imx-drm updates into 3.15
15:55 jnettlet _rmk_, with the new structure and loading?
15:58 _rmk_ its all "imx-drm:" prefixed commits up to "imx-drm: imx-hdmi: add hotplug support to HDMI component"
15:58 _rmk_ including that one
15:59 kaipee anyone have experience of using lirc on the GeexBox build?
15:59 _rmk_ I squished two pairs of patches together this morning as it no longer made sense fo rthem to be separate
16:00 jnettlet kaipee, not yet no
16:00 jnettlet sorry
16:01 kaipee I had a go at it over the weekend but kept running into issues
16:01 kaipee ...also there seem to be 2 differing lirc guides on the wiki :/
16:02 jnettlet kaipee, probably one for the cubox and one for the cubox-i. They are very different devices
16:02 _rmk_ bear in mind that there's the cubox wiki for dove based cuboxes, and the cubox-i wiki for imx6 based cubox-i's
16:02 _rmk_ = dove cubox, = imx6 cubox-i
16:03 kaipee jnettlet: how can I tell?
16:03 kaipee 1 >
16:03 kaipee 2 >
16:03 _rmk_ so that's, so that's the dove cubox
16:03 _rmk_ and the second is, so that's the imx6 cubox-i
16:04 kaipee right :S
16:04 kaipee I think I followed the first one
16:05 kaipee is it possible to add an image/header to one of the wikis so that it clearly defines which is for the newer cubox-i ?
16:06 _rmk_ kaipee: given that most people refer to both as just "cubox" and drop the very important "-i" I doubt that would do much good.
16:06 _rmk_ a picture of them also doesn't work
16:07 kaipee _rmk_: it would allow to easily identify which wiki is for which device
16:07 kaipee not necessarily an image of the device - a logo or something
16:07 jnettlet _rmk_, I think a bit of code that can be fed serial numbers and spit back models and links to appropriate content would be best.
16:08 _rmk_ jnettlet: feed in your MAC address? :)
16:08 _rmk_ doesn't stop google searches hitting the wrong site though
16:08 kaipee maybe a subdomain ?
16:13 kaipee & ?
16:15 _rmk_ maybe something for solid-run to consider
16:15 jnettlet _rmk_, do you have lirc enabled on your kernel?
16:15 _rmk_ # CONFIG_LIRC is not set
16:16 jnettlet grrr. completely forgot to check that.
16:38 _505 for the wiki, I did suggest once to rabeeh to place a banner on the old wiki to warn people
16:39 _505 unfortunately, due to some configuration, I cannot login and edit the old wiki, otherwise I could do it myself
16:40 _505 seems like the cache is full, or /tmp not writeable. something only SR can fix
18:43 davorin_mbp hyv�� iltaa (o;
19:46 meph1s_ on the cubox-i, is the /dev/rtc0 or /dev/rtc1 the battery-powered one ?
19:47 meph1s_ cubox-i4 *
19:47 jnettlet meph1s_, should be /dev/rtc0
19:49 meph1s_ shouldnt "hwclock --systohc" write the time to the clock? 5 seconds without power and it's resettet :/
19:50 jnettlet what does cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/name say?
19:51 meph1s_ rtc-pcf8523
19:51 meph1s_ the other (rtc1) is: snvs_rtc
19:52 jnettlet yep then /dev/rtc0 is the right one.
19:52 meph1s_ hm okay, thank you :)
19:52 jnettlet what does hwclock -D say when you first boot up?
19:52 jnettlet is the clock wrong?
19:54 meph1s_ it was in the year 1970..
19:55 meph1s_ but now it's working, how long should the clock keep the time (unpowered) ?
19:56 jnettlet quite a while
19:58 meph1s_ okay..
19:59 meph1s_ 20 seconds without power
19:59 meph1s_ jnettlet:
19:59 meph1s_ jnettlet: /dev/rtc is a symlink to /dev/rtc0
20:00 jnettlet meph1s_, oh. I have a patch for that
20:00 jnettlet just fixed it the other day
20:00 meph1s_ really? that would be awesome
20:00 jnettlet which kernel are you running?
20:00 meph1s_ 3.0.35-gde37251
20:01 meph1s_ from rabeeh's github page
20:01 jnettlet okay let me check what the driver looks like there.
20:02 meph1s_ jnettlet: on which version are you?
20:02 jnettlet I just released my 3.10.30 lts kernel today :-)
20:02 meph1s cool!
20:02 jnettlet but the driver looks the same, this should apply.
20:03 meph1s jnettlet: great, thank you very very much
20:04 jnettlet meph1s, let me know if it works okay. We done limited testing on it.
20:19 meph1s jnettlet: didn't worked for me :(
20:19 meph1s jnettlet: the patch applied with a little offset but without errors
20:19 jnettlet output from hwclock -D
20:20 meph1s
20:22 jnettlet try hwclock -w
20:22 jnettlet then hwclock
20:22 meph1s the first one fails
20:22 meph1s the second "hwclock -w" works
20:23 jnettlet and now does hwclock work?
20:23 jnettlet to read it back?
20:23 meph1s yes, until i power off for 20sec
20:23 meph1s then its in the old state
20:23 jnettlet have you tested this with the patch?
20:24 meph1s yes. with and without your patch
20:24 meph1s the same result
20:24 _rmk_ jnettlet: we really need that driver to report if power was lost and/or the oscillator isn't running at driver probe time
20:24 jnettlet _rmk_, yep
20:24 jnettlet I actually had that output in there and removed it.
20:24 jnettle 20:24 * jnettlet is way too optimistic
20:25 meph1s thank you anyway, i'm going to setup ntp and never shutdown anymore :-D
20:26 meph1s my old cubox has an uptime over a year... i hope the new one will do the same :)
20:26 jnettlet what are you doing on a cubox for a year?
20:27 meph1s it's my NAS
20:27 meph1s 5 harddisks connected via eSata
20:28 meph1s cuboxes are kind of the only arm devices which support port-multiplying on sata
20:28 meph1s and they are pretty cool
20:28 meph1s can't get enough of them :D
20:36 davorin_mb 20:36 * davorin_mbp should receive 30 cuboxes tomorrow (o;
20:37 meph1s are there known issues with power management on the cubox-i? sometimes (while compiling gentoo) the cubox just resets.
20:37 _rmk_ jnettlet: looks like we need to program control register 3 for battery switch over
20:37 meph1s davorin_mbp: thats alot of! o_O
20:38 davorin_mbp i know...but most are already sold...
20:38 _rmk_ oh, ignore that, it already does
20:39 meph1s which kernel would you prefer? which is the most stable in your opinion?
20:46 _rmk_ meph1s: not sure if this will apply to jnettlet's kernel, but try adding this and see what you get after removing power for 20sec:
20:48 meph1s _rmk_: thank you
20:49 meph1s _rmk_: but for the moment i got bigger troubles with the hw-reset-to-uboot on CPU-load :(
20:49 meph1s _rmk_: i saved the link and will try that later
20:50 _rmk_ it's not designed to fix the problem, merely to report what state the RTC ended up in.
20:50 _rmk_ that may give a clue as to why it's not working for you
20:51 jnettlet _rmk_, I will merge it to my tree thanks.
20:51 jnettlet fyi meph1s is running rabeeh's 3.0.35 kernel, but it looks like the same driver
20:52 _rmk_ jnettlet: I should call you The Patch Dyson, because you're always hoovering up my patches :)
20:52 meph1s _rmk_: jnettlet: did someone of you got issues like that?
20:52 jnettlet _rmk_, :-)
20:53 meph1s it just reboots sometimes, without any reason :(
20:53 jnettlet meph1s, and you are using the powersupply that came with it?
20:53 meph1s yes
20:53 meph1s 5V, 3A
20:53 jnettlet should be fine.
20:55 meph1s hmm...
20:56 meph1s seems to be a problem with the mmc reader
20:56 meph1s as i tried 4 different cards, with always the same problem
20:56 hste jnettlet: have you looked more into barebox?
20:57 meph1s but it's in a reboot-loop while reading the kernel image then
20:57 meph1s uboot -> load kernel -> uboot -> load kernel -> and so on
20:58 _rmk_ jnettlet: it may be useful to print register 0x20d8008 in SPL if it contains a non-0x00000001 value
20:59 _rmk_ that's the reset status register
21:06 _rmk_ meph1s: how warm does the cubox-i feel?
21:11 meph1s _rmk_: the bottom of the case is exactly 42.4?C
21:15 _rmk_ so warm but not hot
21:17 meph1s i've tested a litte bit, it seems like that the reset happens on heavy sd-card io-load
21:17 meph1s portage-sync, package-install, ...
21:17 meph1s i use a default ext4 file system, without the "options" described in the wiki
21:17 meph1s wiki says: mkfs.ext4 -O ^has_journal -E stride=2,stripe-width=1024 -b 4096 /dev/sdX1
21:18 meph1s i did: mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1 -L system
21:18 meph1s could that be the reason?
21:20 _rmk_ but you also said that it happens when the kernel is loading?
21:20 meph1s first time, it crashes on heavy io-load
21:20 meph1s then it will always reset on "loading uImage"
21:21 meph1s until i power off, and power on again
21:21 _rmk_ which is also reading off SD card...
21:21 meph1s yep
21:23 _rmk_ I have no idea
21:24 meph1s okay :/
21:25 meph1s Could someone translate that sentence for me?
21:25 meph1s # Hat tip to hste and jas for this recipe
21:26 meph1s found here:
21:27 jnettlet hste and jas are community members :-)
21:28 meph1s hahaha Okay :-D
21:28 meph1s thank you
21:28 jnettlet It says thanks to them for the wiki entry
21:28 jnettlet or the directions on how to build
21:32 Fishscene Greetings. I was wondering if it was possible to install IPfire on cubox-i Pro
21:34 jas-hacks jnettlet, _rmk_: noticed the newer kernel, it is working ok?
21:34 jnettlet jas-hacks, still testing, but I haven't crashed it in weeks
21:34 jnettlet no more glx glitches either
21:36 jnettlet Fishscene, it looks like they support arm. I see no reason why it wouldn't run on the Cubox-i
21:38 Fishscene Gotchya. I'll continue then.
21:41 jas-hacks is the plan to take imx-drm into mainline?
21:42 jnettlet imx-drm is in mainline
21:42 jnettlet it is just under staging :-)
21:44 _rmk_ whee, Greg just took my updates to it.
21:45 _rmk_ which is a big step forward towards it moving out of staging
21:47 jnettlet great!
21:54 _rmk 21:54 * _rmk_ speed-reads 29 emails from Greg.
21:56 LangeOortjes jnettlet: Where did you release your 3.10.30 kernel? Should I just checkout your github repository?
21:57 jnettlet LangeOortjes, that is where it is at.
21:57 jnettlet make sure you are setup to use device-tree
21:58 LangeOortjes jnettlet: okay, I didn't quite get that sentence I am afraid.
21:59 jnettlet LangeOortjes, which image are you running on your CBi?
21:59 LangeOortjes Arch Linux
22:00 jnettle 22:00 * jnettlet wonders if there is a howto for device-tree kernels on the forums yet.
22:01 Fishscene Is there a wiki for installing IPFire on the Cubox-i? I'm unable to get the cubox-i to boot when I flash the arm version of IPFire. Either from the cubox (yes, I know it's the wrong image), or from the IPfire website. Either way, I see the uboot files and such, but the light on the cubox-i does not light up when I plug the power in.
22:02 jnettlet Fishscene, you will need to tweak their image. The binaries should run, but you will need u-boot and a kernel built for the CBi
22:04 Fishscene Gotchya. I believe I have found exactly what you are talking about here, so I'll proceed with that:
22:08 Fishscene uhh... first problem. I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 x64. Wiki says to install "arm-linux-gnuabi", but no such package exists. I can see gcc packages for it though. Should I install "gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi"? There's a ton of other packages as well, but gcc seems the most likely..
22:08 LangeOortjes jnettlet: Arch Linux's standard linux-armv7 kernel package ships with .dtb files for quite a few architectures
22:09 jnettlet LangeOortjes, do you have a boot.scr or uEnv.txt in your /boot directory?
22:09 jnettlet or maybe neither
22:09 LangeOortjes jnettlet: none
22:10 LangeOortjes Arch Linux ships the cubox-i 3.0.35 kernel as a uImage
22:10 jnettlet Did you setup custom boot variables within u-boot and save the environment, or are you just using the default kernel loading mechanisms
22:10 jnettlet Do you have a /boot partition?
22:11 LangeOortjes jnettlet: My sd-card is just one big partition really. There are u-boot instructions for booting, let me print my env variables
22:12 jnettlet LangeOortjes, that is okay. It sounds like the easiest way to get this solved is have the Arch guys build a custom recipe.
22:12 LangeOortjes jnettlet:, if you are interested
22:13 LangeOortjes jnettlet: Yeah I was looking for the PKGBUILD descriptions, which I cannot find, but this is something I will try to figure out tomorrow.
22:13 jnettlet who are the Arch gurus on here?
22:14 LangeOortjes so much to learn here, coming from `standard' x86_64 hardware
22:15 dv_ here be dragons
22:15 LangeOortjes :)
22:24 jnettlet LangeOortjes, what does your irc nick mean?
22:28 _dab_ jnettlet and _rmk_ . Awesome work on the kernel.
22:29 jnettlet _dab_, thanks making progress.
22:30 _dab_ My i4pro (which I loaned to someone) has a slow ethernet depending on what sort of switch/router it is connected to when using rabeehs kernel.
22:31 _dab_ should I expect something similar with yours?
22:32 jnettlet _dab_, I have only tested with my switches and routers and I can get 500+Mbps in iperf testing
22:32 _dab_ good, rabeeh said it was a flow control issue
22:33 jnettlet it is possible it is due to ethernet flow control, let me check if ethtool can turn that off.
22:33 _dab_ great. I have to wait until I get my i4pro back from loan.
22:36 _dab_ rabeehs explanation 'Because of the internal limitation the gig port sends flow control on/off that low end home switches doesn't know how to handle; thus corrupts the packets.'
22:41 jnettlet _dab_, yeah I will have to see if that can be turned off with software.
22:41 jnettlet this is not really a limitation of the cubox-i, a lot of hardware runs into this problem
22:44 _dab_ if ethtool can switch it off good
22:46 Fishscene I'm at a complete loss. I have no idea how to get IPFire installed on my cubox-i. Would someone be able to work with me on this? Perhaps we can write up a step-by-step for the wiki?
23:06 LangeOortjes jnettlet: my nickname is Dutch for Long Ears (actually oortjes is the diminitutive of ears).
23:07 jnettlet ah
23:12 LangeOortjes alright, now it really is time for bed! Thanks for giving me a pointer, I will see if I can get any further with maybe some additional information from the arch ARM community