IRC log of #cubox of Mon 31 Mar 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

01:25 Tenkawa yay success
01:25 Tenkaw 01:25 * Tenkawa has 3.10 running now :)
02:23 Tenkawa Anyone seen the cubox-i ultra running 3.10 kernel just stuck idle at 1 cpu load?
02:44 aplund Tenkawa: What do you mean by that?
02:50 Tenkawa aplund: after boot the machine just sits at 1 cpu load completely idling... I've seen this in the past too.. just dont remember the fix
02:52 aplund I don't understand. Do you get a login prompt? Or are you in single user mode? And are you testing load using 'top', or something else?
02:52 Tenkawa just logged in and run a w, top , or uptime
02:52 Tenkawa just sits minimum 1
02:53 Tenkawa its got nothing really running at all
02:53 Tenkawa completely headless too
02:55 aplund so you are talking about the load averages, or cpu utilisation?
02:56 Tenkawa load
02:56 Tenkawa avg
02:57 aplund so load averages to 1 but low cpu utilisation?
02:58 aplund if so, doesn't sound like a problem. It must be just counting the idle task as load.
02:58 Tenkawa yeah
02:58 Tenkawa I think its the idle ticks counters
02:58 Tenkawa trying a few kernel adjustments on this compile
03:06 Tenkawa cheers all. gotta run for now..
10:33 dz0ny hi
10:34 dz0ny does cubox-i kernel support aufs or overlayfs?
10:35 jnettlet dz0ny, I am doing the second phase on my 3.10 kernel and will be pulling in the AUFS branch for docker support.
10:35 jnettlet will be out this week
10:36 dz0ny k, thx
11:44 ralix morning
14:05 AtuM I have an cubox-i 4pro and I'm searching for the latest ubuntu image i can get to "dd" to my microsd card.. i've found a devel site which has packages, but no premade image.. does one exist that 14.04 or 13.10 based?
14:07 shadeslayer AtuM: I reckon you could just grab a ubuntu-core rootfs
14:08 shadeslayer AtuM:
14:08 shadeslayer surely that would boot ( without graphics and other stuff )
14:10 AtuM there's a linaro release I've found for mx6 that's supposed to be suited to cubox-i 4pro version.. I'll try to find it again.. but it was just a repository.. no images :/ I need to flash a card and have it working since there's no internet connection where I'll be using it
14:14 AtuM Forgive my ignorance - I'm trying to understand how to upgrade/update cubox-i in the future. Is linaro fully compatible with the hardware put in cubox-i 4pro ?
14:19 AtuM Ok, so let's say I get the 14.04 .. it would boot, but "graphics and other stuff" wouldn't work because there are no drivers.. is there a wiki page on where to get the source/build procedure for those drivers?
14:28 dz0ny AtuM:
14:29 dz0ny AtuM: wandabord has same gpu!topic/wandboard/6sEHFj6PMds
14:29 dz0ny if that helps
14:34 jnettlet AtuM, there are no accelerated graphics drivers for newer versions of Xorg/Mesa
14:34 jnettlet so newer Ubuntu versions will not be supported until that happens
14:34 AtuM dz0ny, I'v tried the oneiric image.. will use that one again sice I've got a fasted sd card now.. it was too slow before.
14:35 AtuM jnettlet, does that mean that the source driver for the newer xorg is also not available?
14:35 AtuM source code, sorry
14:36 AtuM when I tried the oneiric-freescale img I could not enable bluetooth.. are there some drivers still missing inside that image?
14:37 jnettlet the source code for the Xorg driver is available, as is the kernel driver. However there are binary drivers that are used for 2d/3d acceleration
14:38 AtuM are those acceleration drivers proprietary?
14:39 jnettlet generally binary only drivers are proprietary
14:41 AtuM jnettlet, I didn't know that about the gc2000/vivante.. hope they build those new drivers soon
14:41 Coolg33k or make them open :)
14:41 AtuM Coolg33k, that would be best, I agree.
14:42 jnettlet AtuM, etnaviv is a project working on reverse engineering them. however we are just starting the userspace side of that.
14:42 Coolg33k jnettlet: are you part of this project ?
14:42 jnettlet it took nouveau almost a year before their reverse engineered userspace drivers were ready even for early adopters
14:43 jnettlet Coolg33k, yes I work with them
14:43 jnettlet I was not able to help with the reverse engineering because I have worked with the Vivante source under NDA and it would pollute their effort
14:44 jnettlet but I do work on the kernel side, and userspace
14:44 Coolg33k NDA :/
14:45 jnettle 14:45 * jnettlet shrugs. generally any work you get will be under NDA regardless of it being OSS or not.
14:46 jnettlet most corporations are going to retain the right to say what parts of their intellectual property should be released and when.
14:50 wumpus all the reverse engineering work is done for etnaviv, and the 3D driver works pretty well, it's mostly X11 driver writing than remains and integrating it with DRM etc...
14:54 jnettlet wumpus, yep. I am starting on the directfb support this week for 2D
16:27 matoking Hey, I'm trying to get a WiFi USB dongle I have to work
16:27 matoking I seem to have the necessary module file under /lib/firmware/rtlwifi
16:28 matoking But trying to enable it using "modprobe rtl8192cu" brings up the error "libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod.c:554 kmod_search_moddep: could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.10.30-02294-ga305f2d-dirty/modules.dep.bin'"
16:33 jnettlet matoking, have you installed the modules on for your kernel?
16:34 jnettlet if so you may need to run depmod -a
16:34 matoking I don't actually know
16:34 matoking They just happened to be there, so I assumed they were installed
16:35 jnettlet try depmod -a and see what it says
16:35 matoking ERROR: could not open directory /lib/modules/3.10.30-02294-ga305f2d-dirty: No such file or directory
16:35 matoking FATAL: could not search modules: No such file or directory
16:36 jnettlet yes, so your kernel doesn't have any modules installed
16:36 jnettlet so modprobe is just giving you a stupid error.
16:37 jnettlet you will need to recompile your kernel to build the rtl8192cu module into the kernel, or as a module and then install it onto your image
16:37 jnettlet if you want to test the latest geexbox images have that modules enabled
16:39 Matoking Looks like my GPU keeps stalling on Youtube videos
16:39 Matoking Had to restart
16:40 jnettlet which kernel?
16:40 Matoking Anyway it seems to look in /lib/modules/3.10.30-02294-ga305f2d-dirty/ for modules
16:40 jnettlet which distro
16:40 Matoking And nowhere else
16:40 Matoking debian-jessi
16:40 Matoking With the newer kernel I compiled
16:40 Matoking 3.10.30-02294-ga305f2d-dirty
16:41 jnettlet which browser? Something that supports HTML5?
16:41 Matoking Wait we are talking about what issue now?
16:42 jnettlet youtube
16:42 jnettlet I have to run. ttyl
16:48 Matoking Anyway it's not looking into /lib/firmware for the modules for some reason
16:48 Matoking At least that's what I think
17:00 Matoking Okay there was an old kernel module directory, I renamed it and it detected it now
17:00 Matoking Still, it still doesn't detect the rtl8192cu module I'm trying to load
17:12 Matoking Interesting
17:12 Matoking it seems my system fails to boot if I attach the USB HDD to the other USB 2 port
17:13 Matoking Anyway I have an another WiFi dongle that I'm trying out now
19:22 CuBox_i4 test