IRC log of #cubox of Fri 02 May 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

06:22 vivek_ Any one tried hardware accelerated video transcoding on Debian Jessie
07:31 dtroy Does anyone know if it would be possible to turn the cubox into a wireless AP and what it will involve ? Preferably in android and similar to Android's "Wifi hotspot" but using Ethernet instead of mobile.
07:35 ralix morning
07:38 _dab_ dtroy: There a lots of examples on the web for dreamplug, guruplug and sheevaplug with debian. Google is your friend
07:39 cbxbiker61 dtroy, you're really much better off with a cheap wifi router that supports openwrt
07:39 cbxbiker61 better radios
07:41 jnettlet dtroy, original cubox or cubox-i?
07:42 jnettlet the cubox-i should be able to but can't yet. I have gotten hotapd up to the point of broadcasting the essid but it won't take connections yet. It is pretty low on my list of things to look into
07:43 dtroy @_dab_ Thanks ! I couldn't find one for Android
07:43 dtroy cubox-i. Sorry
07:43 dtroy I haven't got it yet. But that's one of the things I am looking to do
07:46 dtroy @cbxbiker61, I know. it's only a temporary solution. Because the cubox-i is so small. You can carry it around with you.
07:50 cbxbiker61 the more i work with this cubox-i4 the more i love it, i've got a 5disk jbod box coming tommorrow and a couple of old 3TB drives to do some testing with
07:51 cbxbiker61 the jbod has a 6GBit backplane so it will work well on my big server, if i decide to use it there
07:58 jnettle 07:58 * jnettlet +1
07:59 cbxbiker61 anyone have a quick link to the source package that would contain imx-mm/vpu/vpu_wrapper.h ?
07:59 cbxbiker61 i'm just at the point where i need to package up the proprietary stuff
08:03 jnettlet cbxbiker61, the yocto packages are probably the easiest place to find those.
08:03 jnettlet we really need to get this better documented.
08:04 cbxbiker61 ok, i'll figure it out, i looked at yocto, but i wasn't quite sure where the source packages were coming from
08:06 mk01 cbxbiker61: source package is called libfslvpuwrap-3.5.7-1.0.0
08:08 cbxbiker61 thx
08:10 jnettlet there isn't a 3.10.17 version out yet?
08:10 jnettlet slackers
08:10 mk01 binary package here if it helps
08:11 mk01 jnettlet: for sure is. i just copied from yocto inventory list I found fastest
08:12 mk01 but current recipe file will fetch 3.10.9
08:13 mk01 cbxbiker01: (so just the name libfslvpuwrap is relevant)
08:13 cbxbiker61 that was my problem, actually, i can't interpret th recipes to a download file
08:14 cbxbiker61 link to a EULA instead
08:14 mk01 that's the way how fsl manages TERMS confirmation
08:15 mk01 EULA is followed by binary file
08:15 mk01 which is unpacked from it after conditions are confirmed
08:15 cbxbiker61 oh, so the number following is a reference to a file
08:17 cbxbiker61 or rater PN and PV get substituted from somewhere
08:17 cbxbiker61 rather
08:18 jnettlet I should look again, but what I find amusing about the EULA if I remember correctly is that nowhere does it require redistribution with the EULA intact
08:19 mk01 jnettlet: that's true but the .bb files pointers to .bin are actually bzip2 files storred with "$offset" after EULA text document
08:20 jnettlet mk01, yes but there is nothing stopping a single person from accepting the EULA and then redistributing a repackaged version of the files/binaries.
08:21 jnettlet it is not a nice thing to do but I don't see anything that prohibits it in the EULA
08:23 cbxbiker61 EULA's are past their prime, no one has time to analyse code with the rapid state of change
08:24 mk01 jnettlet: I'm juts explaining to biker how to unpack it.
08:24 jnettlet ah okay.
08:24 mk01 jnettlet: as he struggles to dump & download & use the files listed in .bb files
08:57 cbxbiker61 ok, thanks for the help, i finally have a handle on what they're doing with the bb/bin files
09:01 cbxbiker61 the makefile distributed with imx-vpu looks nice and tidy, that's a good sign
09:06 mk01 cbxbiker61: what I remember it was different from pkg to pkg but in general if FSL wanted to be part of auto-build system then the basis is simple .am & autoconf will handle.
09:08 mk01 but there were some (like imx-lib) with Makefiles (manually) fit onto specific environment. and it was quite a fight to get it compile when 3.10.x came.
11:55 Gongora Hello
11:56 Gongora any knows how to setup wii remote on geexbox?
11:56 jnettlet Gongora, best to ask in the geexbox forums
11:56 Gongora ok, thank u jnettlet
14:47 vivek_ Has anyone tried video transcoding on Cubox ?
14:48 jnettlet vivek_, you can do it with gstreamer
14:57 vivek_ which version would be good for hardware acceleration : gstreamer 0.10 or gstreamer 1.0 ?
15:01 jnettlet either will work. gstreamer-1.0 is getting more development effort and is a much cleaned up codebase
15:15 vivek_ is there any reliable tutorial to install gstreamer 1.0 with hardware acceleration
15:15 vivek_ ?
15:17 jnettlet vivek_, which platform?
15:17 jnettlet distro
15:17 vivek_ Debian Jessie
15:20 jnettlet I think someone has packaged everything up. I would go check out the forums
18:43 msalerno I'm about to go a little nuts. Just flashed an old MicroSD card to try a different distro. Decided to go back to old SD card, now I can't boot. All I get is: Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p2...
18:43 msalerno fsck on both partitions returns no errors
18:44 msalerno Anyone have any suggestions?
19:08 midacts Has anyone here been unable to use the micro usb port on their cubox-i4-pro? i have tried two different cables, but in linux and windows and it is unable to boot my cubox, and unable to putty into it even when i plug in a power cable
19:15 msalerno midacts: I use the port daily
19:15 msalerno it's hooked up right now
19:16 midacts msalerno: did you have to use any specific micro usb to usb cable?
19:16 msalerno No, I use the same cable I use to charge my phone
19:17 msalerno I connect with "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
19:17 msalerno "
19:18 midacts maybe my port is broken? - i've only just gotten it. still haven tgotten any OS's to work on it
19:19 msalerno when you plug it into your linux machine, does anything appear in dmesg?
19:20 msalerno [ 6482.751734] ftdi_sio 2-1:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
19:20 midacts i dont think so (i doubt it) but i can try again later (im at work and its at home)
19:34 msalerno tar -xf ArchLinuxARM-imx6-cubox-latest.tar.gz -C root
19:34 msalerno wrong windw
23:53 msalerno Anyone see this one before: "Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p2"