IRC log of #cubox of Wed 14 May 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:00 bartoli When I asked the question before I was advised to use either Openelec or Geexbox
00:00 bartoli The Geexbox worked
00:01 bartoli When trying with the archlinux, I ran into the problem with xf86-video-dove driver
00:02 bartoli Is this an issue with the driver or the xbmc
00:05 bartoli When running xbmc I get an error about missing hardware support
00:08 dv_ bartoli: uff, most people are busy with the cubox- i , but I guess that asking the author of the vmeta support in xbmc could help
00:08 dv_ see:
06:00 arch1mede anyone know where to get the img of ubuntu 14.04 for the cubox-i4? I have tried the bt sync from the forums but seems the tar is corrupted
10:13 arch1mede anyone know where to get the img of ubuntu 14.04 for the cubox-i4? I have tried the bt sync from the forums but seems the tar is corrupted
13:19 arch1mede anyone know where to get the img of ubuntu 14.04 for the cubox-i4?
13:23 jnettlet arch1mede, I don't believe there is an office ubuntu 14.04 image for the cubox-i. The Xorg version is incompatible with the binary graphics drivers currently.
13:24 jnettlet among other problems
14:20 arch1mede yeah im not really looking for a desktop version....just something thats more recent that supports iptables
14:20 arch1mede I tried the debian img but it didnt support iptables
14:26 cbxbiker61 arch1mede, you probably need a different kernel, if it's compiled like the geexbox kernel, it is missing iptables support
14:26 cbxbiker61 hang on a sec and i'll give you an option
14:34 cbxbiker61 get
14:35 cbxbiker61 do sudo 3.10.40
14:37 cbxbiker61 also can be put in /boot to switch kernel versions
15:52 arch1mede cbxbiker61: ohh ok thank you...I will try that for the gwolf img or the jessi img?
16:30 Falcon1 jnettlet: congrats on your 10k funding
16:31 Falcon1 I hope the original cubox can benifit from this as well
16:51 jnettlet Falcon1, thanks and yes
17:02 Falcon1 Jolly
17:04 Falcon1 I'd rather seen the whole 50k being sent to you, I was somewhat dissapointed that only a part of the extra was being spent on the perk
17:05 Falcon1 But all in all the OSH laptop is great development
17:06 Falcon1 I hope Wumpus gets to share a bit, I'd think we owe him that
17:09 jnettlet Falcon1, well only part because they still need to produce the hardware for those devices.
17:09 jnettlet nobody is getting rich from the project, but we can hopefully make a difference and prove that OSS hardware can be successful
17:10 dv_ agreed
17:10 Falcon1 Obviously, 10k is not a lot
17:11 jnettlet nope, but I would be working on this in my free time regardless. 10k buys my full attention for the periods when it is really necessary to focus and move the project along
17:11 Falcon1 I'm a IT Consultant, I know the drill
17:12 jnettlet It will hopefully help to encourage other companies using the iMX6 to contribute/fund development as well.
17:12 Falcon1 But all in all, Good job so far and good luck.
17:12 Falcon1 Let's hope so
17:12 Falcon1 They really should join
17:13 Falcon1 For them it simple means: More control, No more vendor lock-in, Better selling points.
17:16 jnettlet more and more companies are realizing this.
17:17 Falcon1 Yeah, now lets get the OEM's to join that realization.
17:19 Falcon1 No hopes for Imagination Tech Inc. Though:
17:19 Falcon1 That was fun tough. Not so for my Dell mini 1010 collecting dust.
17:20 Falcon1 But I'm strayin off-topic here. Good luck!! and thank you.
17:25 jnettlet thanks again.
18:30 denisk 18:30 * deniska is trying to make quake3 happen
19:09 deniska Quake 3 isn't going to happen >_>
19:12 jnettlet deniska, why not?
19:13 jnettlet I have run it on the Vivante GPU before
19:14 deniska Well, I don't have idea where to start even. I compiled this
19:14 deniska and it can't run, says can't create gl context
19:15 jnettlet I think there are some patches you need for it.
19:15 deniska not sure if my build environment is borked or probably runtime environment
19:16 deniska or probably I need some patches I don't know where to get =)
19:16 jnettlet unfortunately I don't have the time to go over that right now. I will try and do a post on it soonish
19:16 jnettlet sorry
19:16 deniska Not like running quake 3 on the device could serve any purpose besides being cool =)
19:20 jnettle 19:20 * jnettlet shrugs. I like playing world of padman, although there aren't many populated servers these days
19:22 deniska I still play q3 sometimes, though I use boring x86 device for it
20:43 jenkins101 jnettlet: I am trying to make suspend resume work but I cant get the internal IR to resume the cuboxi
20:43 jenkins101 should his work?
20:43 jnettlet jenkins101, S/R isn't working right now. Suspend works fine, but resume fails.
20:43 jnettlet you need to manually setup whatever device you want to resume from.
20:43 jnettlet for example the tty for the serial console
20:44 jenkins101 it is working for me?
20:44 jenkins101 only I cant resume from internal IR...
20:44 jnettlet which kernel?
20:44 jenkins101 usb ir or kbd is finne
20:45 jenkins101 3.10.38
20:45 jenkins101 in OE
20:45 jenkins101 is it tty the internal ir?
20:45 jnettlet is this Cubox, or Cubox-i?
20:45 jenkins101 Cubox-i
20:45 jenkins101 4pro
20:45 jnettlet OE has a 3.10.38 kernel?
20:46 jenkins101 sraue: has added some upstream patches
20:46 jnettlet maybe they fixed something.
20:46 jenkins101 dont know if that is way it works though
20:46 jenkins101 wifi fails...
20:47 jenkins101 it cant be loaded then it all fails
20:48 jenkins101 I have a build if you what to test jnettlet ?
20:48 jnettlet jenkins101, unfortunately I won't have time until this weekend. Can you ping me then?
20:49 jnettlet or post it so I can download it and maybe find some time.
20:49 jenkins101 here are the patches:
20:49 jenkins101 you know right?
20:49 jenkins101 ok
20:50 jenkins101 jnettlet: there are resent builds here:
20:50 jnettlet okay thanks
20:51 jenkins101 but you know hove I can enable internal ir wakeup?
20:57 jnettlet jenkins101, a quick look seems like the ir device isn't configured as a wakeup source
20:57 jnettlet I would have to look at it further.
21:01 jenkins101 jnettlet: ok this is kernel driver related?
21:03 jnettlet yep
21:04 jenkins101 ok
21:15 jenkins101 jnettlet: as I see it it should have wakup support?
21:15 jenkins101 but I wonder if the if statement is right?
21:15 jnettlet jenkins101, I believe so, but I really haven't looked that closely at it
21:16 jnettlet rabeeh, can give you a definitive answer
21:57 jenkins101 rabeeh: ?