IRC log of #cubox of Thu 15 May 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

02:37 ichthys Does anyone know how to get wifi working on linaro linux on a cubox-i4-pro
03:16 ichthys cubox :<
03:34 mhoney any hope of an official ubuntu 14.04 release?
03:37 ichthys
04:28 cbxbiker61 Anssi, i just mentioned to wolfgar that you will be working on HD audio support here
04:29 cbxbiker61 it would be nice if we could get wolfgar in #cubox
04:37 arch1mede anyone know where I need to go to re-enable the serial bootconsole? I donno why everyone keeps disabling it
04:40 cbxbiker61 set it in /boot/uEnv.txt, assuming that your distro mounts /dev/mmcblk0p1 to /boot
04:46 arch1mede is it ok to paste what is in there now? I know when I have the serial cable connected I can see linux boot up but then it doesnt return a prompt
04:46 arch1mede or will i need to use pastebin?
04:46 cbxbiker61 that's not it then, sounds like it's not starting agetty
04:47 cbxbiker61 is this systemd based?
04:48 arch1mede how can I tell?
04:48 cbxbiker61 type systemctl
04:49 arch1mede command not found, guess not
04:50 cbxbiker61 ok, then do what the distro recommends to setup a tty, old fashioned way is modify /etc/inittab
04:50 cbxbiker61 do a ps aux | grep getty
04:50 mk01 arch1mede: grep tty /etc/inittab
04:50 cbxbiker61 you'll see if anything is already configured
04:51 arch1mede cbxbiker61: i see tty2-6 in that output, mk01: no such file
04:52 mk01 what distro you have ?
04:52 arch1mede ubuntu 14.04
04:52 mk01 then /
04:52 mk01 then /etc/init/ttyX.conf (where X is 1-8)
04:53 arch1mede mk01: yeah i see tty1-6.conf in there
04:53 mk01 open tty6.conf
04:54 arch1mede ok
04:54 mk01 what you have there ? exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty6 ?
04:54 arch1mede yes
04:55 mk01 then change for
04:55 mk01 or better copy tty6.conf -> ttyserial.conf
04:55 mk01 and edit ttyserial.conf
04:56 mk01 that "exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty6" gets changed to "exec /sbin/getty -L ttyXXXX 115200 vt100"
04:58 arch1mede ttyXXXX, is that literal or need to change that to something?
04:58 mk01 where ttyXXX is device node created under /dev. it should be ttymxc0 ??? I suppose
04:58 arch1mede oh, sorry wasnt patient enough apparently
04:58 mk01 no problem
04:59 arch1mede i have a ttymxc0 and a ttymxc3
05:00 mk01 mxc3 is BT
05:00 mk01 so mxc0
05:00 arch1mede ah ok
05:01 mk01 after you edit & save
05:01 mk01 do "sudo start ttyserial"
05:02 arch1mede awesome! Thank you
05:03 mk01 you are welcome.
05:03 arch1mede now if i could only remember this 5 mins from now
05:04 mk01 you don't need
05:04 mk01 ttyserial service will start each time
05:04 mk01 according the "start on ....." line
05:04 arch1mede ahh ok
05:04 cbxbiker61 anyone know how to trigger the "RGB range override" on cubox-i?
05:05 arch1mede cant tell you how nice it is to have a serial port where i dont have to make a jtag
05:05 cbxbiker61 i have an old 1080p monitor that can't handle the extended range properly
05:05 mk01 cbxbiker61: you want limited range back ?
05:06 cbxbiker61 i just want to force it on for this applications, do you know where in the source code it is?
05:06 cbxbiker61 it seems that a kernel command line option would be great for that
05:09 mk01 cbxbiker61: currently it is hard coded in fb-hdmi driver
05:10 cbxbiker61 this is in the kernel source, right? if so i'll just add a command line parameter
05:10 cbxbiker61 if it's in a binary blob, i guess i can't fix it
05:13 mk01 cbxbiker61: drivers/video/mxc/mxc_hdmi.c, line ~1366, parameters HDMI_FC_AVICONF2_RGB_QUANT_FULL_RANGE vs HDMI_FC_AVICONF2_RGB_QUANT_DEFAULT
05:14 mk01 maybe if I tell you mem addr you can rewrite it while booted
05:16 arch1mede in order to get iptables working do i need to recompile the kernel or can i load a module? Seems this kernel version doesnt have it built in
05:19 cbxbiker61 mk01, thanks, i'll have a look at the code
05:20 cbxbiker61 arch1mede, i posted
05:20 arch1mede cbxbiker61: ahh right..i thought that was for a different distro
05:20 cbxbiker61 that will get you 3.10.40 with iptables support and it fixes an important kernel vulnerability
05:20 arch1mede nice
05:20 arch1mede thank you
05:20 cbxbiker61 kernel's are pretty much distro agnostic
05:21 arch1mede hmm im getting a 404 not found
05:21 cbxbiker61 actually that should be sheeva/tmp
05:22 arch1mede lol
05:23 arch1mede its
05:24 cbxbiker61 yep as long as you have /boot/SPL it should work
05:24 arch1mede i do...kewl
05:26 arch1mede well that script is handy
05:31 arch1mede does this just download it and i have to update it manually? or is this supposed to do it all for you?
05:32 cbxbiker61 hang on i have a seperate script to switch versions
05:32 cbxbiker61 separate
05:33 cbxbiker61 put that in /boot and run it from /boot as 3.10.40
05:33 cbxbiker61 maybe back up the original files just in case
05:34 cbxbiker61 it's all working for me
05:34 arch1mede ok
05:34 arch1mede thanks
05:36 cbxbiker61 cool it looks like the caching servers have pulled in , so that is the new script now
05:38 arch1mede hmm bummers....still on 3.10.30
05:39 cbxbiker61 whatever is in /boot/zImage should be loaded, are you in as root?
05:39 arch1mede yes
05:39 cbxbiker61 check byte counts on the *zImage files
05:40 arch1mede but i see zImage is not rwx, -rw-r--r-- 2 root root 5439520 May 15 03:26 zImage
05:41 cbxbiker61 cat /proc/cmdline
05:41 arch1mede is ti ok to paste that here?
05:41 cbxbiker61 yeah
05:41 arch1mede console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait rw console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1 consoleblank=0 video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24,bpp=16 dmfc=3
05:41 cbxbiker61 it's alway one line anyway
05:42 cbxbiker61 uname -a
05:42 arch1mede Linux cubox 3.10.30-16-ARCH #1 SMP Thu Apr 24 16:21:42 MDT 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
05:43 cbxbiker61 what else is in /boot ? maybe they have a non-standard u-boot setup
05:43 cbxbiker61 other zImage files?
05:44 cbxbiker61 do a "mount"
05:45 arch1mede so this was in /boot originally: SPL imx6dl-cubox-i.dtb imx6dl-hummingboard.dtb imx6q-cubox-i.dtb u-boot.img uEnv.txt zImage
05:46 cbxbiker61 that all looks normal
05:46 cbxbiker61 and mount?
05:46 arch1mede
05:47 cbxbiker61 yeah /dev/mmcblk0p1 has to be mounted at /boot first
05:49 cbxbiker61 not sure why they had a populated /boot on mmcblk0p2, we really want /boot to be on mmcblk0p1
05:50 arch1mede so change the uEnv.txt?
05:50 cbxbiker61 no, just "mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot"
05:50 arch1mede oh
05:50 cbxbiker61 you should see pretty much the same stuff
05:51 arch1mede now run the update script?
05:51 cbxbiker61 then do "mount | grep boot" just for kicks, i want to see if it's fat or ext2
05:52 arch1mede /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /boot type ext4 (rw)
05:52 cbxbiker61 ok, now run the scripts again and it should work
05:53 arch1mede think I will need to run the kernel switch script?
05:53 cbxbiker61 yes
05:54 cbxbiker61 after your done you may want to add a mount mmcblk0p1 to /boot for convenience
05:54 arch1mede ok
05:54 cbxbiker61 sorry meant to /etc/fstab
05:56 cbxbiker61 i'm not sure what the logic is...but some of the distros aren't mounting /dev/mmcblk0p1 at /boot, which would be "normal/standard"
05:57 arch1mede should i remount blk0p2 else where or just leave it /?
05:57 cbxbiker61 the p2 should remain /
05:57 arch1mede ok
05:59 arch1mede hurray
06:01 arch1mede thanks for your help
06:01 cbxbiker61 yep
10:59 Guest7634 has anyone tried using an external dvd drive with Debian Jessie on Cubox ?
10:59 Guest7634 Kernel is 3.0.35
11:00 Guest7634 @rabeeh : tried using an external dvd drive with Debian Jessie on Cubox ?
12:05 Guest7634 Any one tried cd drives with cubox on debian ?
12:37 mk01 Guest7634: yes
12:40 rabeeh Guest7634: nop
12:41 mk01 two most comprehensive answers this week
12:41 mk01 :)
12:42 rabeeh hehe
13:09 ralix morning@all
13:15 rabeeh he ralix
17:39 midacts Does anyone have any OS recommendations for the Cubox-i4-Pro? I am having problems getting wifi to work with the ubuntu and debian versions- although they are probably what id like to be using
17:39 deniska midacts: I personally found arch linux the easiest to get to usable state
17:39 midacts ive heard that as well
17:40 midacts ive not really used arch before. ive read its pretty bare bones. it makes me a little sketchy
17:40 midacts im decent at the cli
17:40 midacts but im not the best at installing drivers and getting hardware to work if its not working
17:40 deniska Well, as someone who used to install ubuntu from mini.iso, I was not afraid of arch :3
17:40 midacts :D thats as good of an encouragement as any
17:41 midacts did you have to use the microusb port for anything?
17:41 deniska to make wifi working I had to copy its firmware from the internets
17:41 cbxbiker61 yes, firmware and the .txt files
17:41 deniska I used microusb in initial install, because I was too lazy to connect monitor and keyboard
17:41 midacts cbxbiker61: so you will have to use the microusb port
17:42 midacts ive just been unable to get the microusb to work
17:42 midacts ive got put and i can dmesg and see that its connected
17:42 midacts but im unable to actually connect to the cubox-i4-pro
17:42 cbxbiker61 can you mount your sd in another computer, you could just copy the firmware
17:42 midacts ive probably missed a step
17:43 deniska you can put files on usb stick or use wired network, it works fine out of the box
17:43 midacts cbxbiker61: yes I can probably do that. i usually usb mount it in windows and copy the .img to the sd there
17:44 deniska Having linux on 'normal' computer would help :3
17:44 cbxbiker61 you need brcmfmac files in /lib/firmware/brcm
17:44 midacts deniska: i have a linux lubuntu netbook that ive used- you are right it is easier there
17:44 cbxbiker61 -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 253748 Apr 5 14:12 brcmfmac4329-sdio.bin
17:44 cbxbiker61 -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 1293 Apr 5 14:12 brcmfmac4329-sdio.txt
17:45 deniska as for debug cable, I used gtkterm
17:46 deniska cbxbiker61: ls: cannot access brcmfmac4329-sdio.txt: No such file or directory
17:46 deniska o_O
17:46 cbxbiker61 google that filename, you'll get directions on how to get it
17:46 deniska I don't have txt file, only bin, and wifi works
17:46 cbxbiker61 could be
17:47 deniska hostapd was a bit flaky when I tried, may be because of that?
17:48 cbxbiker61 ifconfig wlan0, what does that show
17:48 deniska I don't run hostapd anymore =)
17:49 deniska so currently it shows that
17:49 midacts Do you know of any good guides to get this all working from scratch?
17:50 deniska I used this guide
17:51 deniska and then this
17:51 midacts deniska: Okay great. and thats all you had to do
17:51 midacts besides the firmware?
17:51 deniska well, what do you need then? xbmc? or x11?
17:51 deniska or some sort of owncloud server? =)
17:52 midacts im probably going to do xbmc- i reallyonly want to use this as a media pc
17:52 deniska there're distros designed especially to run xbmc
17:52 midacts but x11 is just like startx or a gui,right
17:52 midacts yah, ive seen the geekxmbc i think
17:52 midacts im just sketched out cause i havent gotten anything to work yet
17:52 midacts
17:52 deniska x11 for me seems a bit pain in the ass =)
17:53 deniska on this device
17:53 cbxbiker61 geexbox is probably the best bet at the moment, but you have to manually edit the wireless config file, other than that it's easy
17:53 deniska what I've got now -- hw accelerated compositing, but overall interface is still sluggish
17:53 cbxbiker61 my xbmc/cubox-i is very snappy
17:54 deniska xbmc works absolutely fine
17:54 midacts cbxbiker61: do you use geekxbmc
17:54 midacts can you run netflix from it?
17:54 deniska x11 interface with chromium etc not so well
17:54 midacts that would be my main concern, if i get it up and running
17:54 cbxbiker61 i ran geexbox until i ported my distro to it, now i'm using that "xilka"
17:55 cbxbiker61 netflix is really a pain for everything, but mostly a no-go on arm
17:55 midacts blast :/
17:55 mk01 cbxbiker61: on ATV runs fine (ARM). :))
17:56 cbxbiker61 there are client/server ways of doing netflix, but it's too much of a problem for the most part
17:56 midacts does pipelight work with arm? (its for silverlight > on linux for netflix)
17:56 cbxbiker61 i just do roku for the pay stuff and cubox-i for local media
17:57 deniska midacts: theoretically, the hard part is hw accelerating the stream
17:58 deniska isn't there netflix client for android?
17:58 deniska I personally don't use netflix because :3
17:59 deniska and torrent clients work fine =)
18:00 mk01 I would be so happy to pay ... :-/ any service.
18:01 mk01 but actually all providers are banning me
18:01 midacts you don't live in the US of A!
18:01 cbxbiker61 mk01 s/HDMI_FC_AVICONF2_RGB_QUANT_DEFAULT/HDMI_FC_AVICONF2_RGB_QUANT_FULL_RANGE/ works well for me on the old 1080p tv
18:02 mk01 cbxbiker61: did you do the command line param ?
18:02 cbxbiker61 not yet, but i can do that
18:03 cbxbiker61 also bumped my backlight from 50 to 63 % since the tv is old
18:03 deniska I tried to buy music on amazon once... it said I can't do that in my country
18:03 mk01 :))
18:03 deniska Well, you know who can give me music? thepiratebay :3
18:04 mk01 deniska: ok, this is known "problem
18:04 mk01 "
18:04 midacts deniska: won't law enforcement come knocking on your door for that?
18:04 mk01 but actually Apple took it to perfection
18:04 mk01 shop is available to my country
18:04 mk01 nice
18:04 deniska midacts: no
18:05 mk01 I can buy, nice
18:05 deniska at least not now in this country :3
18:05 deniska Apple's itunes suck because, well, itunes
18:05 mk01 so I choose album - go to payment - not possible. record is not in my country's shop
18:05 mk01 :)))
18:05 deniska google music is actually nice
18:06 mk01 did google succeeded in copying the iTunes iCloud service
18:06 mk01 ?
18:06 deniska it's much cheaper (at least here), you don't need any software besides browser and it gives you album to download in zip file =)
18:07 deniska I'm not sure what icloud is
18:07 cbxbiker61 mk01, yeah i think i'll do a param where 0=default, 1=fullrange and 2=limitedrange
18:09 deniska random cubox photo =)
18:09 mk01 deniska: the concept of downloading to a static location was abandoned.
18:10 deniska What? I love my static locations :3
18:13 mk01 deniska: I imported my 25t records and removed.
18:21 smark_ I need some help setting up a remote control in Arch Linux...
18:22 smark_ ...I'm quite confused by the seemingly disparate instructions found on the Cubox-i forums and the web.
18:22 smark_ For starters: what packages do I need to install?
18:23 cbxbiker61 lirc is the most common
18:24 smark_ Okay, so is lirc installation mandatory for use of remote with XBMC?
18:24 smark_ (I've read on the web that LIRC is outdated)
18:25 cbxbiker61 maybe, but it works great form me on cubox's
18:26 smark_ Okay, so I installed packages "lirc" and "lirc-utils". What now?
18:27 cbxbiker61 if your using mce remote..
18:27 cbxbiker61 ls -l
18:27 cbxbiker61 total 40
18:27 cbxbiker61 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 48 May 4 03:21 lircd.conf -> /usr/share/lirc/remotes/mceusb/lircd.conf.mceusb
18:27 cbxbiker61 that's /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
18:28 smark_ Nope. It's a custom remote. I have to generate my own lirc.conf using irrecord, right?
18:28 cbxbiker61 the make sure it gets started as per /usr/sbin/lircd -n -d /dev/lirc0
18:28 deniska smark_: yes
18:28 deniska I failed to do that though
18:28 deniska Well, it kinda recorded
18:29 deniska but when I tried to test it with testing utility, it detected every button as KEY_PLAY
18:29 deniska probably I did something wrong or I have weird remote =)
18:29 mk01 deniska: because Apple RC is sending two bits
18:29 mk01 like HI code and LO code
18:29 smark_ Okay, so after I've generated the lirc.conf (I've did that before in a different system), what do I do?
18:29 deniska Hm, it's not apple remote
18:30 mk01 UHM. where have I seen this info? lol :)) i'm imagining things
18:32 mk01 smark: you need to create the RC irrecord file
18:32 mk01 then this needs to be included in lircd.conf
18:33 mk01 then you starts lircd
18:33 mk01 you can check with "irw"
18:33 deniska (in arch: systemctl enable lirc, systemctl start lirc)
18:33 mk01 if KEYs are properly generated when pressed buttons
18:34 mk01 if they are
18:34 mk01 you have to let XBMC know about your RC (define key map file)
18:35 mk01 or just put your RC as alias to any other existing
18:35 mk01 (if you mapped with irrecord to "common" key names like KEY_LEFT, KEY_OK ... etc)
18:36 smark_ mk01: thanks for help! I'm trying your instructions right now. Will report soon...
18:42 smark_ Okay, I've just created /etc/lirc/lircd.conf and started LIRC. Running irw was also successful!
18:44 mk01 check /usr/local/share/xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml
18:45 smark_ mk01: On my system, XBMC files are installed under /usr/share/xbmc
18:45 mk01 by using YOURRCNAME you can reuse already mapped RC
18:45 mk01 ok then /usr/share/xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml
18:46 smark_ Are you referring to the element under ?
18:47 mk01 no any particular
18:47 mk01 what are your button names ?
18:48 smark_ I used the button names from "irrecord -l". Example: KEY_OK, KEY_LEFT, KEY_PLAY, etc
18:49 mk01 do you have the part like in this .xml called "" ?
18:50 smark_ mk01: Yes, it's under the element
18:50 mk01 ok, the n under this line
18:50 mk01 create new
18:51 mk01 YOURRCNAME
18:51 mk01 restart XBMC
18:51 smark_ Ah, okay. I think I get it. Let me explain how i think this works...
18:53 smark_ 1) LIRC sends XBMC an event indicating the name of the remote (as indicated in the "name" parameter in lircd.conf) and a key (for example KEY_PLAY).
18:53 smark_ 2) XBMC checks under the with the same name for the key.
18:54 mk01 exactly
18:54 smark_ 3) If no such is found, then is used
18:54 smark_ 4) XBMC executes the action associated with the found key. Et voila!
18:54 mk01 yup
18:55 smark_ Just one thing that's got me worried:
18:55 smark_ Won't Lircmap.xml be replaced next time I update Arch's XBMC package?
18:55 mk01 so you get translation from any UNKNOWN -> LIRC standard -> application internal ACTIONS
18:55 mk01 yes it will
18:55 smark_ Is there a way to define a local version?
18:55 mk01 so you edit and test
18:56 mk01 if it works, copy the relevant part to extra file
18:56 mk01 and put into user .xbmc/userdata/Lircmap.xml file
18:57 smark_ mk01: which distro are you using?
18:57 mk01 XBian
18:57 smark_ I've been meaning to try XBian, but I couldn't find a package list
18:57 smark_ to see if the packages i want (hostapd, etc) are available
18:57 mk01 package list ?
18:58 smark_ Yes, list of binary packages available for Xbian
18:59 mk01 smark: XBian is not "custom" bundle. It's core is "live" Debian system with apt & all repositories
19:00 mk01 (as valid for the actual core system)
19:01 smark_ Does that mean *all* Debian packages are available in Xbian?
19:01 mk01 yes
19:02 mk01 including updates / upgrades and dist-upgrades
19:02 smark_ That's cool, cause I run Debian on my laptop, and I'm more familiar with it...
19:02 smark_ And what about all the Cubox-i specific stuff?
19:02 smark_ Under Arch they have a bunch of imx6-specific packages
19:03 mk01 yes, it's simillar
19:03 smark_ Okay, I'll give XBian a try then...
19:04 mk01 XBian adds additional repo and maintains own .debs from them
19:04 smark_ Last I checked the XBian thread in the Cubox-i forum, someone (you?) said that a new image would be available soon...
19:05 mk01
19:05 smark_ Does that include the latest kernel and out-of-the-box support for the Cubox-i?
19:05 mk01 yes
19:06 smark_ It would be nice if were public.
19:06 smark_ (So one can check for newer images)
19:07 smark_ Just one question: what version of Debian are we talking about?
19:07 mk01 smark: that is not needed at all
19:07 mk01 as you update through "apt-get update & upgrade" or GUI respectively
19:07 mk01 Jessie
19:08 smark_ Yes, but my Internet connection is slow. So before I install for the first time, I would like to have the latest version...
19:08 mk01 smark: there is no newer img that from today
19:08 mk01 ;)
19:09 smark_ Yeap. i'll give that one a try then! Thanks for all the help!!! :-)
19:09 mk01 of course including todays Jessie package versions
19:09 mk01 you are welcome
19:09 jnettlet mk01, how is the debian packaging going? Any chance of them accepting it upstream?
19:10 mk01 jnettlet: I have no info about that.
19:10 jnettlet bummer
19:11 smark_ mk01: Refresh my memory: does Jessie use systemd by default?
19:11 mk01 Jessie still use sysv by default
19:12 mk01 Xbian uses upstart (init.d subsystem still works for backcompatibility)
19:12 mk01 and in general Debian slowly moves to systemd
19:13 smark_ I've been having my first experience with systemd in Arch on the Cubox-i, and I'm loving it!
19:13 mk01 yesterdays update to policykit installed systemd as dependency . but if you use other startup mechanism systemd is not forced
19:13 mk01 just as additional compat layer
19:13 cbxbiker61 yes systemd is awesome, i've been using it since it's early days
19:14 mk01 cbxbiker61: heh. I'm upstart "fan"
19:14 cbxbiker61 the control you have on big servers with systemd is very useful
19:15 cbxbiker61 ok, i just put a 150Mbit usb wifi on my cubox-i, now to see how it handles blu-ray rips
19:16 mk01 cbxbiker61: don't have such experiences to compare. but for home system upstart is VERY easy to understand for user and powerfull at the same time. one can actually write automated system with it without any programming experience
20:37 mk01 deniska, do you use xbmctorrent ?
20:37 deniska no