IRC log of #cubox of Fri 16 May 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

10:19 qDr Hi all!
10:20 qDr Anyone online?
10:22 cbxbiker61 whats up?
10:23 qDr Hi! Was wondering if anyone got the CEC working on Arch+XBMC
10:23 cbxbiker61 i don't know
10:24 qDr Which distro/setup do you use?
10:25 cbxbiker61 i used geexbox initially, then i ported to my own xilka distro, i haven't tested cec yet, i imagine i'll get to that in the next week or so
13:01 smark_ Hey guys, I'm having a problem with the new XBian image:
13:02 smark_ Has anyone been able to mount the second partition (Btrfs?) on a regular Linux PC?
13:29 smark_ Has anyone tried the new XBian image?
15:05 smark_ Hi. Has anyone had any success with the new XBian image?
15:20 smark_ Any XBian users out there?
16:09 smark_ Has anyone had any success with the new XBian image?
16:33 smark_ Anyone?
17:33 hste jnettlet: does your kernel have the latest galcore from 1.0.0ga?
17:37 smark_ Any XBian users out there?
18:10 jnettlet hste, there weren't any changes that I saw to the newest release.
18:13 hste jnettlet: does your gitkernel diff much from the kernel on solidrun?
18:20 smark_ Has anyone had any success with the new XBian image?
18:27 jnettlet hste, right now there are some changes I need to send a pull request for.
18:27 jnettlet I am still working on the new one
19:49 l1l any way to get ubuntu 14.04 on the cubox-i4 ?
20:14 hste jnettlet: using your kernel on my gk802 :) working well
20:24 jnettlet hste, great!
20:27 hste jnettlet: only I couldn't get rtl8192cu in the config