IRC log of #cubox of Sun 18 May 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

17:08 Peio hey, I was wondering if xbmc is still actively supported on the cubox
17:08 Peio I found a git but it seems not updated anymore
17:11 Coolgeek try geexbox or openelec
17:11 Coolgeek there is image for cubox
17:13 Peio ok
17:16 Peio anyone with an i1 that uses OE or xbmc ?
17:17 rabeeh Peio: i haven't tried OE on CBi1; but previosuly tried GeexBox on it
17:18 sraue bad answer... :-)
17:18 Peio does it work well rabeeh ? with 1080p videos ?
17:18 Peio i'm looking for something a little more powerful than the rpi, mine has trouble with high bitrate videos
17:20 sraue i would buy the CuBox-i2eX see (if its already avaible)
17:22 Peio got any experience with a similar box sraue?
17:22 sraue only with the i4, but i think the difference is not very big between the i4 and i2ex
17:23 Peio does the i4 handle high bitrate x264 videos without issues?
17:34 rabeeh sraue: i'm saying that not because of preference :)
17:34 rabeeh sraue: even the cbi1 should be powerful
17:36 Peio even with videos up to 20mbs ?
17:37 rabeeh Peio: davorin on the irc (he is not here) was able to stream blu ray
17:37 rabeeh this is typically 35Mbps VES streams
17:39 Peio on an i1 ?
17:40 Peio do you know if he used geexbox/OE ?
17:40 rabeeh Peio: both are available; i think xbian also supports i1 now
17:40 rabeeh it's basically the u-boot SPL code that decides which machine it's running on
17:42 Peio you lost me there :p
17:42 Peio that's impressive if even an i1 can play that kind of videos
17:42 rabeeh ok; the boot loader is u-boot
17:42 rabeeh u-boot has a piece of code called SPL; that code autodetects the board it's running on and accordingly configures things; including the kernel DT file, memory configuration and others
17:43 rabeeh the idea is having a single image for all CuBox-i versions (and also HummingBoard)
17:43 Peio ok
17:43 Peio do you know if davorin hangs out here sometimes ?
17:44 Peio I'm pretty good at idling :p so I might wait around to ask him a few questions
17:46 rabeeh looking at the log; he hasn't been around for few days
17:51 Peio ok
17:51 Peio well thanks for the infos :)
17:53 rabeeh Peio: the only issue we had in i1; and was fixed on LK 3.0.35 and needs to be refixed in LK 3.10.x is that upscaling movies from lower resolutions to 1080p (the native TV) makes some internal buffer underruns
17:54 rabeeh namely IPU to DDR buffer underruns; that was fixed by changing the DDR QoS of the IPU on 3.0.35 (and now needs to be fixed again on LK 3.10.x)
17:54 rabeeh that fix is important for i1 (32bit DDR)
17:54 Peio ok
18:00 Coolgeek Peio: qhat video are you planning to use ?
18:08 Peio well movies, tv shows, etc