IRC log of #cubox of Sat 14 Jun 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

05:34 GAZ082 hi guys. i'm having trouble detecting my own wifi network with my cubox-i 4. i do detect others but not mine
13:13 flooo Hi guys, I'm running 3.10.30-20-ARCH on cubox-i4p and Xorg runs at 1280x720, but in uEnv I configured 1920x1080
13:31 jnettlet flooo, can you post the output of dmesg and your Xorg log
13:36 flooo sure
13:36 flooo dmesg:
13:37 flooo Xorg.0.log:
13:40 jnettlet flooo, sorry your kernel commandline is cut off in dmesg. can you cat /proc/cmdline and post that.
13:40 jnettlet Xorg sees your framebuffer is being set to 1280x720 as the default and using that
13:41 flooo /proc/cmdline: console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait rw
13:42 jnettlet flooo, okay so it isn't using your 1920x1080 modeline from uEnv.txt
13:42 jnettlet cat you post the output of that please
13:43 flooo /boot/uEnv.txt: mcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait rw console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1 consoleblank=0 video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24,bpp=32 dmfc=3
13:45 jnettlet flooo, are you using a custom uboot script to load that?
13:46 jnettlet okay well it looks like it isn't working
13:46 flooo there's no scr in /boot
13:46 jnettlet okay, so it is using my default u-boot script then
13:47 jnettlet try using mmcargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait rw console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1 consoleblank=0 video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24,bpp=32 dmfc=3
13:49 flooo I should've started IRC on another machine...
13:49 flooo :D
13:50 flooo I have to reboot see you in a bit
13:52 flooo re
13:52 flooo jnettlet: now I have 1920x1080 working
13:52 flooo :)
13:53 jnettlet great!
13:53 jnettlet enjoy
13:53 flooo I can also see the systemd messages on bootup again
13:55 flooo Thanks a million!
13:56 jnettlet np
13:57 flooo Is that the way it should be or is it just a workaround and there's a better way to fix it?
14:03 jnettlet flooo, until we switch to KMS/DRI that is the best way to set the resolution
14:04 flooo Ok I see, thanks
14:06 flooo Is there a plan to switch to KMS?
14:10 suihkulokki
14:10 suihkulokki can someone answer the mail about dtb files and cubox ?
14:11 jnettlet suihkulokki, what is the problem?
14:12 jnettlet the -6q dts files cover the 6q and 6d, the 6dl covers the 6dl and 6s variants.
14:15 suihkulokki that's what he asked to be confirmed
14:16 jnettlet suihkulokki, okay. The .dts files actually say what they support in the model field
16:06 GAZ082 hello there. :)
16:14 gabriel__ hi
16:21 GAZ082 hi gabe
16:21 GAZ082 i'm Gabriel as well :)
16:22 gabriel__ How lucky you are ;)
16:25 GAZ082 ;)
16:25 GAZ082 lets see if you can help me out with this one. my cubox does not detect my own wireless network
16:26 GAZ082 it does detect others ,but not mine
16:26 GAZ082 do you know any limitation on the wifi?
16:42 gabriel__ I don't... it's a 5.5? or 2.5?
16:43 gabriel__ I've seen that my 5.5 network was not detected in my work place.
16:46 GAZ082 2.5
16:46 GAZ082 i found a wifi dongle
16:46 GAZ082 will try with it
16:57 GAZ082 damn, my crappy dongle is no properly supported
17:21 flooo what channel is you WLAN running at?
17:21 flooo GAZ082
17:22 flooo and yes cubox-i has no 5GHz antenna
17:22 GAZ082 flooo: channel 12
17:22 GAZ082 flooo: 2' mhz
17:23 GAZ082 flooo: 20 mhz width
17:23 flooo I've also had problems with detecting WLAN Channel > 11
17:24 flooo please try again with another channel <= 11
17:25 GAZ082 will do
17:25 flooo which kernel version are you running?
17:25 GAZ082 3.10
17:25 flooo ok. should be fine
17:25 GAZ082 3.10.30-20-ARCH
17:26 flooo brcm-firmware installed?
17:26 GAZ082 flooo: yes
17:26 GAZ082 flooo: yay! detected!
17:26 GAZ082 flooo: channel 10
17:26 GAZ082 flooo: but now i get connection error :(
17:27 flooo oh.. maybe a typo in passphrase? :P
17:28 GAZ082 flooo: mmm, no, looks like i used a strange name for the connection file. Changed from (=^.^=) Can I Haz Wi-Fi? to wifi and got no error
17:28 GAZ082 flooo: fuck yea, it connected
17:28 flooo GAZ082: :D nice one
17:28 GAZ082 flooo: *high five
17:29 GAZ082 flooo: should i upgrade to 3.14 kernel?
17:29 GAZ082 flooo: any cool advantage? or bug solved'
17:30 flooo I'm not sure. I'm also running 3.10.30-20-ARCH
17:30 GAZ082 flooo: best gpu driver?
17:30 GAZ082 flooo: im planning to run xbmc
17:30 flooo could you do me a favour and check your wifi speed?
17:31 flooo haven't testet xbmc on arch so far
17:31 flooo When using xbmc I'm running geexbox
17:32 GAZ082 flooo: i will, as soon as i get ssh working, for some reason its taking time to ssh
17:32 flooo currently I have arch with mate desktop installed
17:33 GAZ082 mmm, it just hangs with no message
17:33 flooo try to disable dns on the sshd that should speed up the connection attempts
17:34 flooo
17:35 flooo I think "UseDNS no" should be sufficient
17:35 flooo GAZ082: are you connected now?
17:36 GAZ082 flooo: gimme a sec, irebooted my mighty KRAKEN
17:37 GAZ082 will change the config as you suggested...
17:38 flooo this is the fist thing I do when installing sshd :)
17:38 flooo *first
17:41 GAZ082 flooo: ;) im in!
17:41 GAZ082 lets transfer something now....
17:41 GAZ082 ill do two tests
17:41 GAZ082 one on my desktop which is 1 meter from the router
17:42 GAZ082 and a second one from the living room, inside a box
17:42 GAZ082 under the telly
17:42 GAZ082 where i plan to use it everyday
17:43 GAZ082 lets see lets see... Alien 1979 seems good choice...
17:44 flooo something that's not encrypted maybe (http or ftp)
17:45 flooo because I have the problem that my wifi speed is limited to 500KiB. I tried some fixes, but none was working.
17:46 GAZ082 ill try a scp copy
17:47 flooo THis could be a bug in the driver like the channel > 11 thing
17:49 GAZ082 flooo: give me a sec, gotta take a crap, cant hold it anymore
17:49 GAZ082 :D
17:53 flooo tmi...
18:01 GAZ082 im back
18:02 GAZ082 flooo: 1.3...
18:02 GAZ082 flooo: 1.0...
18:03 GAZ082 flooo: 600 kb...
18:03 GAZ082 flooo: yes, its about 500 kb/s
18:03 GAZ082 flooo: sucks
18:04 GAZ082 flooo: im so pissed
18:13 flooo damn!
18:14 flooo ok, but on the other hand I'm not the only one having this problem
18:15 flooo bcrm_sdio still seems to have some issues
18:16 flooo If I could I would buy broadcom a ticket to the moon without return...
18:16 Artox oh they are not that bad
18:16 Artox I'd buy that only for imgTec
18:18 GAZ082 FML bought the wrong HDMI cable
18:19 flooo they are. most broadcom chips have issues. they're not creating open source drivers.. even their propritary drivers have issues.
18:21 flooo whenever I have the choice I'd go with TI or marvell
18:22 GAZ082 how do i auto start wifi on boot?
18:24 flooo with or without gui?
18:25 GAZ082 forget it, found it. :D
18:25 GAZ082 netctl enable profile
18:44 GAZ082 mmm, some times my USD drive does not kick it on startup
18:44 GAZ082 is there anything i can do to prevent it?
18:54 GAZ082 flooo: did you open a thread at cubox forums for your wifi speed?
19:57 flooo GAZ082: No I didn't
21:51 GAZ082 flooo: do it and i'll join your cause
22:05 Artox \o everyone
22:05 Artox I was wondering where I can get libfslvpuwrap-1.0.46.bin
22:05 Artox the one that yocto uses
22:09 Artox hah
22:09 Artox foiund it :)
22:09 Artox
22:09 Artox I wonder why tehy show an error page for this folder, if one wnats to view teh content :/