IRC log of #cubox of Tue 01 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

05:48 Ghost9 anyone have the latest kernel working on the cubox?
05:55 jnettlet Ghost9, 3.16-rc1?
05:55 jnettlet you need to have _rmk_'s patchset
06:17 Ghost9 sure
06:18 Ghost9 jnettlet: yes, that will do
06:21 Ghost9 anyone have the latest stable kernel working on the cubox? thx
10:25 milissa
10:33 julpec hello, I have a cubox-i2 but I don't know how to make it work. Wich distro is working on it because Xbian and OpenElec is not working (in reference to this pages :
10:33 julpec ?
10:39 wbx julpec: working for xbmc?
10:39 julpec wbx: I don't know... I tried Debian for cubox-i but doesn't work
10:40 julpec I try to dd the image of openelec and I will try it
10:41 julpec but I would like to know which distro is known to work on this device
10:46 julpec ok, booting on openelec
10:46 julpec good !!! for now, I have to make it work with Debian
10:46 julpec bye
15:18 esin Hi, I noticed that the HB specs don't mention the 470 Mbps Gigabit limitation as the cubox-i does, but that will also apply to HB right?
15:18 esin
15:20 jnettlet esin, that 470Mbps limitation was actually a Freescale limitation.
15:21 jnettlet great to some driver reworking by rmk we have been able to achieve throughput up to around 700Mbps in RX and about 540 in TX
15:24 esin That sounds great. I suppose the driver works both for the freescal imx6 of the cubox-i4 quad and the HB? If I understand correctly the Freescale processor of the HB is seperatetly with the microsom board?
15:26 esin Do I have to recompile the kernel myself with the driver by rmk or is the driver already within current cubox-i image releases such as archlinux_arm
15:26 jnettlet yes they have the same hardware
15:26 jnettlet the driver is upstream. The changes will be in the next 3.10 stable release
15:28 rabeeh_ esin: yes. same hardware
15:34 esin Awesome, thanks
15:50 bencoh jnettlet: was a limitation ?
15:51 bencoh you mean it's not a hardware one ?
15:58 rabeeh_ bencoh: was and still
15:58 bencoh hm I dont get it then
15:58 rabeeh_ i.MX6 has internal buses limitation when it comes to 1000Mbps interface; depending on the kernel and the master mind behind that driver; performance can be up to 470Mbps, or up to 700Mbps; but never 1000Mbps
15:59 bencoh hm ... okay
15:59 bencoh I guess I should git log for details ?
16:55 esin It's great that there is now also a german distributor for HB and cubox-i with the advantage that he has e.g. the cubox i4 on stock and I don't have to wait that long for the delivery
17:05 jnettlet esin, do they ship to the rest of EU?
17:07 esin jnettlet, Yes, but that costs 18,45 Euro for delivery instead of 6,5� then
17:07 esin
17:07 rabeeh esin: regardless we don't have waiting list anymore :)
17:07 rabeeh we are shipping from stock from a week or so; basically all the HB launch was delayed in order not to get into situation we have long waiting list and we launch a new product
17:08 jnettlet rabeeh, have you announced that to the forums yet?
17:09 rabeeh oh; not yet
17:14 rabeeh welcome back malte
17:41 malte :)
17:41 wbx hi malte
17:41 malte hi
17:57 davorin interesting embedded conference it was....
17:57 davorin lots of i.mx6 boards.....industrila only though...
18:04 rabeeh davorin: hey
18:04 rabeeh did you show off your boards? :)
18:04 davorin heya rabeeh
18:04 davorin yes (o;
18:04 davorin quite impressed they were...
18:04 davorin so i think i need to push into industrial field....
18:04 rabeeh HB supports that
18:04 davorin btw: minic-pcie wlan/bt adapters shipped just before..
18:04 rabeeh chip wise :)
18:05 rabeeh great !
18:05 davorin you should get automatic emails when new tracking info is available...
18:05 rabeeh i wonder how 11ac will behave on the mini pcie
18:05 davorin no picture though with abroad shipping ;-)
18:05 davorin that's only locally possible (o;
18:07 davorin now you received an emial (o;
18:10 davori 18:10 * davorin back to lab repair (o;
18:42 rabeeh
18:42 rabeeh
21:22 esin Hm, I guess 16GB microSD should suffice for the arm OS with root / and /home on it. Though 32GB are cheaper now it's probably not needed
21:23 esin 32GB 15,5� and 16GB 11�
22:33 curlymo anyone here that can help me with a hummingboard?
22:34 cbxbiker61 what's the question?
22:34 curlymo a few
22:34 curlymo 1. does it have m-sata and mini-pcie?
22:34 davorin_mbp yes...
22:35 jnettlet curlymo, the pro version has both
22:35 curlymo which one is which?
22:35 jnettlet the mini-pcie only fits half height cards
22:35 davorin_mbp
22:35 curlymo so the one on top is pice?
22:35 jnettlet The pro version is the one with msata and mpcie, the non-pro doesn't have those features
22:36 curlymo thanks
22:36 jnettlet so the i2eX has the features you are looking for
22:36 curlymo but as i asked. Is the one on top therefor pcie?
22:37 jnettlet yep.
22:37 jnettlet it is half height
22:39 curlymo 2. I don't have a HDMI capable device so i want to use a HDMI to VGA adapter but when i do i end up in a reboot loop
22:40 jnettlet with Android or Linux?
22:40 curlymo linux
22:40 curlymo XBian
22:41 curlymo but i don't think i even get past the u-boot stage
22:43 jnettlet does u-boot flash an image onto the screen?
22:43 jnettlet it provides just a very standard VESA 1024x768 framebuffer
22:43 curlymo no, my monitor complains about the resolution
22:43 curlymo it's only 1680x1050
22:44 jnettlet ah, yeah uboot won't work with that
22:44 jnettlet but it should still boot the kernel
22:44 curlymo i never see any image because of the resolution issue. I only notice the reboot loop
22:45 jnettlet do you have a serial cable you can use to debug?
22:45 curlymo yes. But then first the third question :)
22:45 curlymo It's about GPIO
22:46 jnettlet okay
22:47 curlymo 3. The wiki says the Hummingboard is pin compatible with the Raspberry Pi. However, when i simply attach a led to (the assumed) pin 17 and try to turn it on by using the userspace functions in /sys/class nothing happens. If i want to set GPIO 17 to 1 it stays 0
22:51 jnettlet curlymo, pin 17 is not configured as a GPIO by default.
22:52 curlymo what do you mean by that?
22:52 jnettlet the pins are all muxed. The pins that are default GPIO's are pin 7,11,12,13,15,16,18,22
22:53 curlymo do these numbers reflect the BCM numbering as used in the Raspberry Pi?
22:53 jnettlet in /sys/class/gpio they correspond to gpio numbers 1,73,72,71,70,194,195,67
22:54 curlymo but pin 18 is at the same location as on the Raspberry Pi?
22:54 jnettlet yes
22:56 curlymo also doesn't work
22:56 curlymo what i just do is
22:56 curlymo echo 195 > /sys/class/gpio/export
22:57 curlymo echo out > /sys/class/gpio195/direction
22:57 curlymo echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio195/value
22:57 curlymo the led is connected to BCM pin 18
23:06 rabeeh curlymo: what is the expecation here?
23:07 rabeeh i mean what is the best end user experience in your mind?
23:08 curlymo that the led is turned on
23:09 curlymo if i can get that to work than all advanced GPIO stuff will work as well....
23:31 curlymo Any ideas?
23:35 jnettlet curlymo, I will test more tomorrow. That all sounds correct and I know other people are using the GPIO's successfully.
23:35 jnettlet can you catch up with me tomorrow night?
23:35 curlymo i'll see
23:35 curlymo back to the serial question
23:35 curlymo are those also the same pins as on the Raspberry Pi?
23:43 curlymo and what are the settings for the serial connection: 115200, 1n8, no flow control?