IRC log of #cubox of Wed 02 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

23:59 curlymo ?
00:29 curlymo helpdesk still open?
09:17 bewees Hi, which OS do you recommend for cubox-i? I have good experience with arch, but for a server I'd prefere another OS, because arch requires to update/upgrade manually
09:31 bewees Hm I guess arch is still the best way to go. So I just automatic upgrades and check regulary if it worked
09:31 kgp For a server,debian?
10:24 jnettlet I would recommend debian over ubuntu right now
10:27 nik^spotify I'm also running debian, it was a bit of a bitch to get installed but it's overall quite nice
10:36 jnettlet debian is also our first targeted distribution to get support official accepted into
11:09 kgp How is the graph. accel. going on debian?
11:09 kgp My experience, for desktop/server archilinux and debian are the most stable.
15:47 jmontleon have someone complaining that the kernels I've built (3.14, 3.15, 3.16) aren't working with their HDCP monitor if they boot with it plugged in. If they boot without it plugged in they can get 1024x768 to display. Is there something that needs to be done (kernel option, kernel cmdline opt, etc.) to get the cubox-i working with an HDCP monitor at 1920x1080?
15:54 jnettlet jmontleon, none that I can think of. Without drm debug output it is near impossible to know what is going on
15:54 jmontleon ok - i can built him a custom kernel and try to get that if he is willing
15:54 jmontleon thanks
15:56 curlymo hi, do i need to use heatsinks on the hummingboard?
15:57 jnettlet curlymo, not with any of the shipped microsoms
15:58 jnettlet you may want a small heatsink for the dual if you are going to push the GPU for extended periods of time.
15:58 jnettlet rabeeh, what are your recommendations ^^
15:58 curlymo This is the output of "cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input"
15:58 curlymo 74192
15:58 jnettlet yep that is nothing
15:58 jnettlet thermal limiting should kick in around 90C
15:59 curlymo if i plan to use heatsinks, will that void warranty?
15:59 jnettlet curlymo, and I have verified the GPIO's aren't working properly with the 3.10 kernel. I will get a fix out for that
15:59 curlymo great and not so great because i can't port pilight without them :)
16:00 jnettle 16:00 * jnettlet can't comment on the warranty
16:00 curlymo ok
16:00 curlymo next question
16:00 jnettlet curlymo, it won't take long.
16:00 curlymo how can i read the IR sensor
16:00 curlymo is it connected to a specific gpio pin?
16:02 curlymo also something you guys may want to know
16:02 curlymo i got the HDMI to VGA working :)
16:02 curlymo Malte said it shouldn't work but it does
16:03 curlymo what i needed was video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1280x720@60,if=RGB565
16:04 jnettlet curlymo, it shouldn't be a problem. Sounds like it couldn't read the EDID from the adapter properly
16:04 curlymo the only issue left is that i have to connect the adapter when the kernel is booting. When i connect it earlier, it doesn't work.
16:05 curlymo any ideas on the IR receiver?
16:05 jnettlet interesting. at some point i will want to get debug output from you. Just don't have the time right now
16:06 curlymo you know were to reach me (as in mail address) :)
16:07 curlymo only issue is that i currently can't get debug output due to a serial issue
16:07 jnettlet curlymo, the ir receiver is accessible via /dev/lirc*
16:07 curlymo
16:08 curlymo i mean kernel wise
16:08 curlymo lirc has to create a socket in /dev/. What is it interfacing with?
16:08 jnettlet GPIO's
16:08 curlymo which GPIO?
16:09 jnettlet curlymo, you need to look at the kernel source, in /arch/arm/boot/dts/ are the device-tree files which describe the hardware
16:10 curlymo isn't this something that should be in the general documentation?
16:10 curlymo with the Raspberry Pi, i can just connect it to a GPIO and let the lirc_rpi kernel module create the /dev/lirc* sockets
16:10 jnettlet it is on the schematics as well if you prefer
16:11 jmontleon ah, nice. no need to rebuild, just drm.debug=
16:11 jnettlet the ir receiver is hard connected on the board though
16:11 jnettlet jmontleon, yep
16:11 curlymo i know, but how do i read it
16:11 curlymo that's what i want to know
16:11 jmontleon I asked for it - if he responds I'll pastebin it; im sure I'll have no clue :)
16:13 jnettlet the GPIO isn't exposed to userspace because it is being used by the IR receiver
16:14 curlymo then i do i interface with it?
16:14 curlymo this is the code in the kernel:
16:15 jnettlet generally lircd
16:15 curlymo no
16:16 curlymo i think i found it
16:16 curlymo gpio-73 (gpio-ir-recv ) in hi
16:17 jnettlet that is the status in the kernel's debugfs
16:20 curlymo yes
16:23 curlymo so the interface it here: /sys/bus/platform/devices/ir-receiver.22
16:23 curlymo then we need to tell lirc how to read it
16:27 jnettlet I am still not sure why you don't want to use the /dev/lirc* devices.
16:28 curlymo it seems that you don't know how lirc works when you keep asking me that
16:28 curlymo no offense
16:30 jnettlet I am quite competent in how lirc works. This has been working in Geexbox since the Carrier One board was released
16:31 curlymo the /dev/lircd is just an socket created by lirc
16:31 curlymo you can read that socket with any program you like
16:31 curlymo lirc however needs to be able to read raw codes from some sort of input device
16:32 curlymo without it, reading the /dev/lircd is useless
16:32 curlymo so you have
16:32 jnettlet I am not talking about /dev/lircd I am talking about /dev/lirc0 /dev/lirc1
16:32 curlymo yes
16:32 jnettlet they are created by the gpio_ir_recv kernel module
16:33 curlymo those don't exists
16:34 curlymo cat /proc/bus/input/devices
16:34 curlymo S: Sysfs=/devices/soc0/ir-receiver.22/rc/rc0/input0
16:34 curlymo mode2 --driver=devinput --device=/dev/input/event0
16:34 curlymo mode2: WARNING: can't get exclusive access to events coming from `/dev/input/event0' interface
16:34 curlymo This program does not work for this hardware yet
16:36 curlymo dmesg
16:36 curlymo [ 1.874635] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 246
16:36 curlymo [ 1.883418] input: gpio_ir_recv as /devices/soc0/ir-receiver.22/rc/rc0/input0
16:36 curlymo [ 1.887850] rc0: gpio_ir_recv as /devices/soc0/ir-receiver.22/rc/rc0
16:38 jnettlet do you have any IR codecs enabled/installed?
16:39 curlymo what do you mean by codecs?
16:39 jnettlet
16:40 jnettlet they tell the LIRC subsystem what type of IR signal it will be decoding
16:40 curlymo lirc_igorplugusb lirc_sasem lirc_sir lirc_zilog lirc_imon lirc_serial lirc_xbox
16:42 curlymo what i want is to just 'see' the raw interrupted pulses
16:42 curlymo with mode2
16:42 lioka curlymo: you need ir-lirc-codec, if you plan use lircd
16:43 curlymo but why can't i just use mode2 with some sort of input device?
16:44 lioka because from input device you get already decoded stuff
16:45 curlymo i know
16:45 curlymo but if mode2 doesn't work, lirc won't work either
16:48 curlymo when i load the ir-lirc-coded i get a /dev/lirc0
16:48 curlymo but still mode2 and irrecord don't work
17:00 Falcon1 So the original CuBox (Marvell Armada 510) has been discontinued? All links from the, new, solid-run site have been removed.
17:01 Falcon1 An discontinued section would have been nice.
17:05 Falcon1 Rabeeh you there?
17:33 rabeeh here
17:33 rabeeh Falcon1: there is an archive
17:33 rabeeh hold on
17:33 rabeeh
17:34 rabeeh
17:36 curlymo still can't get lirc to work :(
17:36 rabeeh curlymo: on LK 3.0.35 i typically cat /etc/lirc0
17:36 rabeeh on 3.10 i don't know if we have on the right gpio !
17:37 rabeeh curlymo: notice that you are one of the few that got the initial production HB 3.0 :)
17:37 rabeeh i'v got also questions from malte on heating?
17:37 curlymo yes
17:37 rabeeh so basically the HBs that were sent are without the heatisnk
17:37 curlymo mine doesn't have heatsinks and get HOT
17:38 rabeeh i'v told malte that heatsinks will be ready in 2 weeks; and will send you one
17:38 rabeeh for now anything you put on HB is good enough
17:38 curlymo malte told me i had to buy some myself
17:38 rabeeh i mean any self adhesive tiny heatsink will be good enough
17:38 curlymo ok
17:38 curlymo then leave it
17:38 curlymo i will use those
17:38 rabeeh curlymo: so; if you have a heatsink around then just put it
17:38 rabeeh 75c btw is nothing
17:38 bencoh c4i can get pretty hot as well
17:39 rabeeh the chip can get into 125c and then it will hard reset
17:39 curlymo @jnettlet confirmed the GPIO are also not working ingeneral
17:39 curlymo 3.10.30-g63976aa-dirty
17:39 rabeeh typically LK 3.10 and beyond have the default setting of 85c to 90c to lower the processor and gpu speed
17:40 rabeeh curlymo: if you want; you can switch to LK 3.0.35; GPIOs are already configured there !
17:40 curlymo does it have btrfs support?
17:40 rabeeh and IR already working (and mini pcie, msata, audio etc...)
17:40 rabeeh nop; btrfs should be on more recent kernels
17:40 rabeeh i think mk01 has patched btrfs on xbian
17:40 rabeeh curlymo: what do you think about wiringpi?
17:40 curlymo not sure if 3.0.35 is available on XBian
17:41 rabeeh it's not
17:41 curlymo i use wiringpi on the Raspberry Pi for pilight
17:41 curlymo planning to patch it a little to work on the HB
17:44 curlymo what is the GPIO of the IR?
17:44 curlymo 73?
17:44 curlymo
17:44 curlymo requested 3.0.35
17:46 curlymo can't i read the specific gpio of the IR with C for now?
17:46 curlymo or use the lirc_rpi kernel module?
17:47 curlymo i also noticed that the latest kernel doesn't boot when serial is enabled
17:50 Falcon1 Thanks for the links. The old ones are still working. But no mention on the new website might be confusing. And the the original Cubox is/was fine product. SR should take pride in it
17:51 Falcon1 But production has stopped for the Marvell version right?
17:52 Falcon1 No chance for a Marvell Armada 510 SoM?
17:57 curlymo rabeeh, the website states the HB has a RTC option. How does that work?
17:57 rabeeh RTC is onboard but without batter
17:58 rabeeh RTC is onboard but without battery
17:58 curlymo how do i add the battery?
17:58 rabeeh tou have the white connector that you can bring your own battery
17:58 rabeeh the rtc is pcf8523 based
17:58 curlymo aha
17:58 rabeeh 3.3v works for sure
17:58 rabeeh i can't recall what's the max and min
17:58 rabee 17:58 * rabeeh checks
17:58 curlymo so that's what the white connector is for :)
17:59 rabeeh curlymo: yup; lots of wiki work ahead of us :)
18:00 rabeeh oh; wow
18:00 rabeeh vbat is 1.8v to 5.5
18:01 curlymo so my search for working GPIO and IR is useless with kernel 3.10.30?
18:01 curlymo then i will stop trying :)
18:04 rabeeh curlymo: i think it will take 1-2 weeks, close to the actual shipping dates until the dtbs are solid and run
18:04 rabeeh curlymo: i think it will take 1-2 weeks, close to the actual shipping dates until the dtbs are solid and ready
18:04 rabeeh curlymo: what's your project?
18:05 curlymo pilight
18:05 curlymo and xbian
18:05 curlymo my main project is pilight and i'm the manager of xbian
18:09 rabeeh oh; i missed the xbian part then !
18:09 rabeeh malte mentioned to me the pilight part !
18:10 curlymo i don't develop a lot on xbian
18:10 curlymo stopped as developer but did a lot a year ago
18:11 curlymo and sill make sure things go well
18:11 rabeeh curlymo: just the way around of what i have expected :)
18:11 curlymo what did you expect
18:11 rabeeh oh; debian packager :)
18:12 curlymo yes i once brought apt to xbian
18:12 rabeeh mk01 has done lots of work on xbian; but i think we need a push to get a full fledged Debian jessi distro on CBi/HB
18:12 curlymo what do you mean?
18:12 rabeeh even starting as non accelerated X is a good start
18:13 rabeeh curlymo: if you look at our forums; there have been lots of attempts on getting Debian Jessie on CBi
18:13 rabeeh there is also accelerated versions done by jas-hacks; but they all lack one major issue; they don't 'debootstrap'; due to that they can't be maintained.
18:14 curlymo mk01 is currently working on that
18:14 rabeeh yeah; i know
18:14 rabeeh he has disappeared from the channel for two weeks; i'v got worried :)
18:14 curlymo but as i said, my main focus on XBian is not developing
18:15 rabeeh but looking at github i see patches flowing every few hours :)
18:15 rabeeh curlymo: that's great too; i think you are a perfect test case to start things rolling out smoothly on HB
18:15 rabeeh HB is way different than CBi
18:15 curlymo the point is time :)
18:15 curlymo willing to test everything
18:16 rabeeh that's the spirit
18:16 curlymo but raspbian is not my focus
18:16 curlymo pilight and xbian is
18:16 curlymo mainly pilight
18:16 rabeeh we'll help as much as we can; every one that is willing to donate from his free time and promote OSS then we will provide free hardware (and a hug)
18:17 rabeeh well.. maybe not a hug; but hardware for sure
18:17 rabeeh curlymo: so if you know of projects to get things moving faster; that needs hardware; please let me know and we will queue them.
18:18 rabeeh curlymo: so pilight runs headless or headful?
18:18 rabee 18:18 * rabeeh disappears for 15m; please spam my IRC window
18:18 curlymo both
18:19 curlymo rabeeh: tell me when you're back
18:19 curlymo can be private
18:56 rabeeh curlymo: back
19:35 davorin some hf design experts here? (o;
20:16 rabeeh davorin: there was a master on the CBi forums
20:16 rabeeh i can't recall the thread; but we have briefly talked about clock generators and long term jitters :)
20:16 rabeeh oh; davorin not here..
21:45 cbxbiker61 i finally have 300Mbit wifi working reliably with my kernel, iperf indicates about 100Mbit/sec
21:53 malte great