IRC log of #cubox of Fri 04 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

03:02 Ghost9 wbx: not the cubox-i, but the cubox original
09:19 ttttjjjj did someone die. no one talke talke in here
09:22 ttttjjjj their you are kivutar where have you been
09:22 kivutar ttttjjjj, ??
09:23 ttttjjjj lol
09:27 kgp People are around
09:28 kgp what's up?
10:22 jnettlet everyone is pretty busy these days.
10:22 jnettlet what would you like to talk about?
10:29 wbx jnettlet: when do you update to latest 3.10 kernel? :)
10:31 jnettlet wbx, almost done :-) Was supposed to be yesterday but looking like today. Just trying to get some last patches tested.
10:32 jnettlet I know I have been saying that, but this time it is actually getting finished because we need it for the HB
10:32 jnettlet I got distracted by some Android stuff
10:33 jnettlet wbx, which distro are you running?
10:33 wbx jnettlet: self made. OpenADK.
10:34 wbx i would like to test xbmc, but that would require 3.10.x not 3.15.2
10:35 jnettlet wbx, I am almost finished with my upstream gpu/vpu support
10:35 jnettlet so you can choose
10:35 jnettlet will you be running on the framebuffer or via X?
10:37 jnettlet hmmm jmontleon still isn't back online yet
10:37 wbx jnettlet: ah, so gpu/vpu changes apply to 3.15/3.16?
10:37 wbx jnettlet: i will try frambuffer, like the rpi port
10:37 wbx rpi boots gotham in 17 seconds.
10:38 jnettlet My fastest time was 5seconds
10:39 wbx jnettlet: okay, I still have some optimization options.
10:40 wbx jnettlet: how you got it so fast? the bootloader alone needs 2-3 seconds
10:40 jnettlet I have implemented direct boot into the bootloader. It initializes memory and then jumps straight to the kernel
10:40 jnettlet bootloader takes about 300ms
10:41 wbx on rpi? or cubox-i?
10:41 jnettlet between 300 adn 400
10:41 jnettlet cbi
10:41 wbx ah, okay.
10:41 jnettlet I don't do rpi
10:41 wbx sure, I hope to get my cubox-i doing xbmc stuff. rpi is slow on bluray videos.
10:43 jnettlet I am sure
10:58 Coolgeek in a french website :
11:06 jnettle 11:06 * jnettlet turns to google translate for some insight
14:45 kgp The cool thing with Raspberry is the low cost, tutorials everywhere and supported software + hardware, shops that sell it.
14:45 kgp Cubox-I don't even support video acceleration correctly (without hack) as an example, and is more than 2x as expensive as a Raspberry.
14:45 kgp When you buy a card like this one... CPU power is often secondary... the "good old raspberry is good enough in many cases.
14:52 wbx kgp: but rpi is slow on blueray with dts hd
14:52 jnettlet kgp, what do you mean no video acceleration without a hack?
14:53 deniska Hard to get it play quake3 =)
15:00 kgp That's why the cubox-i is cool...
15:00 kgp yes
15:01 kgp But the hummingx targets another market.
15:02 kgp For ~$250, you can get a chromebox.
15:28 kgp Cubox I4 is 24 GFLOPS.
15:30 kgp Argh :( The GPU is capable of 1Gpixel/s, 1.5Gtexel/s or 24 GFLOPs of general purpose compute <- Raspberry
21:33 esin Hi
21:33 esin I tried systemd-networkd on my cubox-i, but it isn't assigning a static ipv4
21:35 esin This is how my network file looks like:
21:41 purch esin, not sure about your os and that file configs, bt that address line looks like network range? should it be the static IP?
21:42 purch esin: or is that dhcp server config?
21:42 esin purch, That's the right syntax which just says the IP is XY with the subnet /24
21:43 esin purch,
21:43 purch 5 years since last used Arch, let me see
21:43 esin systemd-networkd is quiet new
21:44 esin Released this year iirc
21:45 esin purch, What OS do yyou use for cubox
21:45 purch ubuntu
21:46 esin I think cubox is not officially supported in ubuntu?
21:49 malte hello
21:52 curlymo did anyone try the wandboard images on the CuBox or Hummingboard? The SOC is the same as on the HB...
21:52 malte no
21:55 purch esin should you put Address and Gateway also under [network]?
22:01 esin purch, You can do that but putting it seperated is more correct
22:02 esin purch, I'll try another tool then
22:05 purch esin your cubox hostname is user?
22:09 purch esin is in your dhcp range on dhcp server?
22:10 esin purch, Ohh ye that's my issue
22:10 esin I configured now netctl
22:10 esin I will try it again with systemd
22:11 esin purch, Hm well netctl works now fine
22:11 esin purch, But yes, my hostname was wrong
22:12 esin Thanks for the hint
22:13 purch np
22:13 purch now the soccer game
22:33 esin I got ""Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" when shutdown the cubox-i. How can I fix that?
22:37 GXD alguna q kiera chat