IRC log of #cubox of Sat 05 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

14:05 spoown Hello !
14:07 Artox Greetings to Belgium spoown
14:09 spoown Artox, thanks ! :)
14:10 spoown I got a question, I wanted to install xbmc on top of fedora , but still get the errors about opengl rendering, any idea may be ? I already once managed to install xbmc but it was not with fedora !
14:43 Artox spoown: idk xbmc, but opengl rendering ... well, is kinda problematic currently
14:45 Artox it seems to work with yocto, a specific debian image, but thats it afaik
15:22 spoown ls
15:23 Artox Celebrations everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
15:24 Artox I have got glxgears running under X11 using vivante GPU
15:24 Artox o/ o/ o/
15:24 Artox under E17 specifically
15:24 Artox I believe there is some opensuse-specific patch that breaks it
15:25 Artox I have built Xserver 1.14.3 without any patches now and it "just works"
15:25 spoown how did you install these glxgears drivers for X11 using vivante GPU ?
15:25 Artox the question I have is: am I really using the vivante gpu?
15:25 spoown seems to be a lucky one
15:25 Artox glxinfo says so
15:25 Artox I am jsut awesome :)
15:26 spoown :)
15:26 Artox I was workign very hard teh last weeks creating proper RPM packages with the vivante drivers
15:26 Artox and the xorg driver
15:26 Artox so I am using those now
15:26 Artox the packages are still not finished
15:26 Artox but its a start
15:26 spoown I would like to have them
15:27 Artox well
15:27 spoown I'm missing the vivante GPU driver !
15:27 Artox they *might* work with fedora
15:27 Artox idk
15:27 Artox
15:27 Artox thats the repository
15:27 Artox but then, Xorg may jsut freeze for you
15:27 Artox after all tahst what it did to me for weeks
15:28 spoown see nothing on the web page
15:28 Artox yea its hidden
15:28 Artox its a package repository
15:28 Artox zypper ar url name
15:28 Artox it might work with yum too
15:30 Artox but they are experimental
15:30 Artox I got quite a todo-list on them still
15:31 Artox not to mention finding out which patch breaks xorg
15:36 Artox