IRC log of #cubox of Sun 06 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

09:04 m_anish IS this the channel for cubox-i and hummingbird boards?
09:17 jnettlet m_anish, yes it is
09:17 jnettlet you made it
09:18 m_anish :-)
09:18 jnettlet how have you been?
09:18 m_anish jnettlet, sorry, was away a few days trekking in the mountains :-) ... getting back to it now.. I'll get a hold (hopefully) of the serial cable by today evening
09:18 m_anish for f20 on hummingbird.
09:19 jnettlet m_anish, oh great
09:19 jnettlet I am actually just finishing up the latest kernel release. Perfect timing
09:19 m_anish also if somebody has reliably got it to run on a more powerful version (like the i4 or i2).. I am probably looking to grab a couple of boards (atleast)...
09:20 m_anish atleast 2 (maybe 3) xo deployments need an XS(CE)
09:20 m_anish jnettlet, nice!
09:20 m_anish jnettlet, something for me to try yet?
09:20 jnettlet will you be running them from large SDHC cards or USB drives?
09:21 jnettlet not just yet. Still fighting with one last patchset
09:21 jnettlet and I haven't tested on the Carrier-1 boards yet
09:21 m_anish We'll have to figure that out ... If there is loads of content then it might be a (OS on microSD)+(content on hdd) type solution...
09:22 m_anish or if it makes more sense for everything to go into an mSATA (or something of that sort) SSD, then we'll go that way
09:23 m_anish but I think we're not there yet in terms of polish (to know what's best)... more of a prototype/MVP stage. .. so whatever is easiest to get up and running on.
09:23 m_anish jnettlet, ok (re: the kernel)
09:23 m_anish jnettlet, if you need me to run some smoke tests on the carrier one, lemme knw.
09:24 jnettlet okay well moving forward if we want an all in one we just need to find or have a case made.
09:24 m_anish +1
09:24 jnettlet The top end HB can use something like this for SATA
09:24 jnettlet of course the drives would need to be powered externally
09:25 m_anish In the mid-long term, I envision something with a battery+charging, storage, wifi (maybe) in a single case with the motherboard.
09:26 m_anish jnettlet, some variants even come with additional pins for power.. I don't have a link for that.
09:26 m_anish (rt now)
09:27 jnettlet m_anish, well I measured it out previously and a 5.25" drive case can easily hold a HB and 2.5" drive
09:28 m_anish nice
09:28 jnettlet one with a slide out tray should be easy enough to drill some extra holes in for mounting purposes
09:28 m_anish good enough for prototyping
09:48 cbxbiker61
09:48 cbxbiker61 a couple of videos, the second video is pretty snazzy
09:50 Artox these boards do look nice
09:51 cbxbiker61 rabeeh has crammed a ton of features on that small board
09:52 rabeeh cbxbiker61: yeah; it was 3d stacked
09:52 rabeeh lots of features uses the 3rd dimension to be mounted; for example mini pcie is on top of the power management devices
09:53 rabeeh SIM card beneath msata
10:26 m_anish jnettlet, I remembered that I had lent the serial cable to a friend (who was hacking on xo laptops at the time).. I'll get it back today evening (~6-8 hrs), so whenever you have the new kernel ready, please feel free to bug me.
10:26 jnettlet m_anish, will do
20:32 esing What's your cubox sd size?
21:31 GAZ082 hello there! anyone with kernel 3.15 with working WIFI? (cubox-i4)