IRC log of #cubox of Tue 08 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:59 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: you there?
01:14 Vanfanel Good night all :)
01:14 Vanfanel rabeeh: I read here -> that you guys sent hardware to the RetroArch people
01:15 Vanfanel rabeeh: So, did anything come out of it? Is Retroarch running in NON-X GLES2 mode in the HummingBoard?
01:19 GAZ082 crap, just upgraded the kernel to 3.10.47 and cant ssh anymore, port is ok, service is up and running
01:20 GAZ082 eth0 is up
01:39 cbxbiker61 GAZ082, what's up?
01:43 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: hi man, managed to get wifi back again thanks to you. :) now i upgraded to .47. does it do something to the firewall setup?
01:44 cbxbiker61 no, someone else had pretty much the same kind of problem but i don't remember the details
01:46 cbxbiker61 it may have been a module that didn't get loaded automatically, but i'm just guessing now
01:47 cbxbiker61 your system log is where you should look for anything abnormal
02:10 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: looks like the firewall is having hard time to launch
02:10 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: modprobe: FATAL: Module nf_conntrack_ftp not found.
02:12 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: modprobe: FATAL: Module nf_nat_ftp not found.
02:12 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: modprobe: FATAL: Module nf_conntrack_netbios_ns not found.
02:13 cbxbiker61 looks like i didn't have conntrack enable, i'll fix that and put a new rev out i a few
02:13 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: and how do i enale it?
02:13 GAZ082 *enable
02:14 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: or you have to recompile the kernel
02:14 cbxbiker61 all you have to do is wait for the newer version... then make sure you have removed the older downloaded files....then rerun the download/update script
02:16 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: will you upload the new ver today?
02:16 cbxbiker61 i've started it now, i'll be done in less than an hour
02:25 cbxbiker61 ok, it's done. but make sure you clear out the *3.10.47* files in the directory that you run
02:26 cbxbiker61 it only downloads the new versions when it doesn't find them on disk
04:38 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: ok, will try it now!
05:14 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: firewall is working now, great!
05:14 GAZ082 cbxbiker61: please dont forget to compile with that for the next time!
08:43 kgp
12:38 m_anish jnettlet, any word on the new fedora kernel..
12:38 m_anish jnettlet, btw, I wasn't able to get the serial cable.. but I do think I may be able to fashion one out... I have a USB-RS232 conv lying around.. isn't that what it essentially is?
14:30 tblah hi I have a question about cubox. Can it be run using only free software (free as in freedom)? How much is supported using free software?
14:33 rabeeh tblah: most of it yes; today there are three binary blobs -
14:33 rabeeh 1. gpu user space drivers
14:33 rabeeh 2. vpu firmware
14:33 rabeeh 3. and some ADMA firmware (mostly unused)
14:34 rabeeh the goal is having 100% software OSS running at least on the ARM processor
14:34 rabeeh meaning eliminating #1 above; and with that comes the etnaviv project
14:35 rabeeh vpu firmware is the video engine firmware; which provides hardware acceleration to decode
14:35 rabeeh video engine drivers sources (the drivers that runs on the ARM processor) are all available without any NDA from fsl
14:36 tblah thanks
14:36 rabeeh the low level drivers of the vpu (the part that runs on the ARM processor) are licensed in a manner that you can't directly modify them; but you can apply patches to them (i believe that's what Yocto on imx6 project does)
14:37 rabeeh so; bottom line is that once Etnaviv is sorted out and ready for prime time; then 100% source code will be available for the ARM processors !
14:38 rabeeh from my stand point of view; any one (literally) that is willing to donate his free time and experience to Etnaviv got a free CuBox-i (or HummingBoard)
14:38 rabeeh s/my/out === Solidrun
14:40 tblah rabeeh: thankyou this information has been useful. Looks like I will be making a purchase soon :)
14:58 rabeeh tblah: just notice that i'm not promising anything with regards Etnaviv; just setting expectations
14:59 rabeeh what i'm saying is that anyone that is willing to promote the project; then we can provide him hardware for his development
16:29 tblah rabeeh: I have free time but no experience with graphics drivers. Maybe once I get my cubox I could do testing for you?
16:34 jnettlet tblah, thanks for the offer. I will definitely take you up on it
22:29 idiomatic is this the place to go for a quick CuBox-i2 benchmark request? "openssl speed aes-128-cbc" at 8192, if you'd be so kind.
23:28 nik^spotify idiomatic: I can do it on an i4 for you
23:28 nik^spotify type 16 bytes 64 bytes 256 bytes 1024 bytes 8192 bytes
23:28 nik^spotify aes-128 cbc 29804.50k 33707.07k 35080.11k 35206.49k 35444.05k
23:28 idiomatic nik^spotify thanks. that's reassuring it can sustain 100Mbps.
23:29 nik^spotify idiomatic: spec table for i2/i4 (which you've probably seen already)
23:29 nik^spotify and np for the benchmark, not sure how different it would be on an i2, but I can't imagine it would be significantly slower on the i2
23:30 idiomatic yep, and i've built my own (use-case biased) comparison table:
23:30 nik^spotify nice
23:30 nik^spotify ah cool, quite complete